Explain to me how he was able to ride on hawk guy's arrow if he was 200lbs when small?

Explain to me how he was able to ride on hawk guy's arrow if he was 200lbs when small?

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Pym Particles.

Pym Particles. I ain't gotta explain shit

same shit like the Flash's Speedforce

Probably because it's a children's movie

>200lbs when small
What? Where are you getting this information?

same how he rode on a flying ant

something about mass retaining, which makes no sense because that woule make it harder for him to walk while small, but eh, is a comicbook movie

That combo attack was pretty good

Pimp articles

Movie doesn't give a fuck about consistency.

He goes small and his strong enough to punch out Black widow and drag her, goes big and can crush trucks by stepping on them, makes gas truck and can carry it like nothing.

The first movie explains that Ant-Man would have the force of 200 lb man packed into the tiny space he takes up when shrunken. Inversely, when he's giant, he should be exceptionally weak, because the same force of a 200 lb man is now spread over a larger area.

watch ant-man, read a comic, or look him up on wikipedia you retard

*is strong enough

He doesn't weight 200lbs. But he is as dense as his 200lb self.

Pym particles decrease/increase the normal distance between atoms. Basicly they add /remove mass by compressing/inflation force and energy. They are also extradimensional.

tldr it is fake science in a fiction movie that is pretty much magic.

He activated the 4d3d3d3

People (including comic-book writers) try to point at things that the Pym Particle can do, like make you maintain your mass while small, or retain the ability to exert force as if you were a different size than you really are, and all of this other shit that kind-of sort-of seems like it might make sense if you're kind of high. But that's not what they do. Any of it.

What Pym Particles do is allow you to flip off physics. You just stare up into the sky, raise your arm, and flip Nature the bird, because Pym Particles do not give a single shit. The things they allow you to do are impossible, ridiculous, and often self-contradictory. It's as if they're designed *specifically* to give God an aneurysm.

Pym Particles don't do *a* thing, so much as they allow you to do anything, because they aren't fucking real and writers don't have to explain them.

The small thing I get, but we don't know that his strength isn't amplifiedwhen hes large since its the first time its happened on screen.

But can he generate a nude tayne?

OP it's a comic book movie so you have to be willing to let it take a little liberty with real world physics if you don't want your suspension of belief to be completely broken. Pym particles are a sorta-mcguffin in that they ignore they ignore convential wisdom and math. If a person were to suddenly shrink down to that size by just removing some of the 99.99..% of empty space, they would(probably, in the quantum sense) create a micro black hole.

I think it's assuming that Ant-Man weighs 200lbs with the suit and since it's explained that all mass is retained with pym particles he would still weigh the same, just in a much more concentrated volume.

Ant-Man and Captain American's shield are enough to give you a fucking headache.

It would be okay if the movies didn't try to use "science" to explain the bullshit and instead just said it's magic bitch. Like Thor's hammer. That works.

How would increasing the distance between his atoms/particles/whatever thus making himself larger, make him stronger?

It'd be the same mass just spread out way more, he'd be weak as fuck

Ohh yah, I forget how at the end he disable the bee dude by shrinking down to the size of strings, that doesn't even make sense. The only thing smaller than strings are, like, the planck length I think. So that's a huge contradiction and middle finger to the laws of the universe like pointed out and even the rules that are set forth by the movie about how Pympin particles work.

Im just saying we don't know if it does things differenly when he gets large.

Its still BS magic science, but im sure find a way to hand wave it away.

Three fucking words:


pym particles disassociate mass from the pull of gravity

So he solved the Interstellar formula?

ants can lift 400 times their own weight don't you read

He doesn't "weight" the same. His relative mass changes but his effective mass does not.

It is all bullshit, but his mass relative to his surroundings changes, but when he acts on those surroundings in a way that would benefit him it changes back.

So when it would make for better storytelling he can change his weight to be light enough to ride on the back of an ant or an arrow. OR be heavy enough to hurt when he punches you.

Also as someone said before. Normally in the comics when Ant-man (Giant-Man or Goliath) became big he would be weak. But his effective mass would increase his strength so he could crush buildings or cars. But in the comics it did takes its toll on him doing so. He is just a normal guy playing with super science afterall.

tldr He can add or subtract mass instantaneously in such a way that allows him to do impossible but cool shit

Ants don't weigh half a pound.

>shrinking down to the size of strings, that doesn't even make sense. The only thing smaller than strings are, like, the planck length I think.

There was a problem before the string level, and that was the moment that he became smaller than an atom. The movie says Pym Particles just shrink the empty space between atoms but they don't resize them. Yet somehow shrinking the empty space between atoms enough makes atoms smaller than atoms rather than crushing you into a single atom-sized space before erupting you into an atomic explosion times a billion.

lol can you do better math??? ants can lift 400 times their weight, so they only need to weigh 1/8 lb to lift him up


Thanks for clearing that stuff up, I had only seen a little of the first movie. Haven't seen Civil-War yet. What I don't get is how they can explain him shrinking down to sub String levels of volume. Is he just an extra dimensional hologram being projected at that point?

This video explains it.


Their weight. Not yours. Now get me an ant that weighs half a pound to carry Ant-Man.

Basically, the scene in the bathtub where he drops through the metal tub and the wooden floor is inconsistent with all other scenes and he's just super strong in any form. Else his punches as Giant-Man would be terribly wimpy and you could topple him easily even without ESB tactics.

125g ant is still a mighty fat ant.

Why didnt he just use ants in the airport scene?

The MCU isn't ready for it yet. Wait until Infinity War.
>yfw Nude Tayne stuns thanos and Mozza Rell delivers the killshot

He didn't bring them with him and it was solid concrete runway all around, no place for anthills.

lmao capeshit is so stupid

He should just carry veils of different ant species around on his utility belt.

Pym Particles change the mass of objects. When you also wear a special suit, you can 'use' your original mass as it applies to your acceleration. So ants can pick up small Ant-Man, but if he falls he'll dent a cab roof.

I worked all this out from the Ant-Man movie and posted it in a Sup Forums thread some weeks ago, let me see if I can pull up the post from the archives.

And the arrow literally exploded with him on it

I honestly dont understand people who get up in arms about the "realism" in a movie about gods, robots, demons and magic people fighting each other

He formed a close bond with Anthony, I don't think he'd like them locked up in test tubes in his suit.

Ants are our friends, user. And friends don't imprison friends in vials.

It split into predefined splinters and he rode the biggest. I'm sure Hawkeye told him on the ways there where he would have to position himself.

dunno man, how was he able to throw a car ?

Because they don't follow their own rules. Like how the first Ironman the arc reactor kept him from dying then it was used as some other bullshit in the sequels.

Found it.

Here's a long explanation with examples from Ant-Man and Civil War. The only thing inconsistent is the simplified explanation they give the audience, but the powers themselves are entirely consistent. It's just copied and pasted, so I might have mentioned parts already.

If you use the examples of growing and shrinking in the movie Ant-Man you can get some pretty consistent rules I'm gonna lay out because autism. na;dr version is the suit is where the strength comes from, otherwise shrunken objects lose their weight.

With no fancy suit on, the red pym particles shrink the size and mass of objects. Examples include the tank keychain and Cross picking up the shrunken lamb in a science crate. I guess carrying the tanker in Civil War too.

With no fancy suit on, the blue pym particles undo the effects of the red particles. For now just think of them as making shrunken objects normal again.

Now if you go big, grow in size with the blue particles then you also get proportional increase in mass. Otherwise the Thomas train and dog sized ant would blow away with their mass to surface area ratios. It seems like the ant increases it's strength proportionately at dog size.

The suit itself is more than an integrated particle reserve and oxygen supply, it's got regulators and other electronics wired in it. The suit was what let's Ant-Man be strong when he's tiny, the suit preserves some part of his mass but only in that it relates to his acceleration. That explains both his strength and how he's light enough to ride an ant but will also how if he falls far enough he'll dent a cab roof.

But you can't just tell all that to the audience, so they say he punches like a bullet because people understand bullets are small and strong. The rule of thumb is small is light and big is heavy. Anytime that deviates, blame the suit.

maybe you should take ur own advice smrat guy

No one cares.

The arc reactor was pretty consistent. It was an electro magnet that kept shrapnel away from his heart, powered by his father's technology en miniature. He had to change the battery once in a while, though. It's secondary function was to power the suit.
In IM2, he had switched to palladium as a power source, which came at the cost of slow poisoning. So he went and discovered that his father had left him the chemical configuration for a newly-discovered element hidden in blueprints for a theme park.
In IM3, he was injected with Extremis, which gave him a temporary healing factor, allowing himself to extract the shrapnel and the reactor from his chest. Since then, the reactor is an inherent part of the suit, not Tony.

I do, and it clears a lot things up. Thanks, achive-user!

yo shut the fuck up

Blow me.


>In IM2, he had switched to palladium as a power source, which came at the cost of slow poisoning.

No, he already used it in the first IM, there is a scene where he is drinking that green liquid that retarded the effect of the palladium poisoning.

Because Pym Particles allow you to chance size, density and mass.

In any case, the reactor still needs regular maintenance until he switches the palladium with the new element his father always intended for use with the reactor technology. The reactor also still holds the shrapnel in place.

The Pim particule was made by taping into an infinity stone's power.
It defies logic

But in IM1 turning off the reactor made him go into cardiac arrest. In IM2 and 3 I don't remember that being the case.

is that China's version of the Pym particle?

the real problem with IM is that scene when he gets shot by a tank and takes no damage

I don't remember the reactor being turned off in IM2 or IM3. Also, they had to pull out the entire thing in IM1 to change the battery. It was entirely safe if done quick. He only went into cardiac arrest when Obie used his stun sound thingy on him and took the whole reactor with him.

>In IM2, he had switched to palladium as a power source
I think palladium was always what powered it through IM1 until Tony finishes his father's work.

>In IM3, he was injected with Extremis
How come this fanfiction gets pushed so much on Sup Forums and Sup Forums? There's zero evidence of this. The theme of IM3 is control and blowing up his suits meant Tony was going to stop trying to prepare for every little even that might happen, he's giving up some control in his life. Going into surgery is one he might not wake up from, it's why he kept on with the arc reactor. He decided it was time to stop living in fear and get the surgery. The surgery was what Tony feared more than even aliums.

>the real problem with IM is that scene when he gets shot by a tank and takes no damage

Or you could say the problem with subsequent IM movies is that he does take damage from tanks, since the first one establishes he shouldn't take damage from a tank.

Computer, load up Pym particles

>It was entirely safe if done quick. He only went into cardiac arrest when Obie used his stun sound thingy on him and took the whole reactor with him.

No, when Pepper pulled the magnet out he literally said, "I'm going into cardiac arrest."

>mfw paul thread

>In every thread people explain OP pym particles allow to modify size and mass at will
>OP makes new threads asking the same
OP, stop being a faggot and fap to porn instead

>How come this fanfiction gets pushed so much on Sup Forums and Sup Forums? There's zero evidence of this

The guy has a gaping hole in his chest the size of a fist. Yinsen told him the shrapnel could not be removed safely without further damaging the heart, necessitating the electromagnet.
Extremis gives you an incredible healing factor, so you can pretty much just yank the shrapnel out, the damage will be immediately mended. then you take out the cylinder for the reactor and boom: no more hole in your chest.
Then you get the Extremis out of your system again. He did it for Pepper, he could convingingly do it for himself.

he does the same on the comics and cartoon, so he gives a fuck?


She pulled out the magnet together with the cable she was supposed to. Every other time after that, it's only the part that lights up that is taken out, iirc. And 3 doesn't count, because Extremis.

>not "It's Pym Particles I ant gotta explain shit"

Missed opportunity, man.

Is Scott an antihero?

You think an ant can lift you?

Not really. He is a reformed thief.

Eric O'Grady (The Irredeemable Ant-Man) is more of an anti-hero. Eric is kind of a dickhead who steals the suit and peeps on women in the shower and steals shit with it. Then redeems himself by savings kids and shit

You're creating a magic cure all for every disease or ailment in the MCU and that simply doesn't exist.

He got Extremis out of Pepper, not fixed the regenerating power/exploding thing.

How does him having a hole in his chest make any difference? Real people get their sternums removed and replaced today.

Yinsen wasn't the best heart surgeon in the world like the guy that took out Tony's shrapnel, he didn't have Tony help invent whatever magnet was present in the surgery scene in IM3, and technology can go a long way in 5 years especially when Tony is working on it.

Yinsen is right about it being risky, that's the entire reason Tony hadn't done it until then. Removing any risk from the surgery by saying "Extremis did it" completely defeats the point the surgery was making about Tony's character arc. Tony was willing to face that risk, did you just ignore everything I said about 'control' being a theme in this movie and Tony's arc?

Pym particles don't work the way Pym describes. That's simply a theory he developed based on his observation of what happens when a person shrinks. The real explanation remains a mystery.

Where's my no prize?