>David Hasselhoff has claimed he has less than $4,000 (£2,745) to his name.

>The 63-year-old star and Pamela Bach divorced in 2006, and the 52-year-old had been receiving $21,000 (£14,800) a month in spousal support from her ex-husband.

>The documents detail that Hasselhoff's European tour was cut short due to poor ticket sales, and his reality show Hoff the Record is unlikely to be as successful as he originally hoped.


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>guy who owes alimony claims to be broke

Oldest tactic in the book.

>$21,000 a month
Why can't courts just decide on a maximum alimony. The fuck is this 21k a month? Who needs that money? "I'm used to it" fucking shits.

I like how women claim to want equality yet ridicolous alimony payments like this still exist in this day and age.

Im actually triggered.

How much does he have in retail, offshore accounts, hidden in the mattress and all his assets? Probably few million easy

Women are very oppressed, especially in the Western Hemisphere

And this excuses $21k in fucking alimony???

He looks good for 63 though. How do alcoholics age so well?

Maybe in America

This shit would not happen here in Canada, due to it being a better country and all