Sup Forums what is this for?

Sup Forums what is this for?
I found it at has to be some mechanical part...but what for?

kek its a buttplug

It looks like a trailer hitch.

its a handle for a tool

Of course I am asking because it looks like a butt plug but its not...


What tool?

a grinder or something

A peg from a all chrome pirate ship wheel

Its a fucking peg for a turning wheel usually for changing axis on cnc machines...dumbass

Why is it from steel and quite heavy if everything nowdays is from plastic?

also it looks like it's made on a lathe, we had stuff like that at work to because the plastic ones tend to brake or get lost etc etc

Older machine, better parts

So... Are you going to stick it up your butt?

well let's see they get stepped on, get placed next to something hot and melt, brake, .... plenty of reasons to make one yourself out of metal.

Can anyone upload similar pic for confirmation? i cant imagine it...

>plans on buying in bulk to mount on every flat surface in trailer house

Why the sudden interest in this one item, OP?

Where do you work OP?

Machine handle, Lathe/Mill etc, alternatively a butplug

This could also apply to every sex toy OP has ruined = ̄ω ̄=

speaking of lathes that's another thing it could be mounted on, a turning wheel for moving the chisel or the turning wheels on a cnc machine etc etc

foot peg for motorcycle

Because I am doing some measurements so Im a bit bored and this is like a puzzle for me... i cant think of any other use than a butt plug... its a stupid shape for a handle...

You seem so sure. Did you smell it?

It's the endbit for a curtain rod

>sees butt plugs instead of everyday machine shop items

maybe you shouldn't be working where you work when you can't figure out what it could be used for


Nope, it's a great design, pinch thin section with thumb and forefinger, fat section rests in palm, allows you to spin the fuck out of adjustment wheels - picture a handle on a bus wheel but you reach down for it and the wheel is vertical.

Looks a lot like an unfinished handle for a beer tap for a pub/bar dispenser to be hooked up to a beer keg.

Is.... t-this why my wife obsessed about c-curtain shopping??

Im an HW guy, not mechanic...

>describes some kind of butt secks mechanics

Well yeah, clearly it would also make a pretty standard looking buttplug, if a handle ever goes missing off my lathe i'll have some questions for my workmates.

given the nature that its threaded it is probably for a stationary: lever, and/or non rotational hand tool

drawer handle
notice the screw on the bottom

It's off a lathe/mill/or grinder etc handle threads into adjustment wheel.

Well. We're waiting OP. Use it. and send pics.

It looks fine... somebody would plug it in the ass, but the dedicated use is as a handle, part of an [handcrank] or so

the only one you can grind with it is your asshole or, if you a girl, your cunt...

ohh fag you have also some mechanics on your body, look what between your legs is


It looks like a light bulb

But why other handles dont look like butt plugs?

But plug ones are the ones you need to spin quickly, usually with a thumb and forefinger.

Wow...interesting that we dont have a lathe...


Grinder, Mill, Drillpress etc etc
They all follow the same basic design pattern.

Can't be. Ur mom hasn't sucked the chrome off it.

It's a flusher, step on that to hit the shit shoot

Its like this....

miniature aluminum bowling pin?