Fill in the blank

fill in the blank

Can my question be about anything? Yes.








thats some of the most unfunny shit ive ever read. only the "what did you said about me ..." guy is left to ruin this thread


fixed it

its time to stop


these are shit

All of these suck


Can someone do
>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I knew this was coming eventually

Do it yourself faggot



Dont have a PC cunt its broken

But you do have the device you're posting this from, I did multiple things like this on my phone


Direct me to the app please

PhotoGrid or Phonto for example


why dont we nuke that big black box where the muslims meet?

Because that big black box is basically the only place you can guarantee there are no terrorists since it's constantly surrounded by non-terrorist Muslims who hate Daesh/ISIS and Al Queda.

The US bombing it would also be the biggest recruitment drive for Muslim extremism ever since the billion and a half peaceful Muslims wouldn't be happy we'd bombed the most important place in the world to them.


Because they're going to be more expensive when they're officially released and it means the devs don't need to have investors who will fuck up the game with focus groups.

Problem is that you can't tell if a game will be good just based on the team making it.

The real question is why do people pre-order or buy games without reading reviews?

Then why don't we make a super villain, or a fake terrorist organization to take the blame?

We could name him something inconspicuous.
like "Captain America"

No reason not to bomb it.
Show those ISIS guys that we kill more of them if we want to.

hm gddddddddddd

Why not bomb a place where hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians gather to show a terrorist group that hates those civilians how ruthless we are?

Is that your question?


Let's say a kid behaves bad and e.g. kicks other kids' shins. Now the mother kicks the kids shin, to show him how that feels. Does the mother behave like a bad kid?


WIth your attitude, Hitler would have won WW2 easily. "Oh no, better not bomb German cities and kill thousand of civilians."
But don't be sad, we in the western world got lazy and like 80% are left-wing, parasites who would straight walk into a slaughter machine. Somehow, it's our own fault because we got weak by living in wealth and prosperity.

fucking die

Because then there would be a massive war.


The problem with your analogy is that the kid getting his shins kicked isn't the one who kicked the other kid's shins.

What you really mean is "Kid 1 behaves badly by kicking people's shins. Kid 1 kicks everybody's shins except his own, His own family are actually getting kicked in the shins more than anybody else just because of proximity to him. One day Kid 1 kicks the shins of Kid 2, so the Kid 2's mother goes out and kicks the shins of Kid 1's family to teach Kid 1 a lesson. This obviously doesn't work since Kid 1 was kicking his family's shins anyway, but it does mean that his family won't argue in favour of the mother when her shin's get kicked since she kicked their shins."

Or am I missing something?

You are cleary overcomplicating the analogy.


Make a good one then, or shut the fuck up, you limp-dicked fuckstain.

As has been pointed out plenty of times, killing their civilians just makes the other side more determined and encourages more people to join the war effort against you.

Propaganda is a part of warfare but as long as any specific civilian isn't actually victim to what the propaganda claims is happening they won't care as much as when you drop a bomb through their roof and kill their little sister.

Even dropping confetti or pamphlets seriously destroys enemy morale without giving people determination.

You're oversimplifying a real problem to justify killing innocents.

But we didn't nuke Germany, and this would be more like nuking a place where German tourist visit a lot. It's like bombing the swiss. Why not nuke Isis instead? Sure there would be a lot of civilian casualties but at least you'd be targeting the bad guys.

If we nuked the middle east then oil would become harder to recover which kind of defeats the object of constantly having a presence there.

The bombing of German cities during WW2 was worse than bombing the place with the black box.
Also, by bombing the cities morale was broken and the government support, army morale etc dropped. That's how it worked.

You think you'll win against ISIS by doing nothing or hunting them in their hills? Kill the civillians and let them kill ISIS.

You are a nigger.

That's assuming you can point at ISIS on a map. We can't, but if we could we have relatively precise drone strikes which we use constantly anyway with far less negative impact than a nuke would have.

Dude,every time


You're missing the point that Muslims who visit the black box aren't terrorists and most aren't even tangentially connected to terrorists. We'd be declaring war on a billion and a half people and even places like Saudi Arabia who profit massively from relations with the US would have little choice but to directly go to war with us.

Well I can safely say this thread is a failure.

We turned a "fill in the blank" thread into an argument about bombing Mecca.

Pat yourselves on the back, you are all certified autists!



Even the allies used bombings to encourage young men to join the war effort and to justify putting more money and resources into it.

All that would actually do is convert them to the cause. Isis was founded out of essentially war zones. It's a machine that feeds on war. You can't just enlarge the war zone and think everyone will turn on them. That's retarded. What we need is a surgical strike with a tactical nuke. Just enough to create a massive SMP. Wipe out the region's infostructure. Then a couple carpet bombings and some propaganda later the group breaks up. Isis is totally reliant on the internet.

If you don't like facing reality then fuck off to tumblr.


Nice meme

Now, your missing the point.
Of course the Muslims there are probably not related to ISIS, but they are Muslims and that's what matters. WW2 was war between ideologies - War2016 is war between cultures.

In the beginning, after massiv bombing the support by the people will break and they will rebel. They did everywhere.

ISIS is fucking everywhere nowadays, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lybia - you can't surgical strike them. Kill mulims until they rally against ISIS and blame them for dying.

Thanks big babby!

Thanks big babby!

Step 1: Kill muslims
Step 2: Tell them you did this because of ISIS
See what will happen.

i hate you

If the US bombed Mecca why would Muslims blame ISIS?

Most Muslims are already against ISIS, bombing a religion's holy site would just rally them against the US too.

Well memed.

That might actually get more support for ISIS, but at the absolute least would turn a billion and a half people against the US and lose support for us from every country and most of our citizens.

Not the US alone, the western world.

When "most muslims" are against ISIS, how does ISIS operate, supplies itself, work and recrute on muslim territory?
Fucking muslims hate the Western world, after 9/11 they stood on the streets and celebrate / burned US flags. You think they are against ISIS? Nope, sorry.


Not the US, but the Western world together.
50 years ago no government would have hesitated to bomb the fuck out of the regions down there.
Nowadays countries are ruled by faggot left wing sissies who care about gender issues and shit.

Also the US would lose support of some certain allies *cough* turkey *cough* *cough*


Fuck you

turkey is fucking useless

Thanks big babby!

well they will be useless if erdogan does not btfo

Thanks big babby!!

cant risk it

After the boming of the German cities every civilian wanted the fucking war to end asap.
My grandfather was there and was crying every time he told us about Dresden. That's how you win, break morale. You will never be able to kill every member of ISIS. You can only break their morale to fight.


This is fucking gold you old fucking bastard

If your enemies are all part of a country with a limited population then that might work, but when you're fighting an organisation that can just get new members from the population of the whole planet who are enraged by the atrocities you've committed, crushing morale doesn't work so well.

Not bye the population of the whole world, but of the whole middle east / muslim world. And there you have the area of operation.
You kill the children of a man who brings food to ISIS - Let's see if he will continue to support them. You kill his whole family, let's see if he will continue.

Check this - US studies support this approach.

Tami Davis Biddle, Rhetoric and Reality in Strategic Air Warfare: The Evolution and Reality of British and American Ideas about Strategic Bombing, 1914-1945 (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2002), 270-81.

Once you've taken away everything he has to loose of course he's going to support them, and he's going to support them more than he would have before.

World War 2 should be a lesson that you can't take everything from a group of people. World War 1's reparations left Germany with so little that in hindsight World War 2 was pretty much inevitable.

If you kill a child then every person with a connection to that child's family will do what they can to fight against you without you knowing. They'll spread dissent and if they have little to lose anyway then they'll be much more open about opposing you.

Thanks big babby!


he would have turned green not red....

No, you are out of reach. They can't retaliate against you, so they look for the next one to blame. Up the next hill there is the ISIS camp.

WW2 was not because of the agreement of WW1. Sure, people were upset and Hitler used it, he also militarized the Rheinland again - but the allies didn't care. When Hitler tried to conquer Europe, that was a problem.


COIN operations have a much better potential to work if done right because it destroys the will to fight against you by making you part of the community. Would you fight an organisation who provided medical care for your mother or who helped your friend survive after his crop failed?


fuck you