Red leader standing by

red leader standing by

red pikmin standing by

Red stop standing bi

greun ledur stending bey

Red Ten is Best Pilot.

You can't deny it.

Dat Black Helmet. Plus out of all of them, he sounded the most professional.

Red team looking fly

Red Hot Sauce standing by

Thanks big babby!

Snowcone standing bi.

Gold team standing by

zozzle leder standing bi

That's not Red leader that's Porkins you dumb fuck.

Prisim Ranger Red standing by

being this new

66666666666666666666666666 ABBAT STANDING BY 66666666666666666666666666

Gold team rules!

Ref Fedora in the house like furniture.

Red revolution standing by

Red Grange standing by

Red Foxx standing by, you big dummy.

Snail leader standing down

red nigga standing bye


Red Herring standing by!

red hat standing by

Red Marine, standing by

Your russian mail order bride, standing by

Kirby standing by

High heart rate, somebody wrongtrying 105 again

Propably coffeine overdose.

Pikachu standing by

Red weed man reporting it


Red Baron standing by.

Nu-Red Baron, standing out

motherfucker... read my mind!

Red Robin standing by

Alex the nigger standing by

ready to spam twitch


ed scout standing byy

red leader is taking a lunch break