This is the main villain of the new Ghostbusters

>This is the main villain of the new Ghostbusters

How can people actually defend this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

What Sega saturn game is this?

Who is it supposed to be?

Casper the Unfriendly Ghost?

He looks like a boss in a fucking Banjo Kazooie game.

What is this, an Atari 2600 game?

Casper the Frenzied Ghost

what game op?

Looks better than any of the fx in the first two movies.

What is this a magnavox odyssey game?

Casper the Feral Ghost

I've seen better graphics in Cat and Mouse!

>cis white male is the main villain


>This is the main villain of Ghostbusters

How can people actually defend this shit?

Casper the Friendzoned Ghost

Casper the Fugged :DD Ghost

>we want the Oogie Boogie audience

that's meant to be a joke.

the meaning of which has been completely lost on the faggot directing the reboot.

What is this, a Donner Model 30 game?

its john goodman.


Its ghostbuster's logo :o

What is this, an oscilloscope game?

I bet you lost your shit when it came on screen right?
Oh wait I mean keked.
Kill yourself you faggot subhuman.

dude, it's a campy comedy. what do you expect? i probably wont' watch it because i've no interest in it, but did anyone really expect some other type of villain? wasn't the stay puffed marshmallow man - bibendum - the villain of the previous one?

Is that some meaningful accomplishment? The last movie was made in the nineties for Christ's sake.

Fucking idiot.

it was a unique idea when in the 1984 movie.

this one is like "REMEMBER THE FIRST MOVIE" and it gets me thinking, "why don't I just watch the original.

Casper the Patriarchal Ghost

you're talking jibberish. you don't deserve dubs, you deserve colon cancer.

>the villain is literally the ghost from the logo

So that script leak last month was 100% correct.

Jesus fucking Christ.

You are colon cancer.
That's why every word that spills out of you is shit.
Fucking mongoloid.

I thought it's the patriots patriarchy

>Gozer: Sumerian god
>Vigo: Carpathian tyrant and sorcerer
>Rowan: Bullied hotel worker

>a 1980's cartoon for children had more frightening antagonists for the Ghostbusters than a multi-million dollar movie in 2016

He looks like a clay fighter character

It's a white guy. Isn't that the main villain in life?

but bullying is wrong user. but you have to see this movie or you're a sexist pig and I'll report you to your boss and you'll be fired

Not him, but can confirm you're a retard.

This is the Ghostbusters cartoon? I thought it was some 80s/90s Japanese OVA at first. That looks great.

Animated by Japs

>5 Easters Eggs you didn't notice about the Ghostbusters Reboot
>#1. The Monster at the end is the Logo of the old movie

Scooby Doo is back again!

the movie is literally about them killing Ghostbusters in effigy
they will kill Bill Murray and then destroy the logo

Bill Murray always wanted to die in a third Ghostbusters movie

Monsters Unleashed wasn't that bad

Enjoy the remake.

Because it's fucking clever, unexpected, iconic, and funny.

This is LITERALLY the ghost from the logo done up as a CGI monstrosity.

If we're talking about pixels and resolution, sure.

The originals had so much character in the lighting and sets that this one totally misses.

Not him, but you're butthurt whiny bitch.
Fuck off to reddet retard.

Guaranteed joke in this film. Probably black girl says it.

>how can people defend this shit?

By screaming "misogynist" at anyone who disagrees.

Green? That means either Romulan or Borg.

Damn that shit looks real as fuck

>You have won the Twisted Metal tournament, make your wish, mortal!

It is real you fucking moron.