is there anything more disappointing than an aging mexican woman?
Is there anything more disappointing than an aging mexican woman?
Other urls found in this thread:
an aging russian woman
a mexican woman with lupus, like the one you posted, maybe
Your mum aging
Your life.
>getting fat
Could you perhaps blame diet instead of ducking age please?
She got fat because of medication, not diet.
Look at recent pictures, she's skinny.
fpbp, sadly.
That bikini is just way too small.
If I was a woman I would make sure my bikini was big enough, just saying
What medication may I ask?
I'm not her doctor, but the medication against Lupus. It's a chemo therapy, which might have a side effect of gaining weight.
If you look at how quickly she gained that weight and lost it, it's pretty obvious it's not diet problems.
dayum she got thiiccccccccccc
Oh, okay, thanks.
it's corticosteroids
t. had a cousin who also became a ballon due to them. she later became skinny when she stopped taking them in due time
THICC. I would fuck both version of her.
does she have lupus
THICC for me.
She tigthend back up. And she's apparently dating, or at least fucking, The Weeknd now.
He is literally an Ethiopian. Grew up in Canada, though. I guess she has a thing for Canucks.
45years old
feels good
mexico was a mistake
thats hot its like u have a skinny gf and a thicc gf everytime she gets fat and loses weight
Mexicans age well, the fat thing is just a fucked up north American thing we are going through
>that feel when not japanese and don't take care of yourself
>that feel when you are going to be emperor palpatine in your 40s
she is Korean.
she looks over 70.
she looks over 78.
She is 93 years old now btw.
>debating memes
Probably a hold over from small her