
Should it be 2 eyes? Three of these """"""countries"""""" are still cucked by her majesty.


t. Non-country

>Being loyal to the motherland

>Losing to a bird

>americans will never understand the concept of loyalty to her majesty

o deary me

It won't be "her" majesty for much longer

why not?

Shes old and numbered


4 are faithful to liz...except yanks

Anglosphere? More like cucksphere haha

That doesn't even make sense.

We each have our own Monarchies. They are separate entities you dingus.

oh how naive
so cute

Portugal is an honorary member.

Thank you for my bottle of Noval fellow Anglo :^)

>tfw no glorious UK+Ireland+Canada+Australia+NZ union

fuck off

lizzy is immortal

D-Delete this...

The Queen will literally never die. She is a God

Fuck off

England and Australia are based and seppos are just jealous

t. Paddy O'haggis


God bless

Did you know your last King was given exile in the UK? Portugal is a true friend to anglos, we are practically family, meu irmão :)

>Being this cucked

A leaf

How is it cucked to support our own Monarchy?


You're a leaf, everything you do is basically you getting cucked

Good argument.

You better be careful down there, don't wanna get kidnapped and tortured by niggers

The only one in your "sphere" is literally the biggest shithole in the new world and maybe a few irrelevant islands and dindu cunts