Dayne expects to lose edition
/got/ eternal general
First for Maisie.
He's really sexy god damn
He's outnumbered like 5 to one of course he expects to lose. It's not anime.
miss me yet?
If howland hadn't throat fucked him he would've won though...
Was dual-wielding part of your plan?
>Best girl stopping by for a visit
It's not anime It's Star Wars
Did anyone actually enjoy the epic twist of dany pushing over the torches?
Rhaeger told him to lose, for the muh prophecy.
How would he have known that at the start of the fight?
It wasn't that so much as her immunity to fire that irks me.
thats a proppa fit slag m8
Reddit and Tumblr does
Yes, a lot of surprises can happen on the battlefield.
She look so much better in real life. And she was already cute in the show. But it's still a little shocking how great she looks.
So fucking cute i miss her
>Christmas morning
>Run downstairs and begin tearing open my presents
>Its a Salsa action figure
>I'm super happy and super excited
>I tear it out of the packaging
>Tear off my mickey mouse pantaloons
>Tear off the Huggies brand nappy my mum put on me last night
>Shove Salsa action figure deep into my rectum
>"Winter has come" I say
I really liked the first time Dany rose from fire with her dragons.
This one is just a shitty rehash of the same thing.
does that show that the HBO writers have completely strayed from GRRM's canon with this new season?
Cast him
Ramsay cock lover here to remind the stannis filth
>Stannis lost to an imp
>Stannis lost to 20 men
>Lost to Ramsay
>Burned his daughter
>Fucked up twice
contrived but i'll let it slide. this season is more crib notes than the other seasons with lack of source material.
5v2 isn't very daunting when you are arguably the greatest swordsman to have ever lived, especially when your number two is a kings guard also renowned for fighting prowess and your opponents are cucks by comparison. Only Ned has any real skill and even Bran notices he can't compare to Dayne.
I don't think he expected to lose, I think he's just not a cocky prick.
Promise me, Ned
Sandor Clegane
anyone would lose to the twenty good men though. I'm looking forward to them crushing both Jon's army and Ramsay's (they turn on him to fulfill the prophecy)
i miss you my king :(((
Hotpie pls go
Arya catches a rat for dinner whilst homeless in Braavos
You seemed to have posted the wrong image.
I was confused at first. Because I thought she actually had a plan. And I thought it was going to involve the girl she was trying to butter up.
But as it turns out, her epic plan was just to burn shit down, and have Jorah&Daario bar the door.
It might be that burning the Khals was ritualistic in some manner. She might not actually be immune to fire.
>It wasn't that so much as her immunity to fire that irks me.
Yeah, be annoyed about something they've shown happening before. That makes sense.
Elio and Linda BTFO Preston Jacobs:
I think there's a misconception in the above. The way you put it, this frames George's relationship to his readers as being an adversarial one, where he needs to actively and directly lie to them rather than trusting in his writing to provide whatever misdirection he intends and requires.
But in nearly 20 years of curating the So Spake Martin collection, attending and participating in panels, interviewing him, etc., honest-to-goodness this is how it works with George:
If someone asks him a question about something he doesn't want to reveal or answer, he doesn't respond, or he gives a vague answer, or he outright says he won't discuss it. He's never been caught out deliberately lying about plot points in his story. The theory of a connection between ASoIaF and the Thousand Worlds has been denied by George on several occasions: that unlike Asimov and Heinlein he feels no urge to connect his distinct settings into one mega-setting, and that there's nothing science fictional in the fantastical elements of the series.
People have point-blank asked him questions about mysteries such as Jon's parentage, or who killed Bran (prior to ASoS), things that are pretty significant... and yet he never lied in his responses about them when he chose to respond. There's SSM entries where he tells people he won't talk about the R+L=J theory. There's mails where he flatly told people a theory was barking up the wrong tree. There's no mails where he said one thing about a detail of the story and then it turned out he was telling an untruth.
Khal something
>I wish you good fortune in the wars to come
He obviously thought he was going to lose otherwise the line makes no sense. It was more him accepting that instead of running he was going to fight to his death obeying Rhaegar's last orders to protect the stupid tower and Jon.
>tfw ordered the world of ice and fire book, baratheon flag and a stannis pop figure
well no shit its 6 v 2
And think on it a bit further with this specific example. What Preston is describing is a kind of grace note -- he envisions a little nod at the very end of the series that will blow the minds of the hardcore fans of George R.R. Martin's works. But that's nothing but a nod. It's not actually anything genuinely integral to the story. So why in the world would this, of all things, be the one thing George is lying about to his readers? Is it worth disillusioning or disappointing people in his honesty about his own work?
Or are we to believe that after five novels, the sixth or seventh novel will pivot hard and reveal that the fact that it's actually a science fictional world is so significant that we might possibly conceive George lying about it to protect the biggest twist of them all?
It just doesn't make sense to me, in any case, but that's my opinion on the matter.
The confirmed in a interview that show dany is indeed fireproof
A Roose Bolton man, who challenges Ramsay's claim, and accuses him of murder.
Just because he references his other works doesn't mean they are evidence of anything, especially after George's directly refuting your theory. Yes, there are easter eggs from the thousand worlds like the statues in the House of Black and White and others you found. Know what else there is? Triarch Belicho of Volantis, the unbeaten patriot general who was trampled to death by giants. That's Bill Belichick, coach of the New England Patriots and George gloating about the New York Giants ending their perfect season. Are we to believe that the New England Patriots exist in ASOIAF because of this? No, of course not, it's an easter egg because George is a fan of football. Just like his references to his other stories. If the elements you argued that make it sci-fi aren't valid based on the author's comments, then I'm not sure by what measure you're still holding on the idea that it is a sci-fi. The impossible elements of the story fit perfectly fine within the normal fantasy genre.
Could he change his mind and have a seed ship rise up of Asshai? Of course but that's a disingenuous argument. It's fiction, in the last two books he could do anything. Suddenly introduce the characters from Sex and the City and make them have godlike powers of the infinity gauntlet if he wanted to. As of now, no it's not and you can hold out hope that he changes his mind. Nothing wrong with that, it's a story in progress. It's fine to be wrong about a theory, you even say in your videos "I may be wrong about half of this". Well, this is one of those times and it'd be a lot more genuine to just admit that than continue twisting quotes and essentially accusing the author of lying about his story to his fans.
Dang, seriously? Which interview?
rato of house ratgaryen
What is there to miss? You are executing your secret plan and will be back within a couple episodes, I can wait
Reminder Elio and Linda accuse George of trolling and don't put his answers in the SSM if they don't like it and ESPECIALLY if goes against the RLJ mythos.
Their opinion here is worthless.
>pushes over the fire
>"It's time for A Dance With Dragons"
What did she mean by this?
It's just a little too high fantasy for my taste. I enjoy the way magic is pretty subtle in both books and show.
It was acceptable in season one because of the circumstances with the comet, Miri maz dur, Drogo dying etc.. But it felt kind of shoe horned in this episode
The director of that episode held an AMA in reddit .
This post made me sad. Stannis fans are in complete denial even after they went as far as having Brienne tell Davos right to his face that she lops off his head. He's gone bros.
twoiaf is some interesting shit user hope you enjoy.
Stannis is unlucky as fuck
>Gets Pirates backing and Renlys army. Outnumbers Kings Landing.
Loses to some random crap and Tyrel being fags
>Gets Iron Bank to back him up. Huge army that was bigger or equal to Boltons
Loses to some random shit and 20 random guys
Always gains big support
Outnumbers his enemy
Loses to some random unlucky move
Geralt will sit the Iron Throne.
I see. Well I'm too lazy to look it up. So I'll just take your word for it.
I cannot comprehend how perfect Dayne was looking in that scene.
Other pictures of the actor aren't even that attractive.
the art is goat 2bh familia
Yeah for real wtf
Like I would bang him in that scene only
They weren't just 20 random guys.
They were 20 good men.
Then just show me his body. A lot of people seem to talk big about how he's dead but there is no proof. Stannis probably has Brienne and had Roose following his orders and told them to say he's dead. He'll be back stronger than ever.
Someone post "20 good men" pics!
there's a new Lyanna in the house and her name is John Cena.
Keep denying it, Stannisfag.
there you go you lazy fuck
I like Stannis and I'd want to believe this but he's fucking dead. She wouldn't lie, think of the Umbers. There is no clever writing or ploys anymore, just deaths for shock value.
muh buttslutfu
Your lyanna has something weird about her face desu
>he went on Reddit
Baited hard user
Promise me Ned Stark of the house Stark. Third of his name. Ruler of ice and snow. Breaker of nothing. Father of crippleds. Father of bastards and failures
why is she so perfect, lads?
Good response. I give you a well thought out post full of facts and you can't say shit.
Ramsay cock boy here
Stannis sucks
how bout now
Are you there R'Hllor?
It's me, Stannis
How used do you think her butthole is? Do you think she can prolapse?
What's next for him?
>ice zombies
>pretty subtle
Yes. He is dead. Accept it. Denial if the first step but you can make it user. There is no reason for him to be alive, Jon is away from the wall and will defeat Ramsay with the aid of the Vale. Stannis has run his course.
I wouldn't have recommended actually linking reddit. But regardless, thanks for spoonfeeding my lazy ass. Being completely immune to fire, is kind of stupid. Fire resistance, i get. But complete immunity? Nah.
returns to being a literally who B rate actor in scotland
well unlike in the books, show dany never got burned. So at least the show is consistant
>Father of bastards and failures
Well isn't she presumptuous. How does she know Ned is going to promise her?
>cross bracelet
Sophie confirmed pure