Both suns would be the same size and ice-made sun's temperature would be -1000 degrees of celsius and normal sun's...

Both suns would be the same size and ice-made sun's temperature would be -1000 degrees of celsius and normal sun's temperature +1000 degrees of celsius.

Would their combined effects cancel each other out so that instead there would be only empty space or one 0-degree sun?


I guess you would end up with a sun made of steamy water at 0 degrees

spicy meme

theres no such thing as -1000 degrees celsius lol

I suggest googling " -1000 degrees of celsius" OP

water freezes at 0°C

-1000 degrees Celsius is not possible.

The ice melts because of the Oxygen

Put an ice cube into boiling water. does all of it just magically disappear? No retard it just causes them to be the same temperature.

so a zero degrees sun?

Lots of scientists ITT

I know you're trying to be all smart and philosophical. But we all know you just got out of your 8th grade space science class. GTFO newfag

>another sun
>below 0 kelvin

why is this even pasta-worthy

all of this in deep space?

the "lava" sun would just get a hardend shell, because of the zero kelvin in space

Yes that seems like the most probable answer.

the sun is made largely of hydrogen
so you'd have 2 solar masses of hydrogen, helium and trace heavier elements

If you could get the sun to −273.15°C (absolute zero) and somehow still hold it to the same mass and volume (how) and collided it with at normal sun + 273.15°C then you'd have a net temperature of the sun's ordinary temperature divided by two

its not 0 kelvin in space you ass

Ice-sun could attack lava-sun at night. no way lava-sun would survive that.

you would end up with a 0 degree steam


For the sake of the argument lets pretend
Wouldnt the ice-sun melt befor it actually reached the lava Sun? Or atleast starting to heat up since heatwaves reaches further than... Coldwaves, i guess?
>this is probebly the most retarded thing youve read in a while
>i know nothing about the subjekt, just speculating

It's just above, but we could consider it's 0.

so much science fail in this post. I have no idea where to start calling you an idiot.

In order to get an exact answer you would have to analyze the energy in joules of both theoretical Suns and fine d the difference. That will give you the correct response.

The sun made of ice would poof out of existence before they combined. It's far below absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature.

So cold, all the subatomic particles would stop moving, and the matter would cease to exist.

According to chinese elemental theory fire is destroyed by water. So obviously the fire sun would be destroyed and the ice sun would be uneffected.

You all are idiots. The ice body would be only 0K. That much mass colliding and undergoing gravity would probably spawn a red giant if you're lucky. The sun works because of pressure, not heat. Add more mass, get more pressure, get more fusion, get hotter. Regardless of how cold the ice was.

all yall niggas dont even know what the fuck you talkin aboot, theyre not even called suns but stars ye twats

Still gets me every time.

Matter can't cease to exist. One of newtons most fundamental laws. Smh.

The ice Sun has negative infinity energy and ends the universe instantly

yeah,for the sake of argument let's not use logic to answer this question logically