Happy birthday, Frank Zappa

Born today in 1940

What's your favorite album?

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Is Tinseltown Rebellion an acceptable place to start with Zappa? That's the only record I have by him.

>What's your favorite album?

"Uncle Meat"
But "Freak out" and "We are only in it for the money" are also incredible

Uncle Meat and Joe's Garage are tied for me. Very honorable mentions to the Filmore 1971 album and We're Only in it For the Money as well.

I like the album where he completely wastes his talent and and makes 'I'm too good for this' meme music and acts all pretentious

I too love that album

Good taste. It's seriously underrated

I'd have to go with Freak Out.

Seems like an odd start to me. I feel like Freak Out, Hot Rats and Apostrophe/Overnite Sensation are the logical starter albums.

Hot Rats

Coming in close behind are Roxy, One Size, and Grand Wazoo.

Grand Wazoo.

Hot rats 2

I heard Hot Rats first but Apostrophe is definitely my favorite, followed by Sheik Yerbouti and We're Only In It For The Money

i know that its just a track but watermelon in easter hay from joes garage its a Masterpiece.

Burnt Weeny and Weasels

freak out
absolutely free
lumpy gravy
uncle meat
we're only in it for the money

Overnite Sensation.

>birthday right before christmas

No wonder he was so pissed off all the time.

My favorite.

Uncle Meat's his best

uncle meat and were only in it for the money are his goat albums


Burnt Weeny Sandwich

>He still listens to Studio albums

His live albums are where it's at. Hammersmith Odeon and Road Tapes Venue #2 are great.


wish Odeon was still in print

Nah its all about that You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore vol. 2

When did this ever happen

Sup Forums has strange ideas about Zappa sometimes

Shiek Yerbouti

>spent a lot of his life criticizing organized religion and debating with televangelists
>born right before Christmas

Thanks for the road tapes recommendation. I had no idea that series existed.

Happy birthday Frank.

>What's your favorite album?

Roxy & Elsewhere, no question. Echidna's arf (of you) is, imo, the peak of Frank Zappa!


>In The Real Frank Zappa Book, Zappa relates a story of his introduction to Fishman in the late 1960's. Fishman won a contest put on by a local promoter and radio station in which contestants were asked to describe how Zappa's music had affected their lives, and Fishman won the contest by saying that since hearing "Call Any Vegetable" she had started using them "internally" and they had benefitted her greatly. We are told that Fishman showed up to meet Zappa with a perfectly spherical ball of her own shit in a mason jar, and presented it to Zappa, who had not known about the contest or the meeting in advance. Bassist Jim Pons, was fascinated with the article and opened it to smell it while waiting for the elevator at the hotel. He made some kind of "wheeeouw!" sound and then dumped the jar with the shit in the trash can outside the elevator.

How the fuck did he find these people

Without a doubt, his 70s band was the greatest band in the history of rock and roll music. They could play literally anything.

The whole of zappas career

Zappa was never pretentious, and his music, while humorous, was often very serious.


Again, what the fuck

George Duke, Ruth Underwood, Chester Thompson, Tom Fowler, Napoleon Murphy Brock - GOAT lineup.

can't forget the paranoid schizophrenic caveman who almost injured one of Zappa's children


He searched for most of those people, because he wanted to capture the culture and the atmosphere that existed in LA in the 60's. Here's an interesting documentary that'll give you the answers:
If you're also a fan of Captain Beefheart and Alice Cooper, there's something for you.

oh wow, i'm just a Sup Forumstard that lost its way to Sup Forums, and i gotta say you guys are all great!!! i'm gonna hang out here more often

You're welcome, though I'm quite surprised that we haven't been raided by the majority of the board. It's quote nice having a civil discussion on Sup Forums, which is not often the case. I think that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the only boards worth something on the whole site.

Quite nice*

A few days ago I had surgery and spent a few days high off my ass on oxy. Listening to Hot Rats in this state was possibly one of the greatest music listening experiences of my entire life.

Huh, didn't know it was Zap's birthday I was just listening to Freak Out! then Absolutely Free earlier.

My favorite album of his is Roxy & Elsewhere

get well soon user

Also Uncle Meat is my favorite Zappa album probably.

Apostrophe, Overnite Sensation, and Hot Rats are my favorites.

His name is Stevie Vai...and hes a crazy guy...last November I recall he needed a spanking!

Did anyone else think that it was Zappa himself on the cover of Hot Rats? I thought forever that it was him until I read that it was a woman

Tinsletown Rebellion is an excellent album featuring some the tightest performances ever

not true. it's why he hired people like steve vai and steve couita in the 80s

All of the "You Can't Do that On Stage Anymore" releases are amazing

Grand Wazoo.

Sup Forums is the only board still vehemently anti-Sup Forums.

Jazz From Hell

Jazz From Hell is underrated,

I feel like a lot of his 80s output goes under the radar

I like Broadway or the Hard Way