Poland vs Japan

1. Your race
2. Which do you want to live in?

1. black as ebony
2. Poland (yes I have suicidal tendencies)

>1. Your race
Slav with Swedish heritage
>2. Which do you want to live in?
Japan is obviously insta-fail.
Poland feels better. Nice food, especially mayonnaise.
But I'd preferred Argentina/Brazil 2bh. 1st world is boring.

both of them are depressive as fuck.
but i would choose poland since learning ching choong is much more harder





>1. Your race
The human race.
>2. Which do you want to live in?
Neither but if i have to choose i would pick Poland.

1. white
2. nippon but I like poland too

>1. Your race
>2. Which do you want to live in?
Japan until I'm 26, then settle down with a nice qt in Pooland.


fuck pollen

>Poland feels better. Nice food, especially mayonnaise
>Nice food, especially mayonnaise
>especially mayonnaise
what the fuck



Japan is cool but I don't want to be a foreigner for life. In Poland I would blend in, at least until I open my mouth. Plus I think my savings would get me further in Poland than in Japan.

Race is spook


Always wanted Germany but since they are cucked to death I now consider Poland. plus they have better girls, was in munich and german girls are manly tall with wide shoulders 0/10

>never heard of mayonnaise, FRENCH origin product
European education, anyone.

1. white
2. Poland

1. Poland
2. No

1. "White"
2. Japan


Germany is shit, overrated and over-memed

I don't know which is worse, the incompetent kurts or the inefficient and inflexible krauts

Nothing fucking works here, except the Autobahns and cheap beer
