My wife's son had a baseball game tonight and I had to take care of our cat. At least I had an excuse for being home.
about a hour till aussie time
saturday morning*
It's Saturday arvo actually and I'm heading off to an engagement party soon. I bought 4 fucking grams, too, fuck me
Fuck you I just got off work.
i have pinkeye probably from scratching my NEET asshole or something in my sleep and I have no insurance (america) so Im just sitting here waiting to die
I wanna listen to music and shitpost. Deal with it bitch
Where were you last week? I got scared that you dieded.
Is she Snekfu?
i had the day off and it fucked me up so i forgot it was friday until like 3 in the morning
Oh, good for you.
I'm at work, what else would I be doing?
Fuck off kaiji
I'm watching the mummy ;_;
I remember those threads. For some reason this stupid memory made me nostalgic. Thanks, faggot.
>she's here on a friday night
I got work at 6am.
post ASR butt op
post pics of u r feet
You're posting from your phone. Sounds like that social outing you're at is pretty engaging lmao.
Seriously, why are plebs allowed to live?
I'm seriously contemplating suicide right now. my meds aren't working for the first time in month and i'm afraid my bipolar might be coming back. i really need to call a hotline or something.
I'm at Hangout. It just fucking sucks here
Literal Peggy Hill feet, complete with calouses and toenail fungus
check your inbox ;)
Bipolar is a fucking hoax, mate.
All you need is financial security and some confidence. Pill addiction doesn't solve anything.
i'm fucking rich and have a ton of confidence. i just have a mental disorder you dumb faggot
>this is what normies actually believe
>feeling obligated to do something because it's a certain day of the week
>i just have a mental disorder you dumb faggot
No you don't. You're just an asshole.
>not working for the weekend
maybe i'm an asshole, but i've literally been diagnosed with a mental disorder. it's in 100% of my family.
i love her
Just watched Zootopia, trying to decide now between Triple 9, Gods of Egypt, or playing some video games.
Fuck off whore.
>btw guys i'm a grilllll
>pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fuck. Off.
Fuck off.
We seriously do not care. We don't care about your day, we don't care about your boyfriend, we don't care about your issues. One thing we certainly don't care about is your fucking opinions. Jesus Christ, why did you make this post? Did it benefit, inform, arouse concern in ANYONE? No. You posted this because you are a solipsistic whore who thinks she matters because guys like her facebook photos. I can hear you just now, you're thinking "but i don't have fa-" SHUT THE FUCK UP. I don't care about your fucking tumblr either. It's a site where you post pictures of yourself for validation, hell it could be /r9k/ for all that matters - you are still an attention whore. The guys that have called you beautiful on omegle have convinced you that you have any kind of worth, guess what: you don't. You're valued for a vagina. That's it. Nothing else. Why you think owning something that 50% of the human population owns makes your opinions worthy of shit is fucking beyond me.
Words cannot describe the utter amount of hatred I have for you. I cannot stand your vapid personality, the way you look so clueless all the time. You are a literal robot who lives for nothing more than getting validation from random guys on the internet i.e. us, and you think we're going to tolerate you parading your fucking boring thoughts on our board? Think again, cunt. Girls like you are the most boring people anyone could ever meet, because you do nothing but talk about some guy you met on here or what was on tumblr or your hair or some song you supposedly like or just SOME OTHER SHIT WE DON'T CARE ABOUT. Fuck you. You have the audacity to expect us to care when you never provide any interesting discourse or state something interesting, you literally just consume and regurgitate SHIT. We whole heartedly despise you, and you should never forget that.
Bruh, is everything ok with your vagina?
>it's in 100% of my family.
An asshole was raised by assholes. How shocking.
sick pwnage
What can I say? The mentally ill make the best targets.
>it's a guy from the midwest doesn't believe in climate change/evolution/mental disorders episode
neets get free insurance in america, stop being lazy and fill out the forms
lmao no
its a lot harder in my state. also goes by household income. im still with my parents. told them i make 0 and im looking for work and i still dont qualify
you're being glib
>takes pills
>is trying to get better
>calls someone else a normie
Satan I don't take pills I'm not even that guy you're just a fucking retard if you don't think bipolar disorder is a real thing.
Let me guess, flyover state?
you run out of funny cat pictures?
>even doing this with neo/tv/
>bipolar disorder is a real thing
yeah so is adhd and assburgers
Fuck you, I just got back from a republican pub crawl, I can't stay out later I have to go to the convention tomorrow and pledge my soul to Donald Trump!
yeah, they are.
You haven't told me which state you live in
Yeah. I prefer dogs, like a normal person.
I live in the state of Sweden.