Sup Forums seriously... what the fuck? stop comparing black people to apes...

Sup Forums seriously... what the fuck? stop comparing black people to apes. they are also living beings and care for their kids, protect their family and get food for them just like white people do. stop comparing these majestic creatures with niggers. thank you.

Noice Bait Mate


thats no bait

dubs of truth


Harambe didn't die to be compared to a nigger.

good post, to be perfectly frank with you.
i'll give it a hard eight.


says the nigger who cant read?


Honestly. If they stopped looking and acting like apes. We wouldn't have this issue.

U retard, we're all apes, us the darkies and that gorilla pic you posted. Apes. Comparing them to monkeys would be derogatory.

Gooks are the monkeys M8T

Its bait.

how is the truth b8?


Look at that dog, taking it's nigger for a walk

"It's" doesn't have an apostrophe the way you just used it, dumb fuck

>file name...

