How can people listen to degenerate crap like heavy metal and rock when there's western art music like Wagner and Haydn?

How can people listen to degenerate crap like heavy metal and rock when there's western art music like Wagner and Haydn?

Art music is BORING.

Pop music is FUN.


Nigger pleb detected.

Wagner would have enjoyed heavy metal you dingushead

First you listen to the Synarchy of Molten Bones. Then you drop a nice deuce with a sip of coffee. Then you listen to Furtwangler's take on the Meistersingers. Then you congratulate yourself on a day not plebbed.

t. autist

>blek meal
Just look at this worm trying to be a patrician.

I enjoy both, only faggotinis can appreciate one genre tbqh familia

you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself

>Furtwangler's take on the Meistersingers
>not Jochum's

>not having at least 3 or 4 on rotation
but ur rite ;)

>comparing some scandinavian trash to one of the greatest composers of all time
How fucking dare you.

user I have that kitter on my phone ayylmao

you have a limited understanding of pleasure and grammar
I didn't compare I juxtaposed, you compared.
don't make me say mean things to you you stub nose wanker.

Is it Katie or Katy?

Seriously, heavy metal/screamo is the ONLY genre I literally can't listen to, it gives me a massive headache every time. Plus, everyone I've ever asked "why?" says "it calms me down." HOWWWWW? How does someone screaming into a mic CALM YOU DOWN?

i love furtwangler but i need the #RICH and #TROO TEUTONIC SOUND of jochum


she passed away last month as a result of kidney failure but her spirit lives on in Sup Forums

>implying heavy metal and screamo can be used interchangeably
>implying all metal is screaming into a mic

>enjoys blek meal
>insults someone else's intelligence
It's time to question your existence user.

It doesn't necessarily to calm you down, but it can do close enough by keeping you consistently hyped and engaged. Think more trance than calm.


>It's time to question you existence user
I'll pass

yep, but to me it sounds mostly the same. Solid shit and liquid shit are different, but they're both still shit.

>wagner and haydn.

I listen to both for different reasons.

don't think of it as someone screaming, think of it as another instrument

Some art music was considered to be degenerate in its time.

Some formerly degenerate music is now considered to be art music.

is that george washington

not dionysian enough