Why do any of you still care about Anthony Fantano's opinions? He is now just a "YouTuber" for the twitter generation...

Why do any of you still care about Anthony Fantano's opinions? He is now just a "YouTuber" for the twitter generation, making "Meme Reviews" in between his reviews of trap albums (which his 15 year old fan base don't even care enough to watch, they just open the video description to see what number out of 10 he gave them).

If you go to any of his videos where he isn't reviewing a rap album, the highest rated comment will almost certainly be "Where's the A$AP ScHoolboy Cole review!!!" or "Why did you give The Life of Pablo a 6? It's AOTY!"

Other urls found in this thread:


He actually talks about the music and articulately and reasonably explains his opinion unlike Sup Forums and 99% of other reviewers, professional or not.

We treat anthony with the same level of respect as we do to scaruffi and p4k


Why are so many people salty about this lately. It's just his opinion


10/10 music description and criticism would subscribe

i never cared about him

>If you go to any of his videos where he isn't reviewing a rap album, the highest rated comment will almost certainly be "Where's the A$AP ScHoolboy Cole review!!!" or "Why did you give The Life of Pablo a 6? It's AOTY!"

Why the fuck do you care about the comments on an internet music review channel? You're literally just looking for things to hate.

Also, this


His music "descriptions" are on a kindergarten level. If you can't yourself make the same assumptions that Anthony make then you are just not at high enough intellectual level to analyze music and any capactity. There is nothing impressive about Fantano's criticism. His limited vocabulary and nonspecific sayings are elementary in nature and offer little as to insight a listener can't gain from simply hearing the record itself

Basically Anthony is a tool and so are his defenders/fans


Fantano BTFO

>tfw too intelligent for Anthony Fantano reviews

if you're over the age of 19 you honestly should be

I can't imagine a person who's been actively listening to music for any reasonable amount of time not being able to articulate themselves at least as well as 90% of his music "criticism". I pause to even call what he does criticism because most of his points are simple descriptions of the production or a simple analysis of the lyrics

TND is dead, meme reviews are the future

i think he seems like an alright guy but he's kind of annoying and childish and i definitely don't take any of his reviews too seriously. i don't take music """"critics"""" seriously in general.
he rarely reviews anything that i'm halfway interested in anyway.

Yeah man, we get it, you don't watch internet music reviews because you're too smart for them. Start a blog.

don't get mad at me because you're dumb enough to be impressed by his spoonfed videos, it's not just me most of this thread think he's nothing special, you're just delusional

I listen to reviews so he can tell me what an album is like before I decide to listen to it or not. I don't care that his analysis is surface level, he gives me enough info to make a decision while also being (OPINION ALERT) entertaining. Who watches/reads reviews for anything other than recs? Why do you want academic level analysis? I think you're missing the point of his channel.

He showed me that Street Sects album that was really good.

He does get a little annoying with handing out 8s like it's halloween, but I enjoy watching him just to hear what he has to say. I mean he does put on the bottom of his descriptions "Yall know this is just my opinion, right?". That aptly describes why I watch him. I'm not looking for a course on the theory of music. I'm just looking for a guy to talk about an album for a bit.

What's the point of music reviews anyways? Instead of spending 10-15 minutes watching some guy spout his opinion you could have been a decent chunk into whatever album it is and decided for yourself if you like it.

Yeah and also youtube is a great way to kill some time so why not watch a reviewer talk about something you like to do for fun, for fun. Personally, I don't like to watch things because it makes it impossible to listen to things and that's about the extent of my objections to Anthony Fantandawg. But he should really switch to contacts because glasses are for chumps.

I really don't understand the whole "all he does is describe the music" critique. My understanding was he describes the songs, what he likes about them or dislikes about them, and that's pretty much it.

What exactly is he supposed to be doing? What is say a Christgau or Scaruffi doing that Anthony is not?

I went to Christgau's site (I've read some of his reviews before) and his reviews aren't that far from a fantano review?

>So they're no longer youths, sonic or otherwise--we know that. At mid-career, their disruptive tunings are comfort food, absorbed by far younger alt-rock heirs, and only their large and supportive cult notices the excellent albums they generate every two years. Nevertheless and for whatever it's worth, Sonic Nurse is their most songful release sine the major-label hellos Goo and Dirty, and by most standards their best since 1988's pivotal Daydream Nation. Their tunings are now the stuff of hooks and the glue of their tunes, or at least riffs, which typically proceed for five or six minutes over Steve Shelley's deliberately funkless pulse, sometimes with noisefest appurtenances.
>Their lyrics are always worth attending--Mariah Carey is the latest diva to attract singer Kim Gordon's unsolicited advice--and never the point. Sonics are the point. Get it?

All it is a slightly more wordy and academic way of doing what fantano is doing.

>disruptive tunings
>funkless pulse
>lyrics worth attending

to get another person's opinion on something

people who absolutely agree with everything a critic says is retarded, but people who vehemently disagree with everything a critic says are equally retarded

the point is to get another perspective to consider while you make your own thoughts. sometimes a critic brings something up that you hadn't thought of before an it changes how you see things.

I think you just don't like a thing and you see other people liking the thing, so you decided you're smarter than everyone else who likes the thing without actually considering why people like it in the first place.

When I was new to music I thought fantano was knowledgable, but after about 6 months it became painfully clear that he is very surface level and actually knows little into terms of music theory. He's just a hack that uses name-dropping as a main point of credibility. He's just a gateway for the meme generation to feel like le knowledgable hipsters through shit like death grips and anco, with nothing outside of memes to offer else.

He's an insufferable cunt too, on his Twitter and tunblr he's a stereotypical vegan passive aggressive that can't take criticism and resorts to condescending passive aggressive irony/sarcasm to any fault or critique called upon him.


Popular Music criticism generally isnt based around theory, like i cant think of any outlet that really uses music theory as an integral part of their reviews

Music theory is only helpful in talking about classical or jazz. Popular music has entirely different goals and Fantano's style fits them perfectly.

This is so accurate!

He's listened to tons of music and knows a lot but his criticism is NOT good

Also he frequently misinterprets the meanings of lyrical and musical themes even when they're easy to understand and the artist has talked blatantly about them.

his taste in music is awful if he gae pic related a 5/10

pounding drums

rattling hi-hats

trap influenced beats

watery synths

soaring guitar leads

drenched in reverb

famed indie pop outfit

he at least articulates himself better than the majority of shitposters on Sup Forums. I mean yeah he doesn't have any deep insight or technical understanding but he can at LEAST express why he likes something without just saying "it's shit/overrated/boring/gay/[some epic Sup Forums meme here]" which is better than almost anyone on this board.

also he isn't a blatant shill like P4K is. he isn't afraid to completely shit on artists/albums that everyone else is fawning over and people say "oh he's just being contrarian!!" but no actually it's called HAVING YOUR OWN FUCKING OPINION, and I give him kudos for that.

what really bothers me is the way he consistently contradicts himself. he will literally criticize an album for something, but then praise another album for doing the same exact thing.

and I didn't like the whole thing where he went on about how first impressions are the most important thing and there's no real such thing as a grower, but then a few months later he outright said that he would give certain albums a different score today than when they first released (ex: he said that he would give Exmilitary a 9 now when he originally gave it an 8). again, it's the contradictions he makes that piss me off, and the hypocrisy.

like another thing is, he always makes such a big deal about lyricism and technical ability in hip-hop but then goes and gives Lil Yachty and Young Thug higher/the same score as Lupe Fiasco's more recent album. his scoring system is completely out of whack.

oh and one more thing, fuck him for calling TMR a meme album.


I used to pay attention until he started taking trap music seriously.

this so much
also, when did he call TMR a meme album? I heard he didn't like it but calling it a meme album is idiotic

you talk like you're 12 lmao is this the extent of Fantano's knowledgeable fans?

>again, it's the contradictions he makes that piss me off, and the hypocrisy.
meh, people change the minds, they evolve & correct their own fault: it's not something I'd blame

>contradicting yourself multiple times in a 10 minute video

Yeah yeah people aren't perfect that's all good and nice but there's a difference between a mistake and a fault

ITT: Haters
My dick gets hard when he reviews a single track or a meme. #deathgrips

I never said I wanted academic university level analysis, I just don't see what you guys like about being told what the music is you're hearing because that's basically all he is doing as I said before. Maybe 10% of the time he goes deeper into the lyrical content and overarching themes of the album but that's a rarity.

It's okay if you guys like to just sit back and watch him talk about an album for ten minutes I get it, but if you seriously think he's offering any deep level analysis you're delusional. He doesn't

in his classic review of it

but he didn't review it

Sup Anthony

Why do you think Anthony didn't give MBDTF atleast a 7?

Had to separate himself from the crowd of critics giving it 9s and 10s so he can be a special little snowflake

Serious answer only pls.


ok he seriously wanted to seperate himself from the crowds of critics that were giving it 9s and 10s

Who would you say is an example of a substantive, intellectual music critic/publication?

I honestly have not found one. I personally don't look that hard for them to be completely honest with you I'd much rather be searching for new music to listen to but that's just me

That cool. Personally, I enjoy watching/reading reviews in the same way I enjoy watching sports. I know that in most cases they're intellectually a waste of time but it's fun to have an album or artist that you love and you're rooting for and there's an excitement in seeing how well it performs or how much it flops. It doesn't really affect my opinion or anything but the reviews of publications like theneedledrop definitely affect public exposure and public opinion so it's always nice to see an artist you enjoy become an artist that thousands of people enjoy. I'm not speaking for all people who watch/read reviews, but that's my take on it

I love sports I follow my teams daily but I don't see the connection between at all between the two. Sure both are collectives with fanbases but rooting for a team to win a game is so much different than wanting your favorite band to be successful. After all in sports, success is defined usually as winning a championship, there's no objective way to "root" for an album. If it gets high reviews, could be overrated later. Same if breaks records commercially it could be just a popular but shitty album.

How would I know what to think without him?

Sure it's not as clear-cut as winning or losing a game but it's pretty obvious when an album is succeeding or failing in critical reception, and I think that it's fun to see an album that I love get received well. The same could be true for someone who obsesses over the billboard charts. They like to see music they enjoy see commercial success. The only difference between those people and those who watch theneedledrop is that theneedledrop fans are less concerned with pure sales numbers and more concerned about how the music is being appreciated by its listeners.


I just use him as a means of finding new music. If an album gets above like a 6/10 and his descriptions sounds interesting to me, I'll give it a shot. Same goes for other reviewers like p4k. Treating anyone's opinion as good or bad is fucking stupid

Who /LukeJames/ here?

Truly a mind to match the great Piero Scaruffi

well that was dumb


I don't know how about you just form your own opinions you sheep. Fantano might as well just be another talentless and non-musical Sup Forums shitposter.

He says nothing of value

this thread should just end with this spot on post

antoni is gret

ITT: "Anthony is popular now so i hate him"

Because it's list week

It would take far too long for him to do any real theoretical analysis of the stuff he reviews plus who gives a fuck? The 1% of his audience who even knows how the read music? Even if he did it would be less useful then his opinions. Just because a song has a modulation or changes meters or uses some chromatic harmony doesn't make it good or interesting. It might, but it doesn't guarantee shit.

im not a fan but a thousand times this

I like him well enough.

I actually meant to respond to this, but forgot. Music theory applies to pop music. Just because when you're learning bach chorales you can't have parallel perfect 5ths and a lot of rock is power chords doesn't mean that music theory doesn't work as well.

There's entire branches of music theory that look at pop music. Generally harmony is less of a factor, but the basic principles of structure are still there. If you start to break down any piece of music into it's parts you'll get some insight. It's not quite as easy as it is with classical, but you can still learn quite a bit from some analysis of pop music.

His fans don't affect his opinions, and I think his opinion is well reasoned and can generally tell me if an album is in my wheelhouse or not

>a "YouTuber" for the twitter generation
what the shit am i reading

i kinda get why people dont like him, but i dont get why people hate him. he really helps introducing me to music and i like him as a person, he has a similar sense of humor, taste, and outlook as myself, but never just mirrored or exactly the same. I like agreeing with him (im still salty bout not giving MBDTF at least an 8) but he still presents a different perspective on music and helps support or contradic things im thinking.
its hard to explain but i dont understand the hate

oh its this thread again ha ha

I'd rather listen to Fantano describe how an album sounds/what he likes about it than having to read some writer at p4k or some other review site wanking themselves off ("look how good at writing I am!") and stretching to find some intellectual/social/political importance to an album that isn't there

what's wrong with saying either of those things?