>tfw slipped on a banana
Music for this peel?
>tfw slipped on a banana
Music for this peel?
>just ate a big lunch
Music for this meal?
>Going fishing tomorrow morning
Music for this reel?
>trying to fix this boat
Music for this keel?
>tfw shot myself in the head
Music for this kill?
>Just about to finish a magic trick
Music for this reveal?
>got a flat tire
Music for this wheel?
>Going clubbing in Labrador
Music for this seal?
>just caught a new Pokémon
Music for this Seel?
>Needing new shoes
Music for this heel?
>just ate some sushi
Music for this eel?
>just mixed green and blue paint
Music for this teal?
>Jesus Christ just cured my blindness
Music for this heal?
>Dressed like a dirty skeet
Music for this streal?
>just bought a house at a good price
music for this deal
>just robbed a bank
Music for this steal?
>just read a shit thread
music for this feel?
>just became a priest
Music for this zeal?
>just protested the national anthem
Music for this kneel?
>just stood on a rat
music for this squeal?
>just saved 15% or more on car insurance
music for this deal?
>yesterday i got a flu
music for this ill?
>Just read a salty post
Music for this (you)?
>just got myself some dental jewelry
music for this grill?
this is the best thread on Sup Forums right now
>I'm Batman
Music for this batmobile?
Prince - Batman
>tfw got food stuck in my esophagus
Music for this spasm that was cricopharyngeal?
>spent the day welding metal
Music for this steel?
>no gf
music for this feel?