the Rock of Gibraltar edition
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Fuck Britain
what does the op image have to do with an horse
me and the lads x
Los Gibraltar son Argentinas
>when someone has a wrong opinion near me
post more ships
what if i tould you that the son of the US ambassador to luxembourg is a child traficker
my gf likes to wear leggings i'm not so insecure as to where i'm going to sperg out over it
if you feel the need to be so controlling in a relationship to where you dictate her dress then you need to see a psychiatrist
el haitiANO likes ships
Your kind of pussified attitude is why men are becoming fruity friendzoned manchildren
luxembourg is a paradise for pizza lovers
Are you dim? I was referring to the skin tight leggings the guy posted in the previous thread. If she was wearing normal leggings I'd be fine with it. But go ahead, see how far you get with a girl if you just let her do what she wants. She'll walk all over you and get bored with you and leave.
is Milo ever going to be let back on twitter?
not into that retarded alt-right shit myself, but his twitter shenanigans were kekworthy as fuck
Is Beasts of the Southern Wild worth a watch, or was it all just hype?
who is this imposter
umm i'm the one with the buff leggings gf who loves to have sex all the time meanwhile you're a virgin who wanks to anime
had a dream about britain last night lads
>is Milo ever going to be let back on twitter?
Not while the current bosses of twitter are still there.
I've got some cracking fedora bait, i'll post it later
he's fast losing relevancy, even within the alt-right (though he's not really alt right). No one is even pressuring twitter to let him back on now, so he won't come back
there's nothing wrong with skin tight leggings that's how they're supposed to fit
you need to stop being so insecure maybe getting a job and moving out of your mum's basement and losing your virginity would help
Ceuta is Moroccan
No I have a n actual gf and your made up gf is busy fucking Chad
the albertan poster said that earlier
It's never been Moroccan
>I've got some cracking fedora bait, i'll post it later
wait, so i could just go to gibraltar and live there?
Who's baiting who here?
>at work
>link funny, inoffensive picture from the chon to workmate in the office over skype
>forgot that nowadays Sup Forums actually lists the sitename in the image links
no one with a gf uses these silly /r9k/ memes you just confirmed to everyone that you're an angsty virgin manchild
i wish....ceuta and melilla are two shitholes full of subhuman moroccans nowadays...better sell cities to them and forget it
Yes, looking basically naked and wearing no underwear is perfectly acceptable yes? I'm not insecure, I just don't want my gf on display in front of strange men in a gym, especially if I'm not there with her. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
did this as well
said i got the link from reddit and everything was cool
it's not your choice
Your gf is made up, my gf is asleep next to me right now
nobody wants to hear about my dream
doing some smelly farts
all me
It is if I tell her I'm not happy with it. My gf doesn't do stuff like that anyway cos she's not a complete slag.
thank (You)
it's called a thong they're specifically made not to show you would know this is you had a gf also you must live in a pretty bad area if you have to live in fear of your gf being around strangers but given that you don't live in a warzone it's more that you're just painfully insecure
your waifu pillow isn't a real gf
it's called democracy mate
>"who's baiting who"
what a big willy
why doesnt youtube deny access to users with adblock like forbes?
>awake 90 minutes
>eaten 1700 calories
the first semi-pornographic video i ever saw was a video called "thong 101" on ebaums world and was girls showing off the different types of thongs
quite a good video
google own youtube
could you stop? thanks x
So you're completely happy with your gf dressing like a slag in the gym? Pathetic, see me after class.
>this is real
>waifu pillow
Brits aren't pathetic enough to buy those
im poorly lads
dunno. every time I see someone say this he finds a way to propel himself back into the spotlight. he just got a book deal the other day for instance and the vlogosphere lost its shit over it
pretty crazy, ye
can't remember how they got his password
could tell by your flag since brits are all soft cunts
it's her choice and i'm happy with who she is and she loves me and i'm not an insecure betaboi like you who can't handle women wearing anything other than black bin liners
>could tell by your flag since brits are all soft cunts
We have the highest amount of boxing world champs in the world, so no
it's just a dumb rock
karen dreaming about my cut dick and wanting to suck it
>posting that 2-d. wan in a Union Jacket
rightly deserved, learn a lesson from it.
new PR on the squat lads x
dont come to sweden ever again, dominicANO
who is that bitch
>who can't handle women wearing anything other than black bin liners
Why are you exaggerating everything? I've told you my position on the matter, and no amount of name calling or memeing will change my mind
she hasn't got the range
fuck off filthy Mexican
yes your position belongs in the muslim world or in 1917 not 2017
you hate women and want to dictate what they wear that's clear to everyone so why don't you just run along back to Sup Forums yea
>amir paki khan
>irish knacker fury
who else is there, blacky wogson?
Not per capita you dont
nice to see the thread is progressing smoothly
el haitiANO is now posting with a proxy
i want to get naked with a girl lads
Neither of those are current world champs, at least try to pretend what you're talking about Eoin