What's the best record player/turntable I can get for $100-$250 including the speaker setup and cleaning stuff Sup...

What's the best record player/turntable I can get for $100-$250 including the speaker setup and cleaning stuff Sup Forums?

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Didn't you make the exact same thread earlier today

I'd recommend a pro-ject turntable, just search for their products on amazon or similar shops.

Not me, I made a thread like this a day or two ago and got two unhelpful responses, so I'm trying again.

I saw it yesterday.

i have an audio technica lp60, its p solid, but with your budget, i would go for the lp120

Do you have an amp and speakers?


> Anonymous 12/21/16(Wed)16:28:39 No.69805902 ▶
> (OP)
>Do you have an amp and speakers?
Nope, sadly I don't.

Thats really low budget, I spend about 900 on mine and it's already just a starter setup.

What the fuck happened to this reply?

How are you going to hear your records then?

I think you need to go and do some research and save some more cash.

Good luck!

What can I say? I'm cheap.

You'll need to steal shit if you want to get something decent for this amount of money.

>How are you going to hear your records then?
That's why I included this in the OP:
>including the speaker setup
I'd like some speaker and amp suggestions as well

There are turntables for this budget which include both the amp and speakers but they really, really suck ass. You're better off with just buying a CD player and a decent speaker.

How much money do I need to spend? I'm trying to start cheap being a beginner and all, I don't want to invest to much money into a hobby right off the bat.


thrift record player, receiver and speakers
buy new cleaning stuff and cartridge

> 100-200 on a decent turntable > at least 150-300 on a speaker pair (depending on if you buy them used or new)
> 20-30 on decent cinch cables
> 100 on a used amp
> 20-60 on pre amp

pre-amps aren't always needed if the amp has a phono stage. So we've saved him 60 bucks there.