/npg/- New pedal general

Welcome to you local friendly guitar pedal thread

Post guitar pedals
Talk about guitar pedals
Obsess about guitar pedals

Who needs skill when you have gear?

And remember, if you dont end your post with < arrows, your a pickfag

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Good choice for a plate reverb?

whats that pedal, OP?

Throne Torcher from Abominable electronics

we already have a guitar thread. This is a shitposting thread

/gg/ is too hostile. im good on that negativity bro

This is my first pedal board, rates?

looks killer, im checking it out rn.

says its a hm-2 clone, im a bit wary.

your a fucking idiot.

what's next, strings general? pickups general??

alot of classics. thats a really safe pedal board with all those trusted brand names.

i take it you are going for the nirvana sound with that small clone and big muff/boss combo?

aaaaaaaaaaand thats why this thread exists.

looks good to me m8
haven't seen that od before, how do you like it?

>muh safe space
you're wasting a thread. I'd rather have another kpop thread than this crap

im not op

chill tho

The only appropriate choice for any reverb is a true analog reverb. These small digital boxes all sound terrible if you really crank them. Spaceman Effects make a true analog spring reverb for around $400.



excuse my ignorance, whats the hm-2 clone?

Got it in one, I didn't really know where I wanted to go at the start, just I knew I wanted to be loud and fuzzy, and I'm a big fan off alot of Nirvana's live performances (From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah kind of stuff) so getting that sort of gear seemed like a good idea, now it turns out I want to play noise rock/grunge stuff so it's worked out pretty good

Its awesome, its the original 1970 pedal, it's got a real grit to it when you up the gain, and makes a perfect combo with the muff

If you don't like this thread no one is forcing you to post here

Dumping cool looking pedals


oh, the description on the throne pedal site said it was designed as a boss heavy metal clone (hm-2)

and yeah man you really nailed that sound from how your pedals are lookin. next thing you need is a good G&L guitar to really encapsulate the grunge sound

With you, sorry for retardation, its 2:30 in the morning for me, and I'm just using a cheap Squier with humbuckers atm but it works



lol its alright my man.

and a cheap squier with buckers is the truest way to achieve that shitty bleach era sound. kurt used alot of cheap beat up pawn shop guitars in the early days.

anyways, heres my setup

hey, theres a really cool thing called free will.
i dont think you ever heard about it, but it basically means he can post whatever the fuck he wants. if you dont like it, leave or hide the dudes posts.

Love the muff
Love the Small Clone
Love the carbon copy
Love the ditto
Never actually used the metal zone because of the memes

10/10 collection, would totally jam with you

Best fuzz and phaser pedals?
Target Music: Psych, indie, garage rock

currently have:
Squier Strat
Vox AC-10
Crowther hot cake
mooer ensemble king
digitech obscura delay
mooer shimverb pro

Amplifier general

uh, we are already in a pedal general.
thanks tho

the metal zone was my first pedal, it still works after 8+ years!
its very hard to dial in a decent tone, i wouldnt buy it again but i managed to eek out a thrash/death metal tone. some mix between and justice for all and seasons in the abyss

You should check out some of the abominable electronics or pic related by old blood noise if thats the sort of think your after (and dont mind selling an organ)


im looking for a morbid angel/death tone
something from covenant or human

im checking out abominable pedals rn because i need to replace that old metal zone

File names
except the second one is called Oppressive cult destroyer

Don't know much about heavy metal but I do love a good fuzzbox, I promise I'm not a shill for AE, I've just always had a boner for their gear

Plectrum general here folks

fuzz is best pedal

got a fs300 by behringer on the way - excited

ayo op you caught the attention of the dreaded /gg/ troll. i feel sorry for ya but you are too chill to just leave hanging. what amp do you use btw?

True dat


I haven't laughed this hard in ages, I use a Blackstar HT1 (best keep this talk to amp general tho)

looking to sound like that tone from "big wreck - place to call home"

>ayo op you caught the attention of the dreaded /gg/ troll
you mean roman?

wrong thread dude

blackstar huh? i hear really good things about them but the only ones i've seen have a single tone knob and not the 3 eq knobs. this bothers me.


whoever was stealing everyone's gear pics and posting as them. hes clearly back and in action today. and i thought he got doxxed one day after a heavy bought of posting shit

Big muff Germanium, crank the volts down low


i was told he just uses a fuzz sound - roles off the neck pickups tone almost completely and uses chords to compliment the fuzz's....fuzz

>and i thought he got doxxed one day after a heavy bought of posting shit
are you really this new? roman has been doing this for years now and was doxed in 2014 or some shit. he's proved himself to be bulletproof over and over again

Newfag here
Who is roman?

can't be arsed to take a picture, but i just wanted to say that this is my favorite distortion pedal.

Get in here to discuss why are there so many guitar generals. General.

roman = froosh = crazyaga etc.etc. he's /gg/s troll extraordinaire. you can start the saga here
and this is his dox thread from 2014

we can never have nice things.

we had guitar general but you mongoloids had to fuck it up

thats the saddest shit

theres someone out there with this little to do in life. anyone reading this, take this as a warning.

Holy shit this is unreal. I just goes on and on

Yep, he's cortfag too.

>Alice in Chains

>wasting a thread

Literally impossible, the entire point of this site is the ability to make dumb threads about anything that will get deleted as soon as interest dies.

Anybody ever use this? I'm thinking of getting it

Along with this

Does anyone have any reccomendations for catalinbread pedals? I have a credit to my local store that expires with the new year and they sell their whole line.

Looks nice but the price is a bit "wew"

Anyone have any of the pedals out of that series? If so how are they? Been thinking of picking one up soon, probably the M9.

Aight so I've got a cheap shit bbe fuzz pedal th sounds shit with any reverb or delay, WHICH IS TERRIBLE because the only other pedals I have are a digitech delay and a dl4. I use the overdrive on my peavey classic 30 amp but that ain't cutting it plz no laff

So I got $300 amazon bucks. Thinking about getting a fulltone OCD bc at this point it's a meme that seems real and fuck I'm falling for it.

Also thinking about getting a zvex fat fuzz factory.

Am I stupid for comboing these two? Or should I switch the fuzz factory with a eh soul food?

Nice pedal user

You have a noice board user, I dig how you set your knobs on the muff

Posting my board. Complete with Acapulco Gold clone.

Did you make that clone?

Nice board btw