Radiohead album ratings
The Bends
OK computer
In Rainbows
Moon Shaped Pool
Hail to the Thief
Pablo Honey
>Power gap
Kid A
Radiohead album ratings
The Bends
OK computer
In Rainbows
Moon Shaped Pool
Hail to the Thief
Pablo Honey
>Power gap
Kid A
Switch the last 2 and you're good senpai
>Pablo Honey not dead last
>Kid A dead last
>Forgetting Amnesiac which is their best album
shit fucking list m8
Amnesiac > OK Computer > Kid A > AMSP > The Bends > In Rainbows > TKoL > Hail to the Thief > Pablo Honey
The correct list is
OK Computer
In Rainbows
Kid A
The Bends
Hail to the Thief
You forgot their best album, The Resistance
>Amnesiac is their best album
Who started this meme?
he's right for once desu
>Listening to the man who got a death boner from David Bowie
I don't actually, the man is a fucking joke and it blows my mind how there's people who take him seriously
I just happen to agree with him on this one thing
>Amnesiac and Kid Gay above the Bends
top kek
Pulk and most other of their songs on amnesiac are literally garbage tier. I couldn;t even include that album on me list because the ONLY songs that aren't garbage are you and whose army and pyramid song
>garbage tier.
plen detected
8/10 - Pablo Honey
7/10 - The Bends
2/10 - OK computer
shit/10 - everything else
reddit tire garbage
how the fuck is amnesiac reddit tier, if anything they'd hate it because it isn't Kid A or OK Computer 2.0
This is literally Scaruffi's list learn to make your own opinions faggot
Because it ain't good and people say they like it in order to appear knowledgeable... which is LITERALLY the most reddit tier thing on the planet
Not him but your wrong
what don't you like about Amnesiac beyond "it aint good"? also assuming that people are only saying they like something for image purposes is dumb as fuck, music is subjective and everyone will have different opinions
All of it is pretty boring but Kid A is pretty nice
>This is literally Scaruffi's list
it literally isn't
How it is not?
huh I guess it is
it's a coincidence though
you conveniently left off pablo honey which he rated 6.5
Pablo who??
wow ur so funnii