What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

No, seriously, I have no idea what the fuck she's even talking about. Please help.

Other urls found in this thread:



Its a spoiler for her next movie.

They used to have stars as favorites and now it's hearts as likes

Also stop giving this women so much attention

Wow he really wants his dick sucked.

what a cuck

shes an oldfag and shes sick of normalfags being on her internet

>How can the "I refuse to see the Ghostbusters reboot guy" be masturbating if we can see both of his hands

what did she mean?

Well, yeah. Are you really saying you wouldn't want a woman with a head game like this?

I imagine him being 4ft tall, jumping up and down and making his face go red when he posted this.

Maybe. But I guess I'm not wheaton desperate. Can't he just hang out at small town star trek conventions and pick up slutty nerds or did that ship sail for him already?


Wouldn't buying said video games be contributing?

why is it that "Celebrity Nerds" are fucking cucks?

>wil wheaton
>patton oswalt
>chris hardwick

I'm actually amazed neither Felicia or Wheaton have jumped into the whole fiasco with James and Ghostbusters.

>Felcilia "I will cross the street when I see someone wearing a gaming t-shirt" Day

human garbage

they probably saw the twitter drama, watched James's video and realized they would be on the wrong end of the stick and opted to stay out.

Wil is a blowhard on twitter so I'm suprised he hasn't said anything.

What HAS Felicia Day contributed?

Wew I like this image very very much


"please suck my dick Felicia"

You know you want it.





The same thing that Wheaton contributed.

Nothing of value and a bunch of retarded drama.

how does she go from solid 7.5/10 to 3/10 just by making a different face?

>tfw no SK and I

Please tell me somebody replied to that rant with SHUT UP WESLEY

So if the guy who made the GiantDad meme in Dark Souls decided to shit on her, he'd be left without a leg to stand on, right?
Or if someone who made an indie game did it?
Or someone with a hugely popular LetsPlay channel?

All of these people have more influence on gaming 'culture'

He automatically blocks people who do that now


How is she famous? What has she done? Is she a twitch "celebrity" like that other white girl that shills in CS:GO or something?

Yeah, and it's a he'll of a lot more than anything camel bitch has done.

voice acting to one good game and about 5 awful ones

She's the first person to create a webseries that was also involved in "the industry" first (albeit with bit parts in Buffy, House, Monk, a bunch of national commercials)

what did she mean by this?



You now remember this commercial manually


I still have a Sears nearby and can confirm they still offer product accessories.


>her entire perky persona is an act and she's actually completely miserable and wracked with anxiety at all times and cries constantly
I can't enjoy her videos anymore with this knowledge.

what a cuck

Remember when we sent old horses to the glue factory instead of let them stink up the place behind a keyboard?

Because when she smiles she pulls the muscles in her cheeks up. When she doesn't smile, her cheeks just hang really low which is weird

He's such a nice guy.

I still want to fuck that fat blonde girl

Like Dostoevsky's Christ, her biggest mistake was Politicizing Herself (by cutting off her hair).


>eons ago
>like 2 years

I want to die

I wanna wrap her hair around my cock and wank

life is shit

>tfw county boy looking for my gamer girl


i want to be her wife

to help her raise her son

Why is it that like half of Twitter post strings like this are made going from newest to oldest and half are made going from oldest to newest? I never fucking know whether to read these things from the top or the bottom.

>Actor who played worst Star Trek character defends actress who played worst Buffy/Eureka/Supernatural character.

>worst Buffy character

>worst Eureka character

>worst Supernatural character
The warlock who fucks dogs

no idea, im blocked from viewing her twitter.

Must be related to that ryan perez thing ages ago.


spelling your name like that is a huge red flag to be honest

She's annoying to the point where I'd hate fuck the shit out of her.

>by credible, anonymous threats

but... every single threat reported to the proper authorities was determined by said authorities to NOT be credible. you must know this. Why do you think it's okay to lie about it, Wil?

>"Remember ages ago (by internet standards) when people freaked out that Twitter had changed the Favourite button from a star to a heart?"

>cries about his friends getting "harrassed" over twitter
>calls three different people "despicable, reprehensible, repugnant piles of human garbage" over twitter


She and wil was in Eureka together.


It's okay when he does it. He's a good guy, he can do whatever he wants!

As a Will I am very triggered


a musical where she was the worst singer

I un-ironically really enjoy her youtube show Co-Optitude where she plays games with her brother Ryon and he plays games with his sister. Yes it only further exposes her lack of video game cred when she barely seems aware of a lot of obvious things like pokemon and battletoads and show incredibly juvenile skill. In their defense they almost exclusively played PC through their whole lives which was the idea for the show to go back and play shitty snes and nes games. The show severely tanks in quality when they started playing current indie games for admittedly no good reason other than they got tired of playing snes but Ryon is god-tier bro whom I wish I could hang out with every fucking day.

Before this show I never thought I'd care about anything Felicia day has done (and as for any of her other content I would gladly take a dump on) nor did I ever care for Let's play style videos because of how fucking autistic and annoying most actual video game nerds are, but it's not hard to watch things without other peoples opinions plaguing your fucking brain all the time.

If anyones interested, I guess I recommend it.
Start at the early episodes and avoid any episode without Ryon.


dude he has an attractive wife

Day might be an idiot but she is no fool.

Geoknowsbest knows best

FDay is Wheton's BOSS. She's the producer for their projects. So of course he's a little toady and protects her honor online.

What did she mean by this?

Why does she behave like this? Does it really get her more attention? She can't possibly be like that IRL, right?

did Alex Jones hack her account what the fuck

>how does she go from solid 7.5/10 to 3/10 just by making a different face?

She's got a kinda flat prominent jaw. Smiling hides or reduces that.

Being the most annoying character on not one but two Joe Swedon shows.

Keep me posted


2 years already?
fuck my shit up familia

>a contributor to gaming culture

Watching her play Golden Eye is just painful

the comments

This is much worse


Is this real?

Remember Sup Forums no matter how much life sucks, at least you are not Will Wheaton

Sup Forumss own anthony burch

>tfw i'm not either of them


>Im the Sara Jessica Parker of video games

Top Fucking KEK

>it's gonna be Sonic 2, right?
>it's Sonic 2
She spends 15 minutes trapped in a pit without ever figuring out how to spin dash

A fucking six year old who has never played a video game before will intuitively figure out how to spin dash in 30 seconds.

How can you even be THAT inept? It's an act, right?

Bloody legend.

Shitposts aside this guy seems like a legit narcissist. Completely oblivious to his own hypocrisies and incapable of ever being wrong.


What drives a man to that point? What needs to happen to you, to make you behave like that?

She voiced Veronica in New Vegas, but to be honest all the good parts about Veronica were in her writing rather than delivery so she didn't really contribute anything.

while a camel doing so many things is impressive i doubt anyone is threatened by it