The greatest swordsman who ever lived edition.
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The greatest swordsman who ever lived edition.
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Who should play Jon in the inevitable timeskip?
3 for (farts)
You know it's accurate.
This man.
god he's hot
Reminder that Maesters are causing the woes of Westeros.
Take the Ironborn pill, see what the Maesters have wrought! Break yourselves free from the Maesters chain of manipulation!
stfu and gtfo
>Glen Beck is Melisandre
Fuck off LARPer
OMG who cares
Richard Armitage is actually a solid choice for any Stark.
>Cregan in a Dance of Dragons prequel
All of my money.
I tried my hardest, but Kit Harington genuinely looks too retarded at times.
>tfw stopped reading Storm of Swords for 2 months because too busy
t. underage edgy Sup Forumsack
Looks like a M&B character
There are people who seriously think Stannis is dead.
first for the King who Cared
I hate this show. I only watch on the vague hope Sandor will show up.
How will he explain his lack of shoes in the next episode?
>more backstories than the Joker
You know someone already made that shoop you faggot.
I want Sup Forums to leave
Already been answered fucking hell.
It's Episode 7 so stop asking.
>second worst father in westeros
spoiler from a spainfag here
we've seen the cast in our small town, theyre with a woman and a guy I havent seen on the show yet, fucking protected by heavy security too, always with a fucking umbrella to hide their faces.
probably Jon's mum?
also Bran actor probably retarded irl, fucking smiling all the time
He was truly the righteous king, how he let all his men eat while they were starving before he took a bite for example, truly would have made a great king
I know, faggot. Are people not allowed to make multiple shoops now?
who is the worst?
What would ISIS do if they were suddenly transported to the game of thrones(show) universe?
I see that the Maester Internet Defense Force is here
I hate this self righteous assfuck so much.
bow to the true queen
CIA for ever
Gotta love his belt loops
>implying he will burn her in the books
Fuck children most likely
If someone put more shadow on the face of this picture, it would be perfect.
worst fight scene in the entire show
>lmao dual wielding
>dude stay back, i'm holding my swords pointing out to either side of my body with my wrists fully flexed. dont try to knock the sword outta my hands or approach me or anything
>you cant block or parry my unbalanced 1 handed swings with 2 hands on your sword. lol dont be silly. superior skill
it was just goofy. it was literally star wars or power rangers tier stuff
His father was a peach cobbler.
A delicious dessert.
>Fuck my knees up in car crash
>Start putting weight on, go see doctor
>Tells me to go to the gym and do stationary bike cardio as it's apparently low impact
>1.5 hours at a time, fucking hell
>Load every ep of Game of Thrones on my phone so I have something to do while I just sit there like a faggot, peddling away
>Mfw seeing how good the show used to be compared to now
Go back and watch the first season, it's night and day in terms of quality.
>Actual properly composed music, not generic meme fantasy shit
>Proper actors
>No leftist agenda being pushed
>No stronk womyn
>Tits and gore
Were the earliest seasons more qualitative due to the fat man being heavily involved, or is it just franchise fatigue and everyone working on it not giving a fuck anymore?
Wreck their immediate area for about a week before they run out of ammunition.
haha exactly, wish he would have Dawn only and fight really well
>implying he won't
He'll take Winterfell, fetch his bitches, possibly find dragon eggs in Winterfell crypts, but certainly end up under heavy undead and other siege. That's when she'll burn to fulfill the Nissa Nissa role and it will be terrible.
Don't compare the worst character to God emperor trump.
Sanders is Tyrion. In general he has positive agenda, but goes in the wrong direction which helps the actual villain (Trump/Dany).
>he doesn't want based Geralt on the throne
I guess harranhall is off the table too then
Geralt would never want to sit on a throne.
Predict new TWOW POVs
>Crow's Eye (no shit)
>a fucking White Walker
>melisandre tells jon about the prophecy
>jon refuses to kill sansa
>ww take over the north
Dabid and other man have taken over and think it's fun to have helicopter men with 2 swords
CIA sitting on the throne while salsa on his lap.
Harrenhall isn't off the table, I am the table
What are you 5?
Is it just me or is there weird sexual tension between Davos and Melisandre?
GRRM said there wouldn't be any more, so...
dumb marvelnigger
No new PoVs, from the mouth of Georgie boy.
He's got to cull them down to six or so.
>trusting the fat man
Is Tyrion a Targaryen?
>Jon Targaryen in his 50s.jpg
who else doesn't really care about who sits in the iron throne in the end? i just want to see how the characters and their stories develop
If any of the Lannisters are Targs it will be Jaime and Cersei.
Yes, he's also Euron in disguise
Nigga there was even sexual tension between Selyse and Melisandre.
>wheres my sister
>I wish you good fortune in the wars to come
>and now it begins
what did he mean by this?
The table is a laddah!
Fuck off, nobody cares, holy shit.
good job Sup Forums, nice and edgy too
weak bait
hillary clinton is such an amazing cunt with all the shit she's done, you can fill a 35 minute video with all the scams and corruption she's had a part in
Geralt isnt much for leadership. The dude can barely run a gang of 4 people.
He wouldn't want to sit on the throne, not would he be particularly good.
How is Missandei so smart?
She's only 10 years old
she is faceless man
/r/ based maces
>cock merchant
can faceless men turn into children?
She's a woman, idiot, they're naturally smarter, even without education
Autist savant
ask arya
>le big cock dwarf xD
Well Kelly C is 14 and she rules half the world.
i would bow down before her if in return she would pee on me
Why do people here always say tywin was such an amazing guy, he was a sick fuck who was obsessed with cucking his dwarf son
>She's only 10 years old
in the books :^) the show is canon
Wasn't she very educated because her master wanted her to be educated and so had her taught?