Why are immigrants from the Muslim world into the Europe world so ungrateful ?

Why are immigrants from the Muslim world into the Europe world so ungrateful ?

But he isn't a Muslim..

But he clearly says he isn't a Muslim

Muslims apparently don't have decency

read op again
there are two types of immigrants:
1. educated contributing people who move out from their shithole of a country. you dont notice them because they do their job honestly and dont make a fuss.
2. inbred retarded losers who left their country because they have nothing to lose, and they were taken only to compensate on the negative population growth.

>Zionist kike
>calling someone else inbred

he likes it


They are something else. They are the retarded kid in the class. They still haven't decided whether you should stone fags to death or amputate thieves' hands. I wish they would go to or stay in a developing country with their developing ideas.

Can't it be both? I'm a retarded loser with nothing to lose, but I'm also educated (university graduate).
I will go to Israel and steal all your women who crave for the BIG GERMAN COCK hehe ( : and don't tell me lies about how they don't want foreigners. Hila Klein (youtuber) craved big western cock and said all israeli women want that, and fathers happily give away their daughters

Let's not forget about stoning your own female relatives to death because they were raped.
>inb4 something edgy

We'll maybe if the US and UK didn't destabilize and destroy our countries beyond repair on Israel's behalf we wouldn't be immigrating to stable and intact countries.
Think of it as retribution for your sins. You're going to take in refugees whether you like it or not. Your governments created this mess, now choke on it

>Sup Forumstards falling for a turkish troll
stupid edgelords

>implying im jewish
at least im not an infidel shiite astaغfirulah
please come and impregnate as many jewesses as possible. we need more white jews in here to hold the economy

Your countries were shit for 1000 years before the US even existedm

Gues we'll just have to kill all of you.

خيبر خيبر يا يهوب :~ضضض

Because they have no reason to be nice. They can't be deported back or killed.

They can and they will

He said Muslim world
Because Western culture is profoundly disgusting, something that is obvious to anyone that manages to break free from the simple hedonic lifestyle we are encouraged to.

srs, call me a fedora all you want.

Because gratefulness is based on the concept of respect.

You can't be respectful to self-destructive hedonistic breed.

Westerners are miserable in their "progressive" perception, the way you always put yourself after everyone else.

It is not bad to be welcoming, but you guys are borderline masochistic. It's as if you actually want to destroy yourself.

Do you feel sympathetic to a dumb emo cunt in school? No. You make fun of her. You mock and abuse her, even unintentionally.

Westerners are this collective emo cunt. You are hypersensitive, identity-focused, very self-humiliating and hedonistic at the same time.

You think of yourself as a caring mother for the rest of the world, but you're not. You're just mindlessly destroying yourself.

Like a miserable homeless, but kind alcoholic. Your kindness may be good, but would you respect a chronic self-hating drunkard, even if he was kind sometimes? No. You'd feel just misery. A wasted potential of a man.

Same with the Europe. You're miserable with your insane identity focus, willness to give your assholes away for free to any stranger just for the sake of it.

Yea, let all the refugees in, sponsor same-sex marriages, make your men more and more effiminate. No one will respect such behaviour. Even instinctively.

Muslims are uncivilised and as such abuse your own self-destructive tendencies, which you only further encourage.

You're the new Rome basically, and the Rome fell under very similar circumstances.

Just my sincere thoughts.

Because shit culture.
The ones from Maghreb comes from countries that are extremelly racists even by int/ standards and where people respect absolutely nothing, Not even able to make a queu, or respect the driving rules. Hence their country is shit.
But they have extreme pride. They believe non unironically they are the best people in the world.
That's why everyone hate them and they make such a sjhitty diaspora on average.

With that mindset, gratefulness is something those savages are unaware of.



>But they have extreme pride. They believe non unironically they are the best people in the world.
So basically Americans but with ideas from medieval times ?
>said the guy in the country created by inmigrants

Basically americans without power
Why do you think arabs integrate so well in USA? It's because the average mindset of the american culture (muh big guns, don't thread on me, i'm the fuckin best nigga) suits them like a glove

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People are grateful when it allows them to get more help. Immigrants know the get more by shouting, so why bother with gratitude?