Prove you re not American

Prove you re not American

I'm a faggot that hates freedom

I can drive stick shift, the healthcare system works, I don't tip my waitress, I'm not obese, I don't need a gun to protect myself, ebola has never touched my country, we don't bomb Asians, we don't get involved in wars that we aren't supposed to be involved in, our cops aren't abusive, my favorite porn genre isn't cuckolding, I don't use a motorized scooter, let alone ride one around in a supermarket or in public, I have a complete education, I drive an environmentally-friendly vehicle, I can see my dick when naked, I am not boastful about my patriotic side, all the major cities in my country are relatively safe, I can tell the difference between a country and a continent, I know at least twenty countries outside of my own, I'm not in prison, the nearest McDonalds is more than 300 metres away, my country doesn't build walls on its borders, I can go to a cinema and come out alive, I can go to a school and come out alive, I can go into a skyscraper and come out alive, I can throw a paper plane without getting arrested for terrorism, I can bring toothpaste onto planes, I use the metric system, the day is the first in the shorthand date form, I'm not afraid of my government, I wait for the facts before making a conclusion about a tragedy, I follow a sports team even if they lose, and I haven't died by being trampled by other people a month before Christmas. How'd I do?

I can legally fuck a 14 year old

I'm under 100 kilos (not pounds, cause pounds are for bitches) and I'm not much into murdering my classmates or being depressed

I speak 2 languages

Black lives dont matter in my country


That's fucked up man, where do you live? Nigeria?

I'm American and speak 2 languages. Protip: my second language isn't Spanish

the niggers on our country obey the law.

Not him, but there are several developed nations where the minimum age of consent is 14, including Brazil and Japan.

>Developed Nation

Try again.


I know I can't really call it "developed". Brazil is probrably a lot better than Nigeria though. In fact, I live there.

Y'all just jealous cucks. Back to back World Champs

Prove you're NOT american

I'm proud of our country, even if its turmoil.



I don't use my nearest school as a shooting range.

I can talk about capitalism is evil and nobody tell me I am comunist

I love natural food, junk food is evil, get fat is dangerous, white people is so good than another race.

I like social medical health.

And I am not euro fag.

Bump. Waiting for butt hurt Americucks to respond.



is that glorified seagull supposed to intimidate me?



i know that america wasnt the only country who fucked up the nazis

Why would I prove I'm shit?

i hate it when regions of the world has some official animal of their area.

that bird will not hesitate on pecking your childrens eyes out and feeding it to its little chicks.

I don't mind the existence of other countries besides my own.

Are you latin american? If so, please stop using google translate.

I eat my steak with smegma and blue cheese

Fuck off satan

I'm a 13th generation American but I consider myself a Canadian. I live close the the Canadian boarder. I've adopted Canadian culture and their way of life. I feel at home in the woods with a bear sitting on a stump outside. I'm ashamed I have 12 previous generations born in this stupid country. Soon I will move to Canada and one day hope to live in a cabin on Hudson Bay.

it's easily

Do you know what I love almost as much as America? The moon. Yeah, we've been there. Cheer up, Canada, your scientists say that in about 20 years, you'll be able to land there. Of course, by that time, we'll be on Mars

Canadians got over that need to compensate for small dicks hundreds of years ago when their ancestors first wrestled bears. Wrestle a fucking bear and survive and tell me you don't feel more manly than with 1 million gallons of rocket fuel behind you.


>hurr durr, we wrestled bears
So did David Crockett, faggot


Canadians don't tell tales. The Paul Bunyan folktale was based off of your average Canadian lumberjack.

David Crockett was a State Representative and a frontiersman, dumbass. The average Canadian is based off American culture.

Dude...cmon. You're no fun. I bet you're the most popular guy at parties.

Y-you too, desu

I'm not desu, I'm David.

I don't have to pay to walk into museums or tourist attractions.

I'm from the US, and I don't have to pay for museums, our science center, theatre, or our zoo here.

Well, its probably because your museums are filled with garbage and people at your tourist attractions have a better chance to get kidnapped than in the middle of Iraq, that's why they don't pay.

This is next-level kind of humor.

Sorry eh

its not really humor, its just a bunch of statements that could easily be countered to make america look even better than it already is. its not that hard, it wasnt hard for hitler, except when, duh, america came to save the day.

I'm neither retarded, morbidly obese nor poorly educated. I've also never been shot and I'm aware that over 100 countries have all the freedoms, and more, that Americans seem to believe (stupidly) is unique to them.

I'll leave to it then, have fun


I Surrender!

my education was free

I live in a country where 30% of the population has an rifle, but no police officers have been killed and the rate is homicide rate is 0,6 per 100,000. last year.

And offcource there is no niggers here.

leave to what? the fuck are you trying to say?