I've never had a real friend
fucking normalfag
what a qt
hey man fake it till you make it right? XD
i wanna fuck some nigress
this is exactly what i'm talking about
coldplay are good
is it 'exotic' 4k because his penor is whitey and her clamtrap is nignog
>you will never know what it feels like to have a penis inside you
Haha, that's where you're wrong m8
you know that feel when you´re taking a shit, imagine the shit is like nah fuck it and goes back in
and that is how babies are made boys and girls
speak for yourself
Im 21 and what is this
start with Art Angels
definetly music and pitchfork reviews
cant you see we are talking about beyonce here
If quads delete this thread
>they do it 4 free
you're living on it
does this anger the black man
black rhymes with cúck
steal this one eminem
Really gets the ol' noggin joggin'
you know it's funny that when you have a gf porn loses it's appeal, you start objectifying women less and realise they're just real people like you and i
Sex is objectifying each other, literally.
and i bet you fuck your gf's personality right
I think this board has less active mods than Sup Forums
how can I objectify women if I never see one
It made me respect women less because I had all of my misogyny validated
Are you virgins, or just assholes?
And what the fuck exactly does 'objectify' mean here?
even rough sex isn't 'objectifying' if it's consensual., if I tried to 'make love' to my gf she'd probably leave me, but that doesn't mean I look at her as anything but an equal, overall
I'm in a long term relationship and I watch porn almost daily, I'm just more independent lmao
man I'd love to fuck a black woman, but I'm already in a relationship with a cute petite asian
>can't have everything I guess
>if I tried to 'make love' to my gf she'd probably leave me
Someone has a feminist for a girlfriend.
This, unfortunately.
And then more and more women start paying attention to you.
i have rough sex with my gf it's great. sometimes we go slow and romantic. sometimes its like SHIT CHOKE ME PULL MY HAIR.
maybe ur just gay idk
tbf i still watch porn now and again, i just dont put the pussy on a pedestal like i used to
This is the real white lash
where the fuck are the mods
I feel like 'objectification' is a useless term because both sexes do it.
>omg eww, that guy is a hot mess
etc. etc.
used to go out with a feminist who would never shave, never give me blowjob or do any other position aside from missionary
my current gf is a heavy weed smoker and is super chill about everything and not a feminist at all.
yeah this girl i used to fancy is now giving me way more attention its like ffs
this is what Anthony Fantano faps to
When it reaches a certain point it becomes bad. Everyone likes to be objectified a little, who doesn't want to be told they have a great ass?
But when you've cured cancer or created peace in the middle east and all people can tell you is"Wow, great ass! Wanna fuck?' maybe not so much
mods must be dead
nah just American