Remember when there was a Jehovah's Witness on Scrubs who insisted that she can't go into surgery because her religious...

Remember when there was a Jehovah's Witness on Scrubs who insisted that she can't go into surgery because her religious beliefs command that can't accept blood transfusions? Remember how Dr. Cox pointed out that she's basically committing suicide? Remember how he was somehow the bad guy in this situation? Remember how the problem was resolved off camera with no explanation whatsoever?

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Now you do.



>it's a character is absolved of making a morally ambiguous choice because outside forces make it for them episode

Looking at you end-of-season-2 Dexter.

resolved off camera with no explaination? im pretty sure its resolved right there on camera with cox saying shes gonna die... she died m8. also, doctors cant force you to have life saving surgery *at least here (UK)*.

Looking at you nearly every tv show and movie. Hollywood cant into ethics.

> You have to choose spiderman
> No ill save everyone

>Remember how he was somehow the bad guy in this situation?
What? I remember them being made out to be fucking idiots

There was some line where he said "oh, wait, I just remembered. I can cure you with this procedure." It was rushed and was dumb. The woman should have died or changed her mind about the procedure.

No, he figured out how to save her life without compromising her religious beliefs, but didn't say how he was going to do it. Whole thing was resolved with a neat little bow on it.

didn't he operate on the kid and save him then the woman formed a prayer circle and thought god saved him?

>doctors cant force you to have life saving surgery *at least here (UK)*

They do actually, but no one has ever made it to the surgery date.

Dude, Carla gave him all sorts of grief about it and shooting him shitty looks.

But then again, that's Carla's whole thing, so...

That was in "My New God." Cox treats some guy, says he has exhausted all medical options but the guy still isn't improving. Cox's sister leads a prayer circle and the guy gets better the next day.

nevermind my brain kind of mashed two episodes together apparently


That scene was cool as fuck though

Nope, what happened is that Cox figured out an alternative treatment and did it behind Carla's back because he doesn't want her to think he's not as cynical as he makes himself out to be.

It's not so unbelievable that he just found an alternative treatment, for most medical conditions there are multiple treatments but doctors only consider the one that is lowest cost/least hassle/least amount of side effects. Of course if your patient refuses the best treatment you might have to do some research but there's nearly always an alternative. It's just that for a doctor like Cox, figuring out the other way to treat her and following through could be considered going above and beyond his job description. But he does it anyways because he cares.

>still waiting to see the consultant about my dyspepsia after having a camera put down my throat

>could be considered going above and beyond his job description
not really
his job is to treat the patient
You can't kick a dude out of a hospital, as long as they have money, just because they don't want to do it your way the first time

>religious person refuses treatment because "le god will heal me"

I see no problem here. I respect people's right to their beliefs, particularly if they're retarded and will soon lead to their death.

*tips fedora and returns to /r/atheism*