Pink Guy just unleashed some fire my niggas.
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Generic shit. Nothing special.
It was alright but not what george should make imo. I always though he was being ironic with all the rap shit but this wasnt even funny. I think its alright that he wants to make music like this but he should at least upload it on another channel.
I think it's just the fact that he's riding this plane of being an ironic memelord and also a blunt blowing fuccboi. Probably his greatest strength and his greatest weakness.
>collaborating with actual memes
Filthy Frank proving that absolutely any fucker can make a standard piece of hip-hop, I mean its good to see people being creative and making music but I hope he doesn't take himself too seriously in a post-post-ironic sense
he already does take himself too seriously, have you seen the end of the rice balls video?
>Bro, I didn't even know real and fake music existed
>I mean, I think it's like your fault for putting that shit into categories
>Like, music is music; if you don't think this is real music that's your fucking problem
>Like, who says I can't drop shit while making a culinary funny video at the same time, you know?
>Whatever man, it's your boy Pink Guy, Pink Omega; whatever the fuck you wanna call me, I don't give a fuck
>Coming at you again, still doing that wacky crazy shit bro, ain't nothing changed, so see you next time
he just wants to live in this twilight zone where he can ironically make bad music but also get complimented on how good he is. that way, he can deflect all criticism by claiming he's not taking it seriously
in actuality, he is trying really hard, and this is the best he can do. he just wants you to think he's just fucking around so you don't see how actually mediocre he is
one day he is gonna wake up from this dream and realize he truly fucked up. but in the meantime, let's all enjoy this quality content$$$$
New one was actually quite a bit below avarage for his stuff
It's trash.
Makes even more sense consindering the fact that irl he has become the person he loves criticizing. Also explains he's distain for he's own channel and fans.
Such a hypocritical money grabbing crypto-SJW.
only tolerable because getter produced it, and he can make some fire beats
I liked it
it was better when he was more irreverent.
joji should really stop uploading trashy music videos to Filthy Frank. He should leave all his potential for another channel.
Yeah fuck making a healthy income, he should just follow his passions man!!!!
he could do both you know...
>Filthy Frank proving that absolutely any fucker can make a standard piece of hip-hop
This is the problem here. its just really generic rap. no pinkguy humor at all
I really like how he is very consitent to be generic and mediocre. I was really hoping to hear something else, but this is just generic aspiring soundcloud rapper shit.
i agree. he managed to get getter, a well established producer in the EDM scene, in on it. it could have been something to top charts but its retarded meme shit instead
>He should leave all his potential for another channel
This is what you said, not that he could do both
Isn't this just his "joke" stuff? His Joji account on soundcloud have some pretty ok shit.
pink guy is his "joke" rap persona, yes, but the video wasnt goofy. it was too serious. not as much as his joji shit, but imo, it should have been a better-made joji song instead of a pink guy meme song
I didnt know you could afford an audi like that on a shoestring youtube budget
it's getter's audi r8. hes a millionaire
He was on Getter's radio show last week saying he was visiting LA and was planning on getting wasted and making a song together. If that's what they wanna do that's fine, but I don't think any of them are making it out to be anything more than just a dumb song they made in one night.
it really should have been a joji song. if they wanna get together, smoke weed, and make a song in one night, fine. but maybe he should stick around at getter's place some more and actually make something serious and put it on getter's next EP or something
i love getter
me too hes my second favorite artist ever
papa franku is so fucking based idgaf what you queers say
cucks can't handle it eh b0ss????
He's no Ethan tho
Ethan rap album when?