Rugby vs. American Football
Which sport is manlier, Sup Forums?
Rugby vs. American Football
Which sport is manlier, Sup Forums?
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Table Tennis
They're both manly.
Go argue pc vs mac somewhere.
American Football is hardly manly when you're as protected as a fucking m1 abrams
>Rugby is an olympic sport
>Handeggball isn't in the olympics
getting hit still hurts like hell. those pads are just there to make sure you don't get internal bleeding.
Obviously rugby. They don't wear pads; hand-egg players do.
Plus, rugby players are mostly white, and hand-egg players are mostly black. Everyone knows that whites are more manly than blacks. Whites kicked the shit out of blacks, conquered their land, enslaved them, and fucked their women. And blacks were too pussy and too weak to stop them.
Blood Bowl.
Rugby union = abunch of skitz cunts smashing each other half to death
Murican football"= 30 seconds of play time per 5mins in which nothing happens.
>i honestly dont get why you people like the game its boring as fuck
leave newfags
Oh please. I've been here since the SomethingAwful split.
Sorry we interrupted your meme.
None of these fuckers could've taken Mohammed Ali in his prime
They're both the exact same, only one of them sometimes allows the players to decide how much risk they put into a tackle.
I'd love to see NFL without headgear.
Football wins easily.
Who the fuck is that white dude? Holy shit I'm scared of him through the internet
I'd love to see you without pants
>They're both the exact same
Retard that doesn't watch either sport detected.
It allows them to go full out in tackles. They'd play differently if they had no armour.
Both require Olympic level fitness, apart from blockers.
The best football players are white, retard.
>Peyton Manning
>Tom Brady
>Aaron Rodgers
>Ben Roethlisberger
Just to name a few.
As an American, rugby is manlier.
While both games are similar, only players of American Football where more armor and protection than Iron-Man.
Even the fat guys in football are 10x more athletic than any rugby player
That's because Ali was a trained fighter. Completely different skills. The average rugby player is stronger than Ali, though. IE, can lift more weight, etc...
It doesn't hurt nearly as much as getting put into the ground by an 18 stone Second row
Shit. My American education is showing. I meant "wear" not "where".
Not the sport you numb cunt, the level of danger/risk.
I'd like to see you without any body hair.
Catastrophic learning difficulties or bait.
NFL isn't an Olympic sport because USA would just destroy every country by 50 touchdowns. Not even exaggerating that number btw.
Wtf lol
Predator vs Batman
They would probably be the only country with a team you can consider professional
Defending our gold metal.
That's b/c Americans are the only country that cares about such a retarded sport.
Handegg players rest for 30 mins after every play so americans can be told where to buy their cheeseburgers and sugar drinks.
Rugby players are just constantly being tackled and put on the ground without being wrapped in bubble wrap!!
Idiotic question. They are both manly.
Rugby has vastly higher cardio requirements. Top teams did try NFL style fitness methods (coz in their area they are the best) in the '90s, was a complete disaster.
Rugby players, even in strength positions, have to be careful to not put on muscle mass and look like a foosballer.
the technique is completely different, if you didn't have rest you would literally die. the way people hit each other in the NFL would be considered a foul in rugby.
Fuck off rugby fags.
So Euros do three years at uni instead of four. Have fun defending your wife from Muhammad shitbrick.
I had a sneaky inkling you were pushing the point a bit, but thanks for clearing that up.
Iceland would kill you. If you take out the blacks and add them to an African roster, USA is fucked in all sports.
>YFW this guy is considered a top Aussie rugby player that couldn't make it beyond more than 1 year in the NFL
>average handegg star "athlete"
Really though, you could let the rest of the world develop their idea of a 'super team' and they'd still lose horrendously
Well some of the hits in handegg cant be done in rugby because bodies aren't indestructible. Knowing your own body's limits and taking that into account whilst playing rugby is part of the technique. Wearing padding and 'armour' as one guy put it, removes that extra layer of sophistication.
Its like putting on helmets and hitting each other with bars. And I don't mean sick rhymes.
>what is lineman
Learn the game of handegg before you talk shit euronig
Vincent Willfork bitches.
I'd like to see you without any skin.
you still have to be mindful of your own limits in football. the only significant change that padding makes is allowing you to lead with your shoulder when you hit someone.
>YFW a guy nearing the end of his career tries a completely different sport & almost makes it.
Just cause they're black doesn't mean they're African, the are from the US
I'd like to see you without any synapses firing beyond the stem.
Perfect, could not have said it better if I tried!
Aight so here is the deal
Rugby is a hard, fair and raw Sport.
The Rules are simple, any Guy that doesn't spend his whole Day on Sup Forums can play it.
Football is like WWE Wrestling, 90% of Football is Show. Big Niggers with Armor, Several PreShow/MidShow/EndShows, Interviews while the fucking Game is still ongoing because who the hell cares about the actual Sport anyways.
And the Rules are so strict, it looks like a Sport for woman.
Also, ANY American Sport with the Draft System is not competitive.
The Loser can decide first wich Talent they choose? Great Idea.
So yea, as a German with both Sports being irrelevant in our Country, Rugby easily wins this one.
Motherfucker, how does the guy in OP not have muscle mass?
Footballers can get away with being fat as fuck, Rugby players can't. They're still swole as 10 000 fucks.
American Football is barely even a sport, they have like 10 minutes of actual active time and all the rest is breaks
American Football!!!!!
Sorry boy but the NFL is for real athletes. Go back to rugby.
Great job at pointing out a White Dominated position retard. Look at all time greats period and most are Black. Reggie White, Jerry Rice, Lawrence Taylor, Jim Brown, Walter Payton. Look for white people at any other position than QB.
Guy in pink is still more manly
American here. Football is a sport for pussy faggots. All the armour they wear pretty much neutalizes any hit they take.
if you're a german then i can see why you don't understand why the draft system is a good thing because you've probably lived your entire life watching bayern munich running your soccer league.
I'm American. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
And I'm not married.
>doesn't know he plays Rugby League. Saying 'Rugby' implies rugby union. Not the same. Implies doesn't know what they're talking about.
Dropped his first ball and didn't even last a full season.
American football has the largest, strongest men on earth. They would kill each other with out the pads. Why can't you Eurofags figure this out?
Sure you are.
From playing both I say football is more manly
I believe you
No one was asking about football though, the choices were rugby and american football
Lol. Bayern has been sucking for decades, only recently they popped up
... than his mother's tinker bell inspired vagina?
He's only good enough to be on a NFL practice squad!!! So pathetic.
So rugby?
Aight, I don't know how to explain you live but yea
Thats how live works.
If u are sucessful, manage your Money well, build up a good reputation, u will be the first to choose from new Talents. Same as live in general, if u are doing good u will be able to do more than a poor nigga from the bronx who films street fights for Worldstarhiphop
>too busy trying to plead kebab of his wife to understand the game.
Lets get one thing out of the way, you're an idiot.
Obviously rugby players have some muscle, they are pro athletes. If you weren't so stupid you'd know that even the 'back' or running positions in foosball require far greater musculature than would be useful in rugby.
Ergo I was talking relative muscle mass, not suggesting rugby players had none..
OMG, I'm a typical but butthurt eurofag, that can't get over a name, cause every other name in history makes sense
They both are pretty fucking gay. After all it's all about wrestling and hugging other gu/ays.
Ok there ahkmed
Just keking at the lack of common sense in your British colony
Every Sport with a Drafting System is as competitive as Twerking
That just proofs that the Show has a higher priority than the actual Sport, like Smackdown, Football and Basketball XD
The pads in American football don't help that much, you still feel like you were hit by a truck, you're having two forces running as hard as they can at each other making impact and sometimes it's one guy standing there waiting to take the hit from the full force hit.
When's the last time you saw a middle eastern rugby team, or a good Asian team/African team (excluding the south) the majority of world class rugby teams are in predominantly white countries
Take it off then. Faggots!
If anything rugby would be hand egg, you realize that right?
Except rugby isn't trying to have the same name as some other much more popular and wide spread sport so it can stay as rugby
yeah he was "neutralized" but not in the way that you think.
I never kek'd so hard about Americans being retarded
wow, his Helmet fell off
I bet he had a bruise on his cheeks after that XD