Youtubers you hate
Joeys world tour
This fat fuck makes money sitting in his fucking car eating his life away !
Youtubers you hate
Joeys world tour
This fat fuck makes money sitting in his fucking car eating his life away !
Other urls found in this thread:
same. I hate him with every atom of my body. I genuinely look forward to the day he dies so I can have a nice laugh.
Not even being edgy. 100% serious. I fucking hate him.
If I ever saw him I'd ask for a picture and punch him right in the dick
This fucker just looks like he's horrible
go for the throat. will most likely hurt more as I'm sure his dick is protected by at least 6 inches of fat.
It speaks for itself, really.
This fucker fan are just as retarded as he is he gives gamers a bad name
12 year edgelords love him
Kwebblekop I prefer my eardrums to be in tact
Hating on leafy is edgy in its on right.
When I saw my nephew watching this I died a little inside
It's easy to shut them down, just look at what your not allowed to do on Youtube and submitt links to their videos.
Be is spam, or free views, you can shutdown anyones monitiziation shutting them down effectively.
Oh and Youtube has auto decline on appeal, so unless they a super huge channel who knows a guy at Youtube they will never get to speak to a human and never get their monitization back.
Youtube is super sensative to any ad clicking also and may shut someone down if you clicky too much, it is THAT sensitive.
You tried to eat it, didn't you?should have looked out for that hook
Thanks Sup Forumsro I'll keep that in mind
Pretty much everyone on jewtube
Theyre all a bunch of attention whoring faggots and deserve all the scorn they get
Jewtube is a big part of the reason why society as a whole has become so shit in the last 5-10 years
Your nephew is a alpha.
Get off Sup Forums you beta fag shit
Since when do webms have audio on this fucking board
I thought his webseries was ptryy impressive. He's an idiot but he done gud.
His fans are mostly 10 year olds and it's sad that they looked up to that character.
And the people that hate him are 13.. What's your point? You're both dumbass kids
this fat fuck
Ferstehst du???????
Calm down fambruh
trips of truth. kys.
i hate to be from the same country as that little fuck
He really does suck though. Looks like a textbook bitch boy.
Fuck WoooOoO wooOoOooo! There is only one Lord an this is Drache!!!!! Meddl on!!!!
Children upset over JewTube, a place they don't even have to go to with videos they don't even have to watch.
>muh cyber bullying
Millennials are such worthless crybaby entitled garbage. Holy fuck we need a long bloody war with an aggressive draft of males and females just to thin you snowflakes out while introducing you to the real world.
ssundee or whatever the fuck.
Customgrow420 is another faggot
This cuck needs to actually die..
Do people actually know that there is a
>Tfw Sup Forums used to love leafy
>Tfw im the only leafy fan left
kek... "Sup Forums"
as in all the newfags in Sup Forums?
Are you still mad about him insulting your fandom ponyfag?
Sargon of Argon
Sargon of Akkad? He's fucking awesome!
Not really, The few people that hated him were usually called butthurt newfags, I think the hate started when h3h3 made his video about him.
What was so bad about him?
Butthurt leafy fan detected
Kids on YouTube need to watch intelligent YouTubers like I Hate Everything instead of PewDiePie photoshoping people into toasters
It really is run by scumbags and bots, isn't it.
LOL. He was rekt by a feminist in that debate
really fuck this guy. fuckin hypocrite. he made a vid on onision (fuck him too) and called him out on exactly everything that he does himself.
I remember trying that url a couple of years ago, every video had to do with mortages, loans and effective ways to make money. Made me kek
This motherfucker right here
I don't hate him, I hate the fact he screams all the time and I can't watch more than 5 minutes of his videos.