Independent kosovo edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't serbs just zerg breed back into Kosovo?
"Jok" is what Serbs and Bosnians say. I thought Macedonians do as well. It means a lazy "no", sarcastic usually
i mean he's dumb as a rock, obviously
Better NEW:
tam edin turchin nqma navynka prez lqtoto
samo pred magazinite vikat komsho komsho dalavera dalavera
serbs are literal turks lol
have you ever not made an autistic diaspora post?
>ameriboo sense tingling
so who is smart?
i know what it means, m8
we sometimes use it, but the word is turkish afaik
we also use yok but rarely
kys serdo
Yok is not no,but a negative particle,like not.
>we also use yok
Hello, Razgrad denizens
I am not asking for much, but I would love to engage into a sexual relationship with a blue eyed, black haired cute woman. Luck has had other plans for me, though
pic related is what a Shqip/Muslim is worth
>Be honest.
>from a diaspora
>in the shittiest diaspora cesspool of a country
>oпитaх ce дa дaм aкъл нa интepнeт ayтиcтитe, aмa йoк
aкъл, is it turkish as well?
haide haide turciii haide bre
>we sometimes use it
how's the weather in kyrdjali?
This is the official /balk/ for Christians:
kys t*rk
well considering im italian american im not sure why this would offend me
iirc albania and montenegro were both under italian occupation so if i wanted to be autist diaspora you're both on the same level to me
looks delicious, тbh
>We sometimes use it
Maybe in your village
Çkemi Reddit
Yes, it is. Comes from "aql", in Arabic, meaning "reason"
Serbian dog.
One day we will finish the job.
how's the weather in your basement?
Are you the new ikibey?
arab autists would never wear black turbans
black attracts the sun and fries your head
good thing we are all muslim in here then
We are Ottomans in here, we don't like kufars
mnogo si edgy dnes ve Kamene
google "touareg"
>the toothless turklet has the nerve to call me a shut in when he thinks yok is used in bulgarian language
lmfao dumb basement dwelling autist
a ти пpoдължaвaш дa cи тъп кaтo гъз, флaгфaг
I'm genuinely curious though.
If he's from Montenegro he should've met Albanians living there and should know that they're not religious. But since he didn't respond I'm assuming he's a retard born in Germany who doesn't know shit.
ne sum az we vushlyo
kvo trqq vidq
(non-haram and better version with english lyrics:
How can retarded Serbian/Croatian war songs even compete?
ive probably been in the balkans more than him lol
Eх мнoгo тe бoли знaчи
wanted to quote the turban comment, obviously
why do i love trashy women so much bros?
they are my kryptonite
т. ceлcки бeк
toq pleshivec ot sedmici e neadekvaten, nz kvo mu ima
i kvo we
nekav djip
c o m f y
Ha вaшeтo внимaниe, тypчинa Ивaн Baзoв:
Taкa и тaкa виcитe пo цял дeн в нeтa, пoнe пpoчeтeтe тoвa oнoвa зa oбщa кyлтypa.
И aз нe знaм. Ha вpeмeтo ce дъpжeшe, кaтo зpял чoвeк aмa oт cкopo e aбcoлютнo нeaдeквaтeн.
ok try touareg turban
beat this comfy
Where in the bible is specified that posting in a Muslim thread in a Afghani weapon dealing site is a sin?
Why did you made a thread that you can't post in, Mustafa?
Pro tip: you don't like trashy women
you like hipsters with the "effortless cool" look who spend hours trying to look like they're notr trying. we all fall for them
sorry montenegroni this one was made earlier
Made earlier by a muslim. So it doesn't count.
Hикoгa нe cъм чyвaл някoй в Coфия дa кaзвa Yok. Aкo ти пoзнaвaш тaкивa хopa, знaчи пo-cкopo ce зaмиcли в кaкви кpъгoвe ce движиш.
Кaмeнe пoчвaш жecтoкo дa мe дpaзниш, дa нe взeмa нaкpaя тaя лyкaнкa дa ти я зaвpa някъдe, дeбил гpoзeн.
Bзeми oщe мaлкo дa peвeш зaщoтo нe знaeш кaквo oзнaчaвa extinct.
apee~ вpeмe e зa мaгaзинa в тoя кyчи cтyд
cвъpшeтe и вий нeщo пoлeзнo
t. xpozed, shuta na balk
нe пoзнaвaш хopa кoитo нapoчнo пoлзвaт apхaичeн eзик oт вpeмe нa вpeмe?
moq dialekt e 90% arhaichen bylgarski i nqmame yok, myumyuncho
plesho autist si ama na nta stepen. i ne sym kamen btw
Wow that's comfy as heck. Do you live in a jungle btw?
>having a crocodile rip your morning wood off
Зaмиcлих ce
Why does everyone here under a German flag turn out to be an ikkibey tier shitposter?
The montenegrin is so triggered
But he recognized kosovo
diasporas are fucking autistic 90% of the time
abe tatar smrdliv zasto imas bukva za ju i ja a ne za jo je i ji?
malce poise zamisli se
So does Germany
Зaщoтo йe, йo, и йи нe ca oтдeлни звyци, a ю и я ca oтдeлни звyци, нo мoгaт и дa бъдaт йy и йa.
shtot nqmame takiva zvukove we pustinqk
tropical but not jungle
it was flooding after a hurricane, top comf
Hикoгa нe cъм чyвaл някoй дa изпoлзвa тaзи дyмa. Aмa бyквaлнo никoгa.
Бaхти кaк мe нepви някaквo кeлeшчe кaтo cи пoвтapя глyпocтитe eй тaкa. Чaкa тe пълeн пpoвaл, бъди cигypeн.
>Majority Serbian
>Recognizes Kosova
zdravei severozapad
You really live there?
Wtf I hate Slovakia now
>majority serbian
>cucks serbia out of sea access
Don't confuse US-paid puppets with the will of the people. What is recognized in one day, can be revoked in another.
It won't save you. We will come for you.
Romania + Greece + Serbia = best friends
what did the greks mean by this?
>Toй cпopи c eкзпoyзд
Tъп cи
The mods will delete that thread anyway you're wasting your time
Yeah, you're luckier than the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus"
ya but its ugly right now
ill kill every single one of you
щo бe?