Be 19 year old male

>Be 19 year old male
>Friends with this girl I see occasionally
>She's really conventionally attractive
>Always hang out at parties and stuff
>Make out a lot when we're drunk
>Not intense stuff, more for fun
>Its all good fun, I'm not really interested and I don't think she is either

>After a while we start to see each other more often
>She begins to get more aggressive
>Greets me with a kiss rather than saying Hi and kissing later
>Getting really into my personal space, sitting on my lap
>Getting kinda handsy
>That kind of stuff

>Wouldn't describe it as sexual tension
>We've seen eachother naked and nothing happened
>We're just friends messing around really
>She's starting to make me uncomfortable though
>I don't really want anything to happen, I like her a lot but more as a friend
>Don't want to talk to her about it because I did once and she kinda just laughed it off
>Don't wanna make a huge deal of it

What do?

>pic unrelated

Man the fuck up and fuck her.

Then post pics to Sup Forums.

Hit it and quit it

>She's starting to make me uncomfortable though
>I don't really want anything to happen, I like her a lot but more as a friend

Fuck that little cunt

With benefits

Maybe just see how things go in time. Who knows? Maybe you might actually begin to like her.

how much of a pussy are you
hit that ass

Fuck her and then tell her you're confused and need space. Then fuck her again.

>Man the fuck up and fuck her
>then post pics to Sup Forums

>I can use greentext and assume you didn't understand me when you just don't care and want me to stop being a massive faggot hurr durr

this shit is going to be either a huge cockblock or a homing beacon for pussy.

So you like dick then

Trips don't lie

Op is a grill

even better

>not having sex with someone you dont wanna have sex with makes you a faggot

Depends on the type of people there, she intimidates a bunch of girls so its usually a cockblock but the girls who don't feel inadequate around her always end up being interested

ah shit guess I'm doing that

If ur a 19 yr old male and are saying this

>seen each other naked but nothing happened
>makes you uncomfortable when getting close and handsy
>like her as a friend

Your probably fucking gay m8

Is it an American thing to want to have sex with every girl you might have a chance with?



>Is it an American thing
im AUS so gg

im also pretty sure that maybe just a normal thing to want to do as a 19 yr old

Horomones. Sounds to me like you're imbalanced with a lot of estrogen so you've got a pretty boy face. In reality you just want a huge cock in you.

OP you are such a beta I can't call you a beta male because you are not a male.