quads decide
Quads decide
That's a fucking plastic gun
Le timestamp plzzz
Quads that you go to College and stop being a suicidal cry baby.
Do it fgt
do it painless. straight through the forehead, gettin the quads or atleast dubs
okay fgt shoot your dick and poste
Put the gun down and get back to sucking cock, you faggot,
you are not done wasting people's time on earth.
Its a no.
Keep going OP, find a respectable purpose for your life and live for that!
nigger, fill your ass
get off this ride while you still can! be free
hello yea life's worthless fuck it
Again while I still have a chance for the quads
Don't do it.
do it faggot
You're stuck here to suffer with the rest of us. There's no escape faggot HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dat plastic gun doe...
do it faggot
nah u wont
Go buy some coke and hookers.
Fuck it, do whatever is suggested or implied by these quads from another thread
You could do better things with that - Calvin
do it
Quads? You're such an attention whore. You think you're worth quads? Get the fuck out of here you bitch
fucking do it
there's no escape from us. Don't.
Rollin rollin
dont do it
new colt python
nah, dont.
Nigga yo head looks photoshopped on. Thick ass neck like shit.
stream it
Pull the trigger and post results.
wont deliver but sure do it
just dont m8 its a waste of bullets, get off of Sup Forums , go outside , and stay there for a day
change your sex
Kill yourself on live feed
do it
don't keep us waiting
Cmon big money!!
go for it
Two steps.
>go outside
>shoot a Nigger
stick the gun up ur ass then pull the trigger so you can die like the faggot you are
Do a terror attack first, then an hero
show dick first
For quads!!
DO it, but take some niggers or dune coons out with you.
Rerolling for suicide on stream
Fuck you, kill yourself.
how many bullets you got? put the extra ones to good use, then kill yourself
Play some solitaire russian roulette.
just do it already
kill urself
kill yourself and post results.
>Be me
>Get Quads
do it fgt
Do it
Did you buy the gun to kill yourself with it??
Reroll. Convert to islam, join isis, perform terror attack and then an hero in style.
Take three Aleve an get on with your day.
how is op going to post a pic after the fact?
Do it nigger
Don't do it
go for it bud
the user above me decides
Bullet through hand
put gun down and use razor
dont do it
do it for lord kek!
point the gun at your penis and pull the trigger
dont do it
You don't have the gusto
Do it quad get
almost nailed it
shoot your dick off.
Of course, bs. But wrong type of gun, and don't do it under the chin. Unless you just want excruciating pain and facial disfigurement. It's very difficult to kill yourself, unfortunately. Yeah, people say the exit bag is "full proof". Nope. Read about many clawing it off in their last seconds of consciousness.
But with no lube
> be 13
> be edgy
> do this
close dood
Lol omg bro