Whats Sup Forums's opinion on her
Plays instruments
Co writes songs
Highest grossing tour of 2016
99% control of her image, public perception and stays out of trouble
Whats Sup Forums's opinion on her
Plays instruments
Co writes songs
Highest grossing tour of 2016
99% control of her image, public perception and stays out of trouble
Other urls found in this thread:
oh that's impressive does she make good music? no? okay
i don't listen to her music but i want to see her asshole
gives consent for famous but then lies and btfo by kim
she knows how to cater to her audience I guess I'll give her that
Her music is shit. As for her she has a hot face and that's it.
>Co writes songs
Looks like OP fell for the writing credits meme. She doesn't co write her songs. Even if she did, HATERS GONNA HATE HATE isn't exactly superb lyricism.
i wish she would put her songs on spotify
so she can be paid even less than what Apple is paying her?
>celeb drama
You are a faggot
This please. Its the reason I haven't listened to her yet.
>Highest grossing tour of 2016
I think that was Guns N' Roses
it isn't like she's some obscure artist. I can understand not wanting to actively search for Taylor Swift albums but it isn't like they can only be found deep in the corners of the Internet
t. Hater
yeah thats what taylor swifts camp would LIKE you to dismiss me as
Her legs mesmerize me into watching videos of her
Born with a platinum ruby diamond sapphire kryptonite (yup so rich she even got kryptonite) spoon in her mouth. Dad bought into the record company that signed her. Sucked a bunch of producers off. Max Martin wrote all her hits. People ate it up cuzz she's so "real"!
The end.
She's the perfect analogy of everything that's wrong with "popular" music.
so that i can listen to comfy music
she has nuff cash
She's an amazing talent , beautiful and dominant
Actually most of her fame came long before inviting max martin to help write
In fact max probably made her songs worse
Kinda hot how it's confirmed she fucks every celeb she meets.
Fuck I forgot to mention Kanye! If it wasn't for that fucker she would have just been the one hit wonder she was meant to be.
>tfw not famous celebrity
Half the fun of being famous is having sex with rich good looking talented people
She was famous before meeting kanya - she was receiving an award the night he cunted out
Generic pop trash and the fact people like her on this board is just a sign that this board has gone to shit. You're a fucking pathetic pleb if you like Taylor Swift and should be ashamed of yourself
I think she's a garbage artist who contributes absolutely nothing of worth to the world from a cultural standpoint but I would be her personal house slave for the rest of my life if she asked me to.
This. There really needs to be a separate /waifu/ containment board to keep these types off of Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
She's pretty vapid headed from what I've seen in interviews. The only reason she's become the media and pervert darling is because she isn't hateful, so people feel comforted.
Which reminds me of another media and pervert darling.
I want to see it fart and push some cutesey poopy out.
But that's wrong. Taylor swift is the greatest lyricist of our time. Her music is objectively better than whatever you listen to
Misogyny at its finest
>does she make good music
>liking a snek
If he listened to fart noises all day long, you would be wrong.
Name an album that you think is good
Trout mask replica
Hoisana Mantra
Rock bottom
Faust IV
It's deep stuff kid, you wouldn't get it
You've obviously never listened to her music. She's easily the greatest artist of the 21st century. Try using your head next time and base your judgements on evidence instead of the fact that she's popular.
you both suck
Your mom sucked ny dick faggot. You probably would never understand the complexity of popul vuh you fucking pleb. See unlike all you mainstream pop consuming plebs, my taste is cultured
i dont even like mainstream pop, but liking basic entry level Sup Forumscore isn't superior in the slightest
Hey faggot you wanna name a good album then? Go for it fucking filthy pleb
>Trout mask replica
>deep stuff kid
Taylor swift is unironically better than all those artists and speak now is superior to all those albums.
oh no don't get me wrong i don't think im any better than you, but your militant defense of pretty common taste is really dumb
You're just an uncultured swine that doesn't understand the musical complexity of trout mask replica.
common taste is better than shitty taste
i never said i didn't like tmr, it's one of my favorite albums. but the creator of the fucking simpsons also names it as one of his favorite albums. superiority complexes are literally retarded
Common taste is shitty taste. If you think any of those faux-deep albums he listed are "good" in any way then you need to strongly consider suicide.
This. Although I prefer Kesha over Taylor swift.
It's deep stuff kid, you wouldn't get it
If Swifty farted on record for 40 mins I'd actually enjoy that more than any of her albums.
You've probably never actually listened to her albums and are basing your opinion on "she's popular so it must be bad".
Develop an actual argument then come back
I don't think you get it.
I really want to listen to her farts.
kek. Is this an old meme or a new one?
lol okay coming from a Taylor swift fan
If anything you need to off yourself
liking = understanding now? Lmao
A child can like a Picasso piece and not understand a single damn thing about the work put into it
If you think Taylor Swift is "bad" in any way then you need to kill yourself
>Taylor swift
Child please. Come back with an actual argument other than the same cliche "she's popular".
>Plays instruments
One instrument, basic chords
>Co writes songs
Why would she need help?
>99% control of her image
[citation needed]
she's bad. Kill yourselves
The cold hard facts about Taylor Swift:
>Taylor Alison Swift's father, Scott Kingsley Swift, was a financial advisor, and her mother, Andrea Gardner (née Finlay) Swift, was a homemaker who worked previously as a mutual fund marketing executive.[2]:1
Mommy and Daddy's money, father was a third generation stockbroker
> In 2003, Swift and her parents started working with New York-based music manager Dan Dymtrow. With his help, Swift modelled for Abercrombie & Fitch as part of their "Rising Stars" campaign
Groomed to be a model since she was a child.
>Swift worked with experienced Music Row songwriters such as Troy Verges, Brett Beavers, Brett James, Mac McAnally, and The Warren Brothers.[25][26] They began meeting for two-hour writing sessions every Tuesday afternoon after school.[28]
Tutored by proffessional songwriters
>Swift caught the attention of Scott Borchetta, a DreamWorks Records executive who was preparing to form his own independent record label, Big Machine Records. She became one of the first signings, and her father purchased a three percent stake in the fledgling company at an estimated cost of $120,000.
Mommy and Daddy literally bought the label so it would sign her.
>Scott Borchetta spent two years working as an independent promoter before working in promotion and artist development at several other record labels, including MCA Nashville Records, DreamWorks Nashville and Universal Music Nashville.[6]
>A different form of payola has been used by the record industry through the loophole of being able to pay a third party or independent record promoters ("indies"; not to be confused with independent record labels), who will then go and "promote" those songs to radio stations. Offering the radio stations "promotion payments," the independents get the songs that their clients, record companies, want on the playlists of radio stations around the country.
His job was literally to bribe radio, television and other media to play his label's music.
>The cold hard facts about Taylor Swift:
She's the greatest artist and lyricist of the 21st century.
she (co)writes bad songs and always has, she has basic as fuck taste in men and music from what I've been subjected to on magazines in grocery stores and mall videos
I will never forget the first time I saw the video for you belong with me- it was like satan welcoming me to my new eternal home
Wow. Amazing.
>it was like satan welcoming me to my new eternal home
fucking kek
Post your favorite albums.
Not them but:
>contrived, makes no attempt to musically break any genre boundaries/experiment
>requires people to help her produce/write the art
>plastic image, non-real/unrealistic body type and personality
>overly simple chord sequences and juvenile lyrics
How is that relevant?
>99% control of her image, public perception
as if. her PR team controls every waking moment of her life. if taylor swift was free to do whatever, she'd probably be shitposting about trump on twitter all day
>I can't argue or defend my points so I'll make fun of his taste, that'll work!
Writes songs about breakups music is shit. Kanye made that bitch famous
When I think of TSwift my brain immediately goes to Kanye.
Good job Ye
>>contrived, makes no attempt to musically break any genre boundaries/experiment
Literally "muh expirimentation"
>requires people to help her produce/write the art
Not an argument
>plastic image, non-real/unrealistic body type
and personality
Not an argument
>overly simple chord sequences and juvenile lyrics
Provide examples with proper chord analysis. Then explain what makes the chord progression inferior to another.
>juvenile lyrics
Not true. Some of her songs paint the picture of youthful exuberance of love but most of her songs deal with ever-present themes of the fleetness nature of relationships
These are all blatantly false strawmen and buzzwords. Good job
The biggest indictment of Taylor Swift is that she will likely have little influence beyond getting a couple girls to pick up guitar. She has made absolutely no musical innovations.
this is some fantastic b8 or otherwise I'm baffled people like you are on Sup Forums
>It's OK to just do the same thing every one else does and not push my art
Enjoy your comfort zone
>Not an argument
Why not?
>Not an argument
Why not?
>Provide examples with proper chord analysis
What song do you want me to do?
>Some of her songs paint the picture of youthful exuberance of love
Which is juvenile
>ever-present themes of the fleetness nature of relationships
Through the eyes of a child, yes.
>if it's something that scares me, It's a buzzword or strawman
>musical innovations
>innovative = good!
Jesus christ I don't like tswift but you are a complete faggot
>muh expirumuntayshun
>>innovative = good!
Why wouldn't it be?
Kid, name your favorite albums.
That's the mindset of a child
t. Someone who can't make an argument
Children are more comfortable within a framework of pattern and structure, opposite of innovation. I don't blame you for not knowing this, you are probably a child yourself, 19 or 20 at the tops.
Children believe that if something is different then it must be better
It sounds like you're too scared to list them. I just want to see where you're coming from and what music you like to listen to
>Children believe that if something is different then it must be better
I feel like you don't know anything about raising children.
>It sounds like you're too scared to list them
If you could tell me how it's relevant (other than equipping you to make an ad hominem), I will.
President Swift when?
>muh expirimination
>If you could tell me how it's relevant (other than equipping you to make an ad hominem), I will.
I just told you why. Stop being so insecure about your taste.
Also the fact that you think something being more innovative or different means it's better is laughable. According to you Yoko ono screaming into a mic is better than the beatles
>mfw there are people on this board who don't even like ONE Taylor Swift song
Kys contrarians
i like kanye west's music but why are his "stans" so insufferable
>I just told you why.
Why would that matter? This is about Taylor Swift's shortcomings, not me. Address the argument (or your lack thereof) rather than what I listen to.
>Also the fact that you think something being more innovative or different means it's better is laughable
Quote me where I said that
LOL and they won't even list their fav albums.
Probably listen to Kanye west or Metallica or some shit lol
How fucking old are the Sup Forums posters that a Taylor Swift thread gets their titties in such a twist.
Fuck me, only people under 25 still defend their taste in music
It's because you likely have shit pedestrian generic Sup Forumscore taste
I agree with this anonpeople that get worked up over pop music are usually radiohead, NMH, and other entry level Sup Forumscore fans.