What's moot's position at Google?

What's moot's position at Google?

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He sits under the desks and sucks everyone off


literally who?

bent over

everyone at google is a suit with creativity that can only create g+

I don't know who that is...

Seriously guys, does anyone know his title?

Though I can find it out Monday. Not sharing it if it's already known.

Fucking newfag

taking the bait

Mr Cuck

top jew

Executive butt-boy

He's the executive cuck
He goes around and closes offices because he simply doesn't like them.

"He currently works at Google under Bradley Horowitz, VP of streams, photos and sharing." So, is revelant.

Source : crunchbase.com/person/christopher-poole#/entity



doggy style receiver


He never tried to hide his rambunctious ways

associate faggot


I'm just guessing: wasn't he starting some 9gag-like image startup which totally failed? Probably they want him to support the Google+ team by adding his 5 cents when it comes to images and what idiots on the web want to do with them.



He's the director of the Candy-Ass Roody Poo division.