Hey drug users of Sup Forums

Hey drug users of Sup Forums

I want a drug that will give me an adrenaline rush. But is not addictive.

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penis up yo ass



Meth, is the best.

>Asks for an adrenaline rush inducing drug
> Literally all of them are addictive
>Stop being a bitch and live a little

But really, Adderal is the bomb dignity, gives you insane energy. But you need to be careful, make sure you drink plenty of water. You won't be hungry during the time that you're on it, so drink milk periodically through that time. WATER WATER WATER.

Wear bling and walk around in the ghetto.
Dodge highway traffic.

Caffeine its addictive but everything that changes brain chemistry can be addictive.

Adderal for sure

Drug addiction runs in my family but none of those have caused me to have cravings. Maybe I just know how to handle my shit

>tfw I'm prescribed

You can't get addicted to powder cocaine

I don't like cocaine, I just like the way it smells.

damn, could go for some blow right about now


An adrenaline rush doesnt make you feel high, it gives you energy, but no motivation, focus, or any "good" feeling. your heart rate increases, you have more energy, but that's it. Dopamine is what you want, and only addictive substances provide that. But anyways, Adderall is probably what you want, its unlikely you'll get addicted unless you have no self control.

kill someone/something and eat its adrenal gland.

then become one with fear and loathing in las vegas.

Epi pens

If u think adderall doesn't help your focus you've never taken it.

Take adderall if you can find a non capsule form snort it. Do not take with nothing to do. Take it then go for a not or a bike ride something that needs focus and activity. Lots of water and i recommend a glass of Orange juice before or after taking it. U probably won't eat for the entire day try to force some shit down though.

And i think you need a lesson in reading comprehension. re-read what i wrote and try again. or maybe you need a lesson on what adderall actually does to the brain?

tying to typw ile stone/.;

chirist im baker

Kys pls dumb nigger


or, maybe, just maybe, learn to fucking read, i know, hard right? but you'll certainly get a lot further in life if you do.

Or maybe u need to kill urself world would be much better if u do dumb nignogchinkbink


nah, who would you have to bait then? think ahead before pulling out the kill yourself card, that's got to be later in the bait, after its run its course a bit, come on everyone knows that.

More,improper,use,of,commas you want to harp in the pursuit of fucking knowledge then get it yourself you dumb nigger. You seem to barely have a tenuous grasp on the English language yet alone use a fucking comma or basic sentence composition.

But really it's just easier to tell you to go kill yourself you stupid nigger.