Any one else here a record fag?


>most recent buy

>local store

>/oi!/ thread

Dead format,

I like collecting the music that I like yes :)

Sick GG Allin drawing OP.

thanks dude it was a gift

I used to be really into collecting records, but since it became a fad in recent years it's gotten too expensive to continue doing.

I also like having space in my apartment and records are not exactly the greatest thing for that.

I still have like four records and one CD in the mail. International shipping is suffering

are you a neonazi op

Highlights from my subpar collection, proud of what i do have tho

Getting into vinylfagging actually. My Christmas present to myself was a turntable and a couple albums. Anything you would suggest, or advice?

got a record player this last Christmas and I've spent the last year collecting albums, mostly from 1966-70 and Barnes & Noble reissues. my most prized posessions are "Beggars Banquet", "Loaded", and "Surrealistic Pillow" in mono

Rate my collection thus far Sup Forums

Just remember that, if you're buying new, you'll never find a good player for less than maybe $250. AT-LP120, U-Turn Orbit and Pro-Ject Debut are some of the decent entry-level tables you can get.

If buying vintage, try Craigslist

>Ty Segall s/t
Good taste my dude. I picked it up as well.

A turntable is the most important part of your home stereo (debatably speakers), so don't go *too* cheap on it. The Audiotechnica ATLP160 is a solid one to test the waters with, not too pricey, easy to use, plays the standard formats.


I already got the turntable, it's a Hitachi HT350 from Craigslist. Took a bit to get working, and I got a new cartridge for it.

im a skinhead

Why buy records when you're gonna shit all over them with a cheap Chinese garbage "turntable".

I only have this

Hello fellow S.H.A.R.P!