I predict Kanye is going to play at Trumps inauguration
I predict Kanye is going to play at Trumps inauguration
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It would be great if for no other reason than the trolling.
>Implying trump supporters have the mental capacity to enjoy good music
They're probably just gonna have Brad Paisley or the Duck Dynasty cast or some shit
I had the same thought.
Kanye is a cock.
*plays black skinhead*
Sources telling me Sam Hyde will be performing stand up at the inauguration
go to bed sam
Trump might pass on Kanye and choose the Beach Boys to play at the inauguration.
>Beach Boys without Brian
Holy shit I'd be down for that
I'll have you know I literally have the greatest aesthetics in the entire human world, and I find Trump amusing. He pisses off the neoliberal globalist hypocrites and politically correct crowds. How can you not love that?
"Not a member of this specific group of cancerous people" =/= "Good"
>Kanye West performs Famous
>Crowd goes wild
>Trump smiles, waves, gives speech
>Mormon Tabernacle Choir rolls in
>Kanye and choir perform Ultralight Beam
>Trump presidency begins
Lost all respect for cuckye west after this bullshit. Uncle Tom ass. He disrespects bush but sucks trump dick.
Fuck him
Holy shit a performance of Ultralight Beam with a full choir backing would be the ultimate way to begin a presidency.
>Kanye west
>good music
Pick one
xddddd good one man u rly roasted him
By pop standards
Still not good. There's much better pop and hip hop artists
Ok thank you for enlightening us mr. patrician
I listened to the entirety of this on election night.
>yfw Death Grips agree to play the inauguration
>they turn up, play Have A Sad Cum, destroy the stage, then leave
Means to end end, buddy, means to an end.
He won't be president forever, but at this stage, yes, Trump is better than a complete crony like Hillary. Trump is going to legitimately shake things up.. his cabinet is made up of people of action and conviction, who are VERY much in opposition to a lot of the status quo. If you look at the instrument he's building from all these parts, you can see that he actually means business as far as the stuff he's said. Which, if he and Bannon are successful, can REALLY subvert and reverse the power structure to something much more desirable, as meanwhile working people actually have jobs again too.
>his cabinet is made up of people of action and conviction, who are VERY much in opposition to a lot of the status quo
You mean oil whores?
That element I'm not thrilled about. There isn't any part or interest out there I feel completely in agreement with. But Hillary was an oil whore too so it's dishonest to put all that on him.
But the anti-free-trade and ant-globalism aspects of his agenda are just too juicy and useful to pass up. It's something playing out right now and he was savvy enough to be an instrument for it, so I think we should use him to see what can happen there.
Also, his anti-interventionism. And realist view of the Islamic world. And his having the balls to challenge the Chinese on their snaky shit. And better disposition towards Russia. And skepticism of the EU's awful migrant policies.
The man is a treasure in so many ways.
isn't any *party or interest
Oh come on Kanye likes trump. Trump had to ask Kanye when they met at trump tower.
>I’m so appalled
>Spalding balled,
>Balled in and Donald Trump taking dollars from >yall
>We're on an ultralight beam
>This is a god dream
>This is everything
>When they come for you,
>I will shield your name
>I will field their questions,
>I will feel your pain
This would be too perfect aside from the verse about persecuting the weak (Some could accuse Trump of that)