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i remember last christmas when hani hosted simply kpop

Sorry Lisa :'(

lisa 2bh

was it a clip show?


post Sana

>Kanna vote up
>Nayeon vote down

nayeon btfo


crayon pop

Make my wish come truuuueeeee~

who is this hot fucking slut

marrying taeyeon

If they do BBB I'm gonna be really annoyed but I guess I should go ahead and expect it anyway. What I would want instead of that is maybe, Zutter...the last GTOP stage we'd get for a long time ;-;
I remembered something else I read...isn't there another Sunny Girls stage that's going to happen? I'm actually looking forward to that too lol..

I did notice it because it was like, Doyoung was trying to get them to take turns but he was always the one who ended up picking the cards off the board and reading them. And Irene took no initiative he had to suggest for her to do anything so, yeah, it was getting on my nerves. NCT Was there any bullying? Actually I'm kind of interested to watch that since I know virtually nothing about those kids but on the other hand, they weird me out.

And yeah I don't blame you but it was nice to see the old stages...also taking over hosting Simply Kpop should be part of Chungha's solo activities from now on I stg. Eli needs to go.


F(x) comeback when?

>marrying a snake
bestiality is a crime


fuck off, we don't like nugus here

always hyped for sonamoo, they always deliver

so should repeating unfunny "jokes"


Zuny is cute.


Hey I love Tae

unfair comparison, kanna's literally a top 5 visual in jpop land


tfw no gayoung waife

who doesnt? honestly

This will make my christmas even moar wonderful

i watch radio gayoung every week


I'm hyped for more D.ana and Nahyun



this is pretty exy


Well it's a powerful great unforgettable song so you can't blame anybody for making it a must perform on shows. Also no way there's going to be a Zutter stage especially considering both GD and TOP are getting collabs. I could really use a Let's Talk About Love performance though...
Also YB lol, I love those pants . Did you see him doing the Star Trek sign thing? kek
>Sunny Girls stage
Are you serious? Haha I was just thinking how Taxi is so much fun lol
To be fair Doyoung was being a little bit of annoying this time. I feel like he thinks he's some sort of mentor to the dream boys just because he has some more experience and age lmao. Tone it down Doyoung, you don't want to go the Ten route
I agree, make Chungha a permanent mc. On Simply Kpop and ASC. That would be great


dad ate my chicken wings that i was saving for later. one day im going to kill him and mom and myself

What did he mean by this?

Is gfriend /fa/?

i bet fantano wouldve put whistle in his best singles list if he had heard it desu senpai

She stays thicc so that there is more of her for you to love.

Seola tho

she's so luda

Word. but with Cosmic Jew instead of Taeyeon.

someone fix mei qi's hair it's awful



reminder to have a merry little christmas

>crossposters are bpshitters
checks out

i'll take a jumbo yoojung


yeah he sure does have some shit taste doesn't he.

no that's yeoreum

Woozi? Huge fan

dungchee teaser when

put this little faerie in my pocket immediately



you'll crush him

would cum deep in this little fags asshole

Seola's Seolas

lasting eight nights with eunseo

I saw this and I immediately had to think of rosé...

ahh, i'm cumming
ahh ahh i'm cumming

lol you don't have to praise it so much. I mean I get it, it's their most popular banger, of course they have to perform it. I just wish for the other songs to get attention too. Not like there's going to be another opportunity like this again for quite a while. As far as a Seungri stage though, now you're talking. That would actually be an excellent idea. Or even a DaeRi stage would be really cool although idk what song they'd do.

idk what you're talking about? What Star Trek? When did he do it? Yeah I'm serious! I saw that webm in the other thread and that's what reminded me to mention it lmao. Yeah imagine me being hyped for Sunny Girls, a group that was just invented 3 weeks ago. Amazing.

I always thought Doyoung kind of had this bossiness about him, don't you remember? Even on those first NCT Lifes we watched. He's just like that lol. I guess he's safe in bossing the dreamkids around though since they're younger they literally are not allowed to backsass him even if he deserves it.

can it be time?

5 minutes each day

It actually does!

So I have watched half of the BB radio star show and all I can say is that they are still really cool 2bh

delete this before janny does it

A girl you won't passover

post his stupid sexy snake dance from lotto

time to make fun of sehun? sure

the best boy in the universe

i would gefilte her fish

>tfw she'll never handle your matzah balls

i hate lotto too much to do that. have this gracefully dying fish sehun instead

he's just speaking for the rest of us


him and alexandra should form the first all black kpop group

It is popular but not more popular than FB I don't think... But still it's more recent so that's a plus. I wouldn't mind Sober I guess.
Also there is one stage that Daesung and Seungri do together on the 0to10 concerts I don't remember the name now but it's that one they wear a purple and blue suits. You know?
To be honest it's a cool group I loved how they styled Eunha the first time she didn't look like a quiet school girl, that's all I'm saying. Hehe
Well you're right I guess it's part of his charm. Plus he's actually pretty smart to pull it off nicely.
Also are you still watching the stream? lol How is it going

Are you sure they aren't cooler now

post Cosmic Jew's dreidels

Also I completely forgot to link the picture I was talking about lol so here it goes

he and Taeyang should trade lives


name three nirvana songs right now faggot


cute manface

>[INFO] 161223 Red Velvet's Wendy to feature in Ricky Martin's new song 'VENTE PA'CA', will be released on December 27th


S-smells Like Teen Spirit...

He could buy sm if he wants

Ricky Martin is still alive???

fantastic baby?

discussing south african literature with dawon...

that boy ain't right

pls do not bully

the one that says huzundugggughhh(unintelligablemoaning)