>Bowie is alive
>Blackstar is 30 in the top 50 singles list

>Bowie is dead
>Blackstar is 1 in the top 50 singles list

that just proves the way of bowiefags' thinking

Blackstar is overrated corny "muh throwback" pop rock album.

I know this is bait, but still.

The song only makes perfect sense when taking his death into account. It was already a fantastic single when it was released, but in hindsight it's much more significant and is the theme song to his death basically, which is pretty fucking epic.

My only complaint about this is that, yes the single was released in 2015. It shouldn't be on 2 lists.

I heard it before it offically dropped and I thought it was going to be AOTY, here we are nearly a year later and I still think even more so.

how is this a bait if it's true?

is every Bowie fan dumb like you?



Yeah, of course you did.

It doesn't sound like a modern pop rock album, in fact most of modern pop music doesn't, but this is easily one of the most overrated ones of this decade so far.

it also doesn't sound anything like an old pop rock album

it sounds like a regular pre-90s bowie album

in fact it does, sonically there's not much special in this album. maybe saxophones are special for him because he didn't use them much before, but overall it's just a bowie album

Go to bed scaruffi

Go to bed fantano

Because the attack was on Anthony, yet you translate that to "Bowiefags LMAO!"

It's called an irrelevant connection. The OP posted this thread to get a rise out of Bowie fans by using Fantano's list to attack them (somehow, even though it's an irrelevant connection)

It's very standard B8ing

Trolling - Person A has a problem with person B, so Person A expresses it in a way that though it is directly to Person B, their real objective is to get Person C involved to cause a chain reaction...

You are easily seen through you faggot

prove that you thought it was great before he died

Huh? Huh?

I don't have to prove anything to you, bitch :)

Define "pop rock" in the context of Blackstar. No buzzwords please.

Holy digits mah dude


>sounds like a usual bowie album
>bowie was always a pop star making pop rock

I can only assume you did not like it that much before his death


Well there isn't anything i can do to prove anything on an anime image board. Other than just say I dug the fuck out of Blackstar before it was released

Or it garnered interest by non Bowie fans
You pick though

>I dug the fuck out of Blackstar before it was released
everyone says that, but it actually wasn't that hyped before he died, you're probably one of those people who started considering this album great after his death

he also put Missy Elliott - WTF? and Hannah Diamond - Hi in both 2015 and 2016 lists

I listened and watched the video 10x the day it was released. I still remember how fascinated I was by it. But go ahead, user. Judge me, Judge the fuck out of me

but bowie himself wasnt ready to die, so that theory is disproved




I think Blackstar is proof that he was ready to die, literally the point of the album

>n-not like I wanted to watch the video without knowing the #1 single or anything baka!

I listened to the album when it came out and loved it so much that the next day I went out to get it on vinyl because I needed to have it. Bowie then died the following day.

It was hyped plenty before he died. Just because you weren't interested in it doesn't mean there weren't a lot of people who were. I've fucking loved the album since the day it was released.

I didn't say it wasn't, I sayed it was hyped more after his death.

I listened to the hip hop song at #2 since it was essentially #1 and it was like, awful. I have no idea what he sees in it

sure his death didn't make you love this album more

I think his death made me appreciate the album more but I already loved it anyway so I don't see how that really matters. It's okay to like a piece of art more because of the context around it.

He wasn't though. He was already planning to get back into the studio a week or so before he died.

>I think his death made me appreciate the album more
>It's okay to like a piece of art more because of the context around it
that's the point
this album relies on the context more than on the actual music, because musically this thing is quite dull, and there's also nothing we hadn't heard before