Tell me your WILDEST CONCERT STORY in just ONE sentence.
Tell me your WILDEST CONCERT STORY in just ONE sentence
Went to a Brantley Gilbert concert (without earplugs) and his mom got up on the stage and he sang a song to her.
Wtf? Story?
I got my dick grabbed by some drunk, hot blonde girl at a Foxy Shazam/The Sounds concert. It was great.
A nice man offered me cocaine while I urinated, just after I accidentally elbowed a girl who was so zonked she hardly noticed it.
Flying Lotus usually had two projected screens to create this trippy 3D effect, but near the end of the show he took off his mask, picked up the mic, walked in front of the screen in front of him and started rapping as Captain Murphy. The entire crowd went so fucking wild, that was the hardest moshing I've ever experienced because everyone was just so fucking hyped, not like the kind of fake "I just wanna mosh" shit that you get at punk/metal concerts
I talked to a woman without frighten once.
some high as balls chick blacked out standing up and when she fell over some guy pulled her pants down and just started staring at her slice
I took a tab of acid Day 1 of FYF Fest this year and saw Boogie, Shellac, Vince Staples, Tame Impala, Kendrick Lamar, and Explosions In The Sky. Best night of my life thus far, I literally was crying tears of joy when I got back to the hotel around 2 AM & watched Adult Swim till I crashed around 5.
how is that wild? that just sounds like you had a good time.
Oh man I bet Explosions In the Sky was heavy on the l
I'd probably cry too
pulled a muscle in my neck and sprained my left elbow while headbanging at an EDM festival over the summer, hurt like fuck
saw Jay Electronica open for FlyLo back in may 2015 and he told the entire crowd to get up on the stage and ended up with like 40 dudes up there before security and FlyLo himself shut him down.
I'm sure I have better stories (maybe not because it was fucking incredible), but:
Saw Aphex Twin this past Saturday and he literally conjured up a storm with his music.
our vocalist choked a dude out
100lb kid (me) clears the pit by jumping off someone's back
>show in band rehearsal room
>small as fuck and in basement of old building
>jackass fire extinguisher's the fucking whole room mid song
>ruins show
can you read?
yes but im drunk and forgot
had sex in the bathroom while Holland, 1945 was playing in the main hall.
the opening band's guitarist climbed the scaffolding and played above the crowd
Hit Corpsegrinder with beer can, mosh pit formed around me.
I'm sorry
Pit turned aggressive at punk show when dude jumped off stage, kicking/ripping out girls dermal from bridge of her nose and other injuries, bringing the EMTs to come help and carry her away while dude jumps merrily as the band plays the next song.
I've never been to one.
Festival concert years ago Our Lady Peace was named as the last band of the night, and everyone left.
True story
>conjured up a storm
so he's playing a set and it starts raining?
I stared at Kim Kardashians ass and Kanye asked me where the press was at.
accidentally headbutted a mexican manlet and broke his nose in the pit, shoved my way through the crowd so he could get to the bathroom, and later got bowled over by a dude who i swear was 7 feet tall and 300 pounds and looked like hagrid
At the beginning of the Swans set, there were ~1000 hipsters, but 20 minutes into the Swans set, there were ~10 hipsters
>because the set was so wild
I stood in the same spot for five hours just outside a festival based on a hunch, ended up having a life-changing religious experience and converted this one girl
This is funny to hear, because I was at a Fly Lo set and he talked a lot about being nervous of performing captain murphy stuff. He said audience reaction was usually mixed, and tried to gauge the crowd to see if they'd be into it
He seemed like a massive beta, and I love the guys music
fucking kek
nope. chophouse though
Saw King Khan do an anthill of cocaine off a Ouija board and thus render himself unable to play guitar
this seems worth it
I got free acid for a Dan Deacon show.
bud, get off Sup Forums, you like 34. wow your life is shit
Got wrecked on whatever party drug a friend handed me, got a blowjob in plain sight from a thicc Polish girl named whatever the Polish word for Star is, later a friend of a friend couldn't see, so I put her on my shoulders and she shoved her panties in my mouth.
Man, I miss being 21.
I only post here and /diy/, bud. I know my niche.
The night I found out I was gay
I went to a concert with megadeth and motorhead with my dad when I was in eighth grade and there was a fight between some guys and a group of people dressed in weird clothes (as best as I can remember) and they seriously looked like they were on meth or PCP or something.That was wack
that's some specific sadness
girl talk on acid
That it is.
Kept bumping into a girls ass on accident at a Danny Brown concert, but she started to grind on me until her boyfriend/brother shielded her the rest of the show.
Not too exciting desu.
Was with some guys at a music festival and we sold "acid" (a Ray Mysterio poster with water) to dumb people and made enough cash quickly to get drunk as all hell that night. Not that crazy but god damn being in high school and pulling that on desperate 20-something year olds still gives me a chuckle.
Xanax blackout.
went to local show, friends + a band i rlly like, end up hooking up with friend in band, start dating, fall in love, several months later have my heart broken and outlook on life shattered
managed to find myself caught in the middle of a wall of death at a Slayer concert
wind knocked out of me, crushed under sweaty neckbeards 3 deep, shoe print shaped bruise on my ribs
Sounds like Bonnaroo
Got thrown into a wood piling, tearing my scalp apart
Herman Li and I drank a six pack and discussed his at-the-time newly found interest in Ju Jitsu; while later the keyboard player for DragonForce and they Keyboard Player for Sonata Artica and I made masturbatory jokes.
Got thrown into a rectangular wood piling, tearing a fissure in my scalp.
Rolled molly for Kero Kero Bonito
One of the happiest nights of my life, made me remember how worth it is to be alive in this world
No it went from 80 degrees, to 40 mph gusts of wind, a torrential downpour, and a drop of about 30 degrees all in a span of about 5-10 minutes during his set.
On a pier in NYC, some girl standing next to me had a literal seizure during a great performance of Feel the Pain by Dinosaur Jr.
absentmindedly didnt bring u47700 to a danny brown concert, starting withdrawing hardcore halfway through and had to go come
Died from drugs during festival
cat power yelling and cursing at her self on stage. pretty sad desu
I was around 16 watching a squarepusher show.
he was playing some jungle shit as opposed to bass wankery and I was in the zone. I saw this jap chick dancing in front of me and grabbed her by the waist.
luckily she was into it and was waving her lil ass on my hormone filled teenage dick. after a few minutes I couldn't take any more and blew a load in my Levi's just as squarepusher dropped 'come on my selector'
ended up alright cos I gapped out for a piss. she never knew and I spent the night chillin with her. good night.
Nah, just some smallish town EDM fest. Part of me almost felt bad but in hindsight I could have ripped them off using something more dangerous or could have fucked them up worse.
Seeing Fidlar at a festival, some guy gets up on another guy's shoulders in the moshpit and stands upright, camera points to him, he's on the big screen and he drops his pants and starts wanking furiously while looking at the band. The camera instantly pointrd away, but I was standing close to the guy and he kept going for half a minute at least, it was hilarious.
kicked out for hanging from ceiling
Front row at a Death Grips show when a guy in a wheelchair gets wheeled right next to me, I proceed to be crushed against his wheel by the mosh for what felt like hours as he looks at Kid Rock trivia on his phone and doesn't even pay attention to the music.
(Infinite cookies if anyone can identify the concert)
wtf i love the sounds now?
(i also like the sound)
yeah no biggie i just rolled some molly
ugh ive never cringed so hard desu
Not that user, but I've been the last five years and could tell a thread's worth of stories
Front row at a small venue Mudhoney show, a coked out short blonde hair chick grinded with me for like half the set. Later that night Shellac started playing, and this girl lied on the stage right in front of me and started to move her waist like she was orgasming. The night ended for her when she suddenly stood up and went all topless, giving these crazy stares, the security guy got her down the stage. Made Albini and Heston awkward and worried.
Hello Mr.Skeletal
My mom took me when I was fucking 16.
It was great.
went to go see motorhead bunch of full patch hell angels smoking joints and drinking beside/in the moshpit also started a few fights and someone got glassed
>mom warned me before the show to keep an eye out for bikers
>didn't believe her
also ended up with hearing damaged and tinnitus
Cool mom
It's a tie
Go way too early for a concert where there was no doorman, walk in and stand around the front of the stage, Black Lips come out and I get to meet them, and hear them soundcheck before the show.
Dad and my uncles take me to a Doors concert, my godfather and two other uncles go to the mosh pit and fuck shit up, two old dudes in front of me pull out a fat blunt and smoke it and I get highsecondhand at 14 sitting next to my Dad and during "The End" had an ethereal experience
>be me in China
>expat drummer for shitty cover band in tourist area, mostly just for shit and giggles
>once, two (2) 30 something qt 3.14 stare at me the whole show
>at the end of the show, they give me little hearts they just made out of the wax from the candle at their table, along with a note asking : 'are you free?'
>politely share some drinks
>drunkenly hop on my bicyle to go back home
>tell my wife because i'm that kind of faggot
>awesome sex since then
i missed a once in a lifetime foursome opportunity, though
Hah I'm not the old one now.
Saw Death Grips live. A guy jumped from the balcony and landed on me.
I enjoyed two beers while the band played.
I only go watch noise/drone and shoegaze stuff live.
>be at teh dentistr
>its not teh denttis ,its my blooby valetein11!1!!!11!
One time I saw Eagles of Death Metal in Paris..
Crazy night
>Used to go to a lot of beatdown/heavy hardcore shows
>See tons of idiot meatheads get in fights that get broken up real quick. Saw to guys knocked out cold in the pit, saw pretty much every kind of stage dive. Stage dives from balconies. Saw a few broken noses. Going home from a Malevolence show a year ago, on the train, suddenly notice that my sleeve if covered in blood that isn't mine. Weird.
>Some guy gets on a 5ft high stage, does a backflip into the crowd
>A mosher just passes and there's no crowd left
>Guy lands on his head only, i swear, not his neck or shoulders, just head.
>For at least 5 seconds every just looks in shock like... yeah nah... that guy is dead as fuck.
>pick him up with two other people to drag him out
>start bleeding ALOT. I mean, like, more than the guy in OP's pic.
>He moan something, we drop him outside, call an ambulance
>they put barely conscious bleeding guy in the back with one of his friends
>Go back and enjoy the rest of Nasty's set. Never found out what happend to the guy.
>Be me, 16 as Surge of Fury show, standing near the pit
>get two ear rings punched out of my fucking ear.
>fucking hurts and bleeds, get outside for a min, stand next to guy with a bleeding nose.
>decide to go back in togheter because fuck it.
Violence wise, that's the worst i've seen.
Fuck your one sentence.
You were there? I arrived late and the doorman didn't let me in because no ticket so i forced my way in and ruined the show for everyone.
I was on TV next day.
I cut my legs on a toilet and had to get a few stitches, my buddy stole a toilet and brought it in the crowd, I sat on it, then this elderly lady came out of nowhere, sat on me, and the toilet broke down.
pic related
At a hardcore show, the vocalist hit someone in the face with the microphone while swinging it and threw a cinderblock into the crowd
I pissed from the walls of a medieval castle during a goth festival while imagining countless times when actual guards have done the same.
Matmos :)
Was at a Kverlertak concert when a guy ran face first into a container and semi passed out. Good fun
hows china?
did they go all
accidentally stomped on this nu-male's foot with my size 11 boot at a death grips concert
what where they playing?
Had this same experience. Bonnaroo 2015?
Right up in front for the death grips show at riot fest after a mellow day at the festival, chick had her top off and was screaming for Ride to notice her