Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Camden Hughes
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Connor Morris
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Elijah Phillips
What are your favorite albums this year?
>I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music I have never claimed this myself. People who only listen to radio pop think anything that isn't radio pop is obscure and avant garde.
Adam Moore
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
John Gray
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Angel Long
>I have never claimed this myself. People who only listen to radio pop think anything that isn't radio pop is obscure and avant garde. On what planet is Nick Cave, David Bowie and Tribe NOT radio pop?
Oliver Watson
The planet where people claim that them and the other artists that you're thinking of are "obscure" and "avant garde". I've never heard them on the radio at all and Nick Cave in general and Blackstar would probably not appeal to someone who mostly listens to their local top 40 radio station. I don't think they're obscure or avant garde but recently I have gotten more exposed to how shallow most people's taste in music really is and bands that I always thought were common knowledge aren't that well known, at least to people that I am usually around.
Noah Diaz
>I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. Gee, it's almost like people who don't browse the board have no fucking idea what it's actually like?
Hudson Rodriguez
So where did this image come from?
Juan Hughes
To the average top 40 or dadrock faggot that wanders into this shithole from other festering shitholes, the slightly less accessible popular stuff here mixed with the sonic autism merzbow and weird drone bullshit makes them think we're all bitter weirdos that pretend to like the sounds of goats fucking in a wind tunnel
Carter Ward
>sonic autism merzbow and weird drone bullshit Not as common as I was lead to believe
Anthony Evans
Can you actually post something you think is worth listening to or are you going to continue posting copypastas?
Dominic Sanchez
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Julian Evans
>I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Parker Jackson
good thread
Colton Sullivan
Of course you'll find that you goober theres Sup Forums who is all >muh taste
Which i guess includes you with >ur taste sucks not gonna show you guys real music tho lol...
And Sup Forums that actually play instruments like the guitar thread guys who actually play guitar and know music theory (some of them anyway) and try to help people out. Thats why i come here
Not for the billion hiphop/rap threads
Ryder Davis
Zachary Wood
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Ryder Baker
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious. .
Ryan Myers
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Andrew Anderson
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
James Bell
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.
Michael Taylor
Holy shit you guys have bad taste. I've been going through some AOTY threads these past couple of weeks. Seriously? Blackstar? Skeleton Tree? A Tribe Called Quest? Are you kidding me? How are you going to act elitist when your taste line up almost perfectly with Metacritic.
I thought you guys were supposed to be these hipster douchebags who listen to obscure avant garde music. I know people who claim they're afraid to post here because you listen to weird shit and lord over other people with it. But, no, you just listen to the same weak, milky, watered down pop that everyone else does. How do you guys even use terms like "normie" unironically?
Oh, and don't claim that I'm making a generalisation and that mu isn't one person. Fuck you. There wasn't a single AOTY list I saw this week that wasn't totally obvious.