ITT: otherwise great albums that are completely ruined by the lyrics

I get it, she's Asian and I'm not, but does the entire album have to be about racemixing? Why can't she sing about the falling sakura petals like in her other album?

>caring about lyrics

I don't think you realize how self-hating race-mixing Japanese women are. It literally checks off all the criteria for a mental illness.

Why do people other than metalbabies think lyrics aren't to be taken into consideration when present? You are allowed to write a song without them you know.

because lyrics are not music
i bet you also care about album covers

when you sing them they are, jackass

That's irrelevant and a dodge. If a song includes lyrics, those lyrics are part of the song. Unless of course you're playing heavy metal music.

vocals are music
lyrics are not

A flute is music, but an F major scale is not. Well done, genius.

I have to desynch myself from the lyrics to like this because her singing and the production is fucking groundbreaking but dear god the lyrics

dear fucking god that easy breezy line still traumatizes me

still my favorite singer though

are you honestly stupid?

vocals without lyrics are music
lyrics without vocals are not music, because it's just a text you put into your vocals to make a context, but context itself is not music

this lyrics debate is the 2nd stupidest reoccurring topic on Sup Forums

only behind whining about pitchfork while constantly posting about and linking to pitchfork

So a staff with an F major scale written on it isn't music? Then every performance of a classical notation is its own musical piece because music cannot exist independently of its playback?

>So a staff with an F major scale written on it isn't music?
it is music, you can perform it without lyrics

>Then every performance of a classical notation is its own musical piece because music cannot exist independently of its playback?
vocals are an insrument, and the sounds you make with vocals are music, the lyrics are not necessary, it's just a filler text you put into your vocals to make a context, but context itself is not music. You can perform sing without lyrics, and it's still music, you can make an utter gibberish, and it's still music.
Lyrics are not important in making music because it's not music.

There's also the one that goes "any monkey can master an instrument; it takes real skill to write my 4 chord doodles".
But do you want to contribute to the thread theme?

Not you're just making a circular argument. If you have a personal grievance against lyrics that matter, just say so.

I already did, I love Utada's work but the lyrics on this album cause me physical pain and even when I was pubescent and literally in love with her I couldn't fucking stand it

The lyrics are still a part of the music imo though.

I don't make a circular argument, I just make it more detailed so every dumb fuck is able to get it.


it's like you have nothing to say against it this time


The way you grunt out your responses makes me unconfident that you know what a circular argument is. But that's meta. What did good lyrics ever do to you that you hate them so?

Not OP but "you're easy breezy and I'm japanesey" is pretty god fucking awful

>What did good lyrics ever do to you that you hate them so?
I never said that, I only said that it's not music.

>The way you grunt out your responses makes me unconfident that you know what a circular argument is.
why would I make a new argument against yours if yours if you didn't do it as well? it's better to make my own argument more detailed in this case, that's not exact circular argument, because it's just a bigger and itemized so every dumb fuck is able to get it.

Look it up nigger



she's so boring

This is my favorite album by her and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing

but I really like this album