you know the drill
also post your favorite cigarette and your favorite pavement song
camel lights and box elder
you know the drill
also post your favorite cigarette and your favorite pavement song
camel lights and box elder
Other urls found in this thread:
first for sanic is worst trip
damn trips confirm
tyoure still wrong though
whatcha listening to user
you've seen my chart before
this isnt too bad except for death grips and the wrong pink floyds
but ypui didnt answer my question
my favorite pavement song is maybe "zurich is stained" but i haven't listened to any pavement recently
smokes are bad
the glory of man - minutemen
thats a solid choice of pavement songs but a very poor choice of cigarettes
ive been meaning to relisten to that album
You (yes, you !) have NO excuse not to listen to a band with hits like these.
>ive been meaning to relisten to that album
i would say it's worth a relisten, but i don't really get all the praise it gets.
i own an imaginary friend cd
what do i win
track you posted was kinda cool
if they had reduced the album to just one lp and got rid of all the less cool tracks itd be better
corona is the best track teebh.
what makes a man start fires? is much better
sean mccann - the capital
You get to name this new picture.
i love jackass so im obligated to agree with you
Done. Congratulations.
>tfw too smart to make a top 50 chart
do you have a rym
also have you listened to neonbabies
Good taste for a tripfag. A bit too Sup Forumscore for my tastes though. Can't think of any recs.
Pretty good taste. I like that you have Bleach as opposed to In Utero or Nevermind. Between those 3 I like Bleach the second most, behind Nevermind.
Are you me? Replace Metaphorical Music with Modal Soul, and MHTRC with The Campfire Headphase and you have a decent amount of shit in my top 10. And LSD and the Search for God, too. I can rec Crystallize by Tokyo Shoegazer
a, your chart has more 'mucore' than mine
b. whats wrong with enjoying 'mucore' nobody has ever given me an actual explanation
have you heard rodan
no i deleted my rym
my is santosmalandros and my slsk is spillway if you wanna drone me thoguh
We have roughly the same amount. Depends how you define Sup Forumscore. And nothing is really wrong with it, just a remark.
>b. whats wrong with enjoying 'mucore' nobody has ever given me an actual explanation
Most of it fucking sucks.
It's the pot calling the kettle black
stuff like death grips yeah
but not the ones on my chart
fair enough
I used to make fun of some kid I knew in highschool for being Pavement but i've honestly listened to Pavement like four times ever
dumb teenage contrarianism I guess
I feel bad for him sometimes cus he was literally one of the first people I'd met in this town and I used to play checkers with him in like the 7th grade super early in the morning
I kinna wish I'd been friends with him desu
I don't smoke because I don't want to get any uglier.
hi puppyposter
At least I'm only conceited ironically.
i missed you
how are you doing
pavement are grea ti dont see why youd have any reason to dislike slanted if you listened to it now
wil lyou join my bad
go ahead soay more stupid shit i dare you
godflesh - us and them
soul-junk - 1958
admiral angry - buster
zeus! - motomonotono
lolita storm - g.f.s.u.
mulk - putrilogie
That Brutal Truth record is fantastic, I like their entire discography, but their debut is my personal favorite. If you haven't heard the Full of Hell/The Body collaboration, check it out, it's probably the best grindcore release this year.
It's pretty good (and so is your chart, user), but I don't think any grindcore discography will top Nasum's though, tbqh.
american spirit menthol mellows and i dont like pavement
please die
ive only had the amspr menthol full but those are prob a good chhoice
why dont you liek pavement though
idk, just not my cup of tea
man theres so much about music i want to talk about with you but things are fucked
have you heard the john peel roads girdle the globe tho? i heard and thought oh man blaise would get this. it's fucking insane. it sounds like they're all having panic attacks as they're playing
dam nits been a minute
this is a dope live verison
Severed Heads - Since The Accident
Dilate - Vessels
The Field - Looping State of Mind
The Sundays - Reading, Writing, Arithmetic
ya the drumming is like under the trigger and the guitar just does shit and his vocals are the most plodding they ever got it gave me a lot more respect and even take songs like Dear God more seriously. I didn't realize they stopped touring broke up left stages because of panic having done 400mcg of nbome to drums i can attest that it is a secretly evil railroad of the earth and it makes sense they got that way.
oh ok if were smoking cocks now. deploy le armistice
im glad to have discovered this word-- abecedarian for i am a novice.
uhhh there was something else i was going to say. oh ya i was reading earlier moonshake toured with metallica during eva luna. lol.
this is some of the only good rock ive heard in a long time. this tho
We all will eventually, anonagon.
smoking cigs in 2016
hey nice number 1 funny id only see it as someones 1 immediately after i post my chart with mine as my 3 what made you realize it was so great just that it has no expiry date do you think stephin merritt has strange powers
oh ya if i smoke cigs its some shik swindled methyl pall malls low to the ground. btw when you smoke youre always the man behind cigarettes just a thought
Yeah Holiday is amazing. One of the only albums I can think of where I honestly enjoy every track.
My favorite is Swinging London.
How disappointed were you with the new Blank Banshee album
I don't listen to Pavement but I smoke Marlboro Lights and this chart is good taste.
This is great, especially The Brave Little Abacus but the Asking Alexandria thing is throwing me off.
This is good but white boi Sup Forumscore
What are the Urinals like.
Where is Korn - s/t
>not enjoying korn from time to time
21 Pilots - Blurryface
Nice chart with no mucore album at all
Scorpions is so cheesy how can you stand them
Burning Village - Mountain Witch
love it you should check out the owls - our hopes and dreams
Thanks, listening now.
Have you heard of Hop Along? I just discovered them recently and they reminded me of Mirah.
haven't gotten around to listening to Pavement yet, I know I should. If you have a first Pavement album to rec based on this, or any other music, go for it!
camel blue 99s
good taste
you too user
Smart Went Crazy - Con Art
Miserable - Uncontrollable
Wall of Voodoo - S/T EP and Dark Continent
I like admire a lot about Scorpions, I think they had a lot of good riffs and a good sound, and more so than any other band at the time, I think they made the most tolerable of all the power-ballads. But I see where you are coming from, considering a lot of bands from this era never aged well.
Good Willsmith - Things Our Bodies Used To Have
Moor Mother - Fetish Bones
Svein Finnerud Trio - Plastic Sun
King Woman - Doubt
>death grips
>>death grips
having death grips in chart is a sign of poor taste
kennel district
The Beatles - Revolver
what _did_ he mean by this
canadian classics
conduit for sale
love you guys.
check out The Whitest Boy Alive- Dreams
Bing & Ruth - Tomorrow was the Golden Day
Windy & Carl
Virginia Astley - From Gardens where we feel secure
James Holden, Orbital
what's on the right of Nico?
looks cool, what r all the albums bertically from the left ?
you seem fun :)
My chart is the best chart in this thread.
already heard Tomorrow Was the Golden Age, really like it
only heard Drawing of Sound by Windy & Carl so i guess i should try some of their other stuff
i will check out the virginia astley album
lucky strikes and We Are Underused
I only smoke Parliaments p much
Trigget Cut / Wounded Kite is forever the banger
why the fuck isnt I Want To See Bright Lights Tonight not on your chart yet bruv
I like the way this looks
Do you like Connan Mockasin
I can respect the cig choice
cool taste
thankyou, user. however I am not feeling very fun. im very sick.
normally I leave lots of recs but I wasn't feeling up to it today. sorry my fellow anons.
also your chart is patrician as fuck. good choice of Gong album. and I prefer Deceit over the s/t as well. and youre a fan of The Books. I like you user.
check out Zammuto's solo stuff if you haven't already. also Jon Anderson- Olias of Sunhillow and Morgan Delt s/t and Petting Zoo- Good Evening
i know no music, take me out of my misery
herbie hancock-head hunters
this heat-deceint
boredoms-vision creation newsun
been on mu/ for 2 years and this is my overall favorite albums of all time, my taste is ok i guess.
anyone got any good Film Recommendations
forgot to post my chart lel
decent taste if u should check out more of The Pillows albums and try out Tokyo Shoegazer there albums are on youtube.
>why the fuck isnt I Want To See Bright Lights Tonight not on your chart yet bruv
i cant stand interpol dude
good cig and pavement choices though
>canadian classics
are those like your equivalent of USA gold or are they actually good
hi dug
4th tier, 1st row, 10th album
rate my good luck charms
try some stuff on Rym go through sun genres. Try some genres like dream pop and shoegaze, avant-garde rock and expermental hip-hop.
OP you have the most typical Sup Forums chart I've ever seen
wait no Loveless, 9/10
I don't smoke and I don't care for Pavement
actually i have one problem with parliaments and its the fact that they burn WAY too fast, even if you pack them really right. they taste great though
also fun fact: i had a pack of parliaments get run over by a car (or cars?) once but all of the cigarettes still smoked perfectly fine, they were just flattened
desu ive been considered switching out you made me realize with loveless
im sorry to hear that user
bump :D
>great dose of monotonous techno
checking this out for sure
>the heart of cape breton
>How disappointed were you with the new Blank Banshee album
why's everyone shitting on it? I liked it, better than the previous album for sure
ok, the great dose of monotonous techno sucks. oh well.
thats not true...
i haven't listened to Built To Spill, and i don't have many options so red Marlboro or Belmont Switch
listen to Miles Smiles
i'm gonna steal this chart. You listened to Groups In Front Of People - 1?
absolutely lovely that you hace V:D:C there. Tago Mago is the better Can. Listen to Sweet Trip's other stuff. Als maybe listen to Live Love Life + One - Love Will Make A Better You. And check out Aerial M - ...As Performed By
>i haven't listened to Built To Spill
what the hell
do you know any anime-themed industrial
then you have no excuse
y-you can't steal it! it's mine!
I have not listened to that, will check it out
no excuse for what
I was talking about the album I Want To See Bright Lights is by Richard and Linda Thompson, its a super depressing british folk album from the 70s. Enjoy.
>I Want To See Bright Lights Tonight
>i cant stand interpol dude
You're even dumber than I thought.
interpol was a post punk revival band from the 2000s, not some folk duo from the 70s
the joke
edge of the observable universe
Andromeda galaxy
alpha centauri
edge of the oort cloud
the asteroid belt
the moon
the roof of your hut
your head
please stop saying kek
>lol I was just pretending to be retarded
Just quit while you're ahead, Sanic.
I don't even say it that much.
>the roof of your hut
kek t b h
you're the retarded one
it was a joke
Not actually on my chart, but I would like 21st century classical or jazz recs if possible plz.
I smoke Marlboro Reds, Camel Turkish Royals, Parliament Full Flavored, and if I can find them, Lucky Strikes (the filterless ones)
I haven't listened to Pavement since high school, I guess my favorite track's Summer Babe (Winter Version).
>weeb degeneracy
Disgusting. Probably not even old enough to smoke.
Aaron Dilloway - Modern Jester
Sonny Sharrock - Ask The Ages
Iannis Xenais - Persepolis
>My boy Stephane Grappelli
>Nuits Sonores
>Green Day
>Mac DeMarco
NanĂ¡ Vasconcelos - Saudades
Doof - Let's Turn On
Psychic Mirrors - Nature Of Evil
Ayyy you got the best Can record in the chart!
Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport
The Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
Clams - s/t (not Clams Casino, the japanese shoegaze group Clams! I found them while looking up Clams Casino!)
Please stop sucking Sanic's cock, user.