Kill me please

Kill me please.

> I feel too old for everything in live
> I'm scared to take part
> It feels as if I have no right

For example, I would like to go to Comicon or Insomnia 58. Yet the reasons listed above prevent me from living life

who cares what the people at comic con or whatever insomnia 58 is think of you

I feel werid / wrong being there.

Like I said, I have not right.

I'm 36 and i'm going to a comicon in a couple of months.

you're never too old to do anything as long as it is legal.

what makes you feel like you dont belong?

deez quads

I feel too old.

Going to events and festivals is for 14-24 year olds.

Not someone who is just over the hill.

how old are you


who cares if you are 30? I bet there are lots of 30 year olds at comic con. there is nothing wrong with going. you can probably meet some new people, too.

fuck off dickhead
fuck here we go

>"i'm so old"

mate who gives a fuck you realise in another 30 chances are you won't even exist, no one gives a fuck, we're all going to die and be forgotten, you could go to comicon dressed as a fucking girl and no one would give a fuck

fucking sook mate

To me, when you reach 28 are are supposed to have settled down.

You are supposed to be boring.

where did you come up with that?

If I look at TV, and see what 14-18 year olds are doing.

I have not even done 1/2 of that.

When I was 14 I have no idea of those things.

If I look at 14-18 year olds, they seem more aware and mature due to exposure of the internet

okay, thats them. thats not you. why should you care what the teenagers of today are doing?

> My parents
> Social norms
> TV programs
> Education

are these reasons why you should care about random teenagers

i'm pretty sure comicons are targeted towards 25 years old and above. you know, people who actually have jobs and are able to purchase things from the convention.

teens are only there for the spectacle. they ain't gonna buy anything

Cause I feel like I missed out !

Cause I feel like i'm behind !

Like that novel "Alone on the World", everyone is heading of the the island. Yet I'm standing on the beach not able to launch my boat.

you cant focus on the past forever. you have to move on and live your life. if your stuck dwelling over mistakes you made when you were 16 then you will just make yourself feel worse.

Try thinking like an evil villain

Fuck everyone else

dude buy some fucking drugs and do them and you'll catch up on everything you've missed pretty quickly

stop being a baby
or kill yourself, honestly suicide isn't that bad.. it's not any more pointless than striving to survive

I could never hurt another human being.

I'm too much of a care bear.

Pull your head out of your ass. The only difference between you and them is they don't let their fear of awkwardness hold them back. You don't have a real problem. You just need to stop obessing over how other people might be better than you. We're all lacking in some department or another and there is always someone who is better at everything than you no matter how good you are. We just have to blunder through life best as we can and not worry about it, you're already a huge failure so what are you worried about?

Also, yeah we're supposed to settle down and fall into a niche at a certain point in life and some people reach that point earlier than others. You obviously haven't reached that point yet but you're preventing yourself from exploring your interests because you think you've fallen behind. Quit being stupid and feeling sorry for yourself. Light a fire under your ass and go chase something, there's no reason not to.


or kill yourself

I'm scared !

I'm scared to try new things.

Scared they might taste bad or

I understand you point.

But I suck at everything.

Everyone is better than me in everything you can imagine.

Trust me, I suck at everything.

never let fear decide your fate

this attitude is exactly why you feel like this. because you think you suck at everything. you have to just get over it. it's that simple. see a therapist

You guys need to quit responding. He's taking us for a ride

But it is true.

I suck at everything.

I have never won anything.

I'm not ! you want my full Bio? Here you are!

I feel like my life is over.
I feel like I've missed the golden years.
I have no idea what a 30 year old is supposed to do.
I'm very far behind in my development.
I feel too old now, some of the things I've listed below you do when you are 14 - 26.
Another problem I have is that I feel too young and on top of that, that I have no business being anywhere.
To me, my peers feel like 35-38, yet I myslef feel like 16-17.

> Dutch
> 30
> Lived abroad most of my Life, in an islamic country
> Never had sex
> Never drank alchohol, never tried
> Never smoked, never tried
> Never used drugs, never tried
> Never interacted with girls
> Never talked to a girl
> Never touched a girl
> Never kissed a girl
> Never had friends
> Never hung out around town
> Never hung out with peers
> Never been to a house party
> Never been to a club
> Never been to a bar
> Never been to university / college partying
> Never been to an event (concert, football match, comedy show, etc)
> Never been on holiday
> Never been to summer camp
> Never been to a party island like Ibiza
> Never had a stereo in my room
> Never had a tv in my room
> Never had a console in my room
> Was not allowed to bring people over
> Was not allowed to go to other people's homes
> My parents were very strict and would use guilt tricks to keep me indoors
> My parents also used the same excuse over and over again, which was "You are too young for that, you are not ripe enough".
> Another excuse was "Because you lack expierence you are not allowed to participate, only when you have enough expierence are you allowed to participate".