What went wrong with Chloe Moretz?

What went wrong with Chloe Moretz?

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every picture they snap of her she has food and sugary drinks in her hands, that's why she's getting fat.

that has to be shopped

It's not

her hands a huge

how can you tell

It's definitely shooped.

Kill yourself.

Still fucked up

id still fuck her


She fucked a nigger

lmao i was thinking exactly that

She looks great, and all of these gay ass motherfuckers in this thread wish they could fuck her.




I love a woman who's top heavy.


Is there something wrong with her?

It's probably taken from an angle where it's fucked beyond belief.

Like Poot Lovato




shes been BLACKED.

But is there any confirmed mudsharking or just rumors?

oh fuck lol


coal burning all the way, she got caught multiple times.


take off her makeup and she can play an accurate hillary clinton today


>guys face in the background

There's a gap in the Shoop.
Look at the inner elbow. The street is visible.

This picture triggers my OCD.
Fuck you OP





I DON'T EVEN KNOW who she is but she's my main bitch

are you actually this fucking retarded?
christ almighty


most beautiful pussy in the world, you can tell even with leggings on. You fags are just jelly u won't ever see it.

i fuck her every third thursday


If a white girl hangs out with niggers, they are either gay or fucking her. The straight nigger mentality does not understand being friends with a female in which ones cock shouldn't be trying to penetrate. Even my cousin who has a gay nigger friend, I'm pretty sure has mudsharked before.

little accident

She's starting to look like Prince.

is this legit?

She discussed her ideologies.

i just dont even know anymore ?

Holy fuck I'm kekking myself silly


anyone have the pig nose ones ?







she grew up
all women lose their freshness when they grow up

Someone has way too much time on their hands. That's dangerous.

Whoever made these can get a serious job in photo manipulation.

The media shills pay really fucking well for this shit.



He needs some milk.

Is that Bruce Jenners body?

no, second pic isn't her

yes it is .


you will just have to believe

She's getting fat.



nope, just this one

These are fantastic. Never stop, user. You are doing the lords work. Comic fucking gold.

>What went wrong
>implying she was hot in the first place
also wtf is up with those heels? she looks like one of those stereotypical prepubescents wearing mommy's clothing to try and look like an adult

>New Teen ImgBoard...







someone please shoop this to say cancer

I don't know why you faggots are so butthurt because of her.
She was never hot to begin with. I never understood all those pubescent infatuation with her. She's not ugly, but she certainly doesn't deserve that much attention for her looks. Grow the fuck up, people.

There was nothing right about her in the first place. I don't know why everyone always loses their shit over this fetal alcohol looking weirdo.

she got blacked, now she works as a pizza delivery guy

>She was never hot to begin with.
she was

Everybody on this sight started masturbating to her when she was 13 in kick ass she's never been hot and still isn't but finally now that she's not illegal all the cp freaks on this sight are noticing she's never been hot.

Kekking like a retard rn

She's American, It's inevitable. They all get fat.

Shes still hot but why does anybody care about what celebrities look like?

lmao her hands reach past her knees. is this a ylyl thread?


Lel that's allmost a legit theory

No. Kardashians are disgusting and need to be executed anyway.

It's shopped you dumb black niggers.

Taking big black penises to the vagina


