Whats with Asian girls and black guys?
I see this couple everywhere now.
Whats with Asian girls and black guys?
I see this couple everywhere now.
>this couple
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I think asian girls dating guys with big dicks in general is awesome.
Asian girls want to rebel against their tiger parents. Pretty obvious. They do it for porn but literally asian female black male is the least common marriage in the US...
"1.30% percent of Asian female marriages" en.wikipedia.org
most Asian girls wouldn't be able to take a bbc?
Black men try to claim own and fock every other race to degrade them not just asian anybody not black is whit that is their mentality and why black women are always typically angry at society bonequisha has 8 kids from 5 dudes raising them alone yo
No you dont
>yellow penor be small
>black master race
>cuck yellowbois and whitebois
lel black male messaging asian female is the worst response rate possible.
Only twinkies they're essentially white
I don't see this often at all. I often see white male-Asian female.
My gf of 6 years is Thai and I am black from chicago.
Just the way things are man. Only betas pretend it isn't real. I always ask, if you think girls are learning to twerk to attract white guys?
Lel Jamal done goofed.
Interracial and cuckfags act sort of like furries did back when they had their rise to fame. They pushed it everywhere people didnt want it, did their best to normalize it in their minds thinking that if you werent into it, you were the crazy one, and because of the nature of the fetish itself, they can add their own spin to pretty much every other form of porn. Especially the cuckfags.
So black + asian is just a natural result of that memetic evolution.
Asian girls like black guys more than white girls do thats for sure.
she is a porn star you idiot, she is fucking that black guy for money
i know right...it explains why there are over 3 BILLION asians in this world. The media has brain washed you idiots to think there is going to be a black and white race war going on but the real threat are those zipper head motherfuckers.
better than tinder! plenty of horny asian sluts of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com
Depends how you count India.
They've been labeled Asian because 'everything right of Europe' but genetically they're more Caucasian than Asian.
China leads the way though since even with their one child policy HAN people are over half the world's population
Bringing down the average dick size with em.
If you want to get rid of a race just shove them into China for a while they'll not exist eventually.
Seriously any that's not Chinese or Indian is like fucking nothing to them.
Been to China. They love white people, its kinda funny.
Really? I know a fair amount of black guys have had interest in asian girls but it generally isn't reciprocated. Replace black with white and you're more accurate there, OP.
Chinese are fucking shameless people they'll give any tourist that impression
Blacks are more rare to them they love taking photos with family and just fucking filming any foreign looking chump
They avoid blacks, welcome whites. Even in small towns.
Only niggers that have never been there think Chinese people like them.
You're a retard whose obviously never been to any part of east Asia.
When you finally do go you'll come back complaining about how racist they all are.
They want to take pictures, you to tell them how you wear shoes inside and have you talk English while they laugh at you
They tell black people 'go Obama' and touch their hair non-stop.
You go then hate it
Happens to all you white/black weeabs
Raised in Chinese household, can confirm. Once in a blue moon they shit on white people (Americans are fat, they cheat) but nowhere near the extent of their black people hate.
Funnily enough, they've never said nigger.
Hey dumb nigger guess what.
I've spent the last 3 summers there at my fiance's parents place. Taught English just for fun.
Chinese love whites, even said I was more handsome than the Chinese guys. Treated me better than I get treated here in the U.S.
Dumb niggers like you try to say Asians don't like white to make yourselves feel better about Asians hating niggers.
I might even move there. Stay delusional though. I'm sure it help you sleep at night.
Yup, most Asian parents would be cool with their daughter marrying a white guy as long as he was respectful.
But good luck bringing home Jamal.
> hey dumb nigger I have gf and I've been all around the block
Sure thing.
Taiwan? Yes.
HK? Maybe.
Everywhere else? Don't like the west.
You're not fooling anyone you weeab
Says the retard who never left his mom's basement.
China, Japan, and S Korea are easy spots to get a girl for white guys. Easier than the west even.
You're not fooling anyone Jamal. Whites aren't the only ones that hate you idiots.
This entire post is just....
I used to work with this black guy who was married to a Thai woman. She was pregnant. I told them that they might get lucky and give birth to the next Tiger Woods. They acted shocked and butthurt when I said it. How is that even offensive? Why is everyone an easily offended faggot pussy?
Tia Ling
Niggers and Thai hookers don't watch golf.
Girl in OP's vid is Tia Ling (whose real name is Elizabeth A. Dall) btw. I am sure she retired... and the black guy is not her boyfriend/husband so idk if I'd call them a 'couple'. Her husband is a guy named Brian whom she used to do scenes with.
Is Brian white?
>Tia Ling
thx bro
The only reason you ever see JAVs with black dudes in them is because it's made for the bestiality fetish. Asians usually want white males by default. Well, at least based on polls in Japan.
Niggers don't care about facts. Those are racist user. Remember what Hilary said? Its all whitey's fault.