What is the McChicken of music?
What is the McChicken of music?
>mayonnaise on a burger
why is this allowed?
Depends. If you live in the UK the law permits the bare mininum of actual chicken in the burger. So for them its Oasis
For Australia its Blur we have good burgers
What does her cock look like?
Probably that stuff bearded plaid wearing nu-males make about kittens and other dumbs shit. Chicken is often offered as a light alternative to a red meat for those who can't handle it.
That's not a burger
because of your shit taste in sauces i now assume you have shit taste in music as well
good job fucko
>eating a dry chicken burger
what is wrong with you
Entry level indie music. It's better than the standard radio shit (dollar menu cheeseburger) and some people only eat it. Others know there's better stuff out there and only have it sometimes
For me, it is Pet Sounds, the greatest pop album of all time
how do you use the word "nu-male" right after asking what an anime cartoon girl's cock looks like
do you think you're a traditional masculine figure in any way
you're posting on a bhutanese passport enquiry forum you stupid cunt
why does that mc chicken have a sesame seed bun? here its just regular buns
fair enough
DJ McChicken
A good case of an artist going "Ugh who cares about hands."
I pierced your sister's buns?
I want to fuck that burger
What's th best furry porn artist?
>""""Her"""" cock
Death Grips
Everybody knows that people who say the word "nu-male" seriously are faggots
t. 120 pound skelly with thick brimmed glasses and meme beard
because why not
stop whining about trivial shit
nice trips btw