What do you guys think of RedditJavCee?

What do you guys think of RedditJavCee?

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all music youtube memes are entertaining for like 2 months and then lose their novelty

Reddit embodies everything despicable about newfags. Why would I think of an artist named after it?

we know it's you frank

How often do you get laid dude serious question

Less than that guy, more than you.

Was pretty good back when he was creating content rather than DUDE MEMES BUT IRONIC LMAO

Now he's probably the most insufferable piece of shit on youtube when it comes to music related things. No wonder this subhuman circlejerks with that fat kike and the epileptic discount ausie jackass

his actual channel name is FrankJavCee you retard

ironic humor killed the internet

sam hyde, filthy frank, h3h3, and javcee can fuck off and kill themselves

Nah you killed the internet

Shut the fuck

i think my favourite thing about this guy is how he looks literally nothing like his stupid fucking avatar

you're right lad


Reddit embodies everything despicable about newfags. Why would I know the name of a celebrity from there?

sam hyde is unironic 99% of the time

my absolute favourite man in the whole world

it's difficult to tell when someone is genuine or ironic nowadays. people act as if sym hyde is being ironic but then i see moments where he acts genuine and still comes off like the same edgelord.

He's amazing

Good at deconstructing and satirization but his original works just fall flat to me.

sam hyde is a comedian.
it's what he does

this. wish he did more of those fl studio let's plays

he sincerely supports trump tho

(Not true btw)
Sam is in the bottom left political square.

what makes you think that?

wow what a fucking fascist. literally Hitler.

This. All of you faggots will regret your retarded behavior when the entire next generation of kids are all running around yelling hurrr im so ironicccc xD

I actually like most of his content. I didn't like his vol. II at all. I really enjoy some of his music he does in his how to's, but I learned some of those were just covers.

However, he seems to know his stuff and his casual delving into music history critically is one of the best things I have seen on yt.

>on a personal note - after years of profound disaffection with ANY kind of music genre and the resulting gap in my mental health, frank played a big part in making me enjoy music again


youtube.com/watch?v=iB-NX4BKndg (MDE tweeted this video and said it was hilarious, they also collaborated with this dude many times)
He has also made it clear that he doesn't give a shit about gender, gender roles, and masculinity. Not sure why so many people say he's alt-right. He just mocks the modern right for laughs, and alt-righters and Sup Forumstards are to autistic to understand that they are being made fun of.

>Not true btw
how far in denial are can you fucking get


>frank u hear this? Stop being a producer and be a critic already you're better at that

So...like practically ALL humor on Sup Forums?

Is this the guy that has all those videos where he's living in his parent's house and he has no job, plays video games all day etc?

If that was all an act I'm impressed, those videos were genuinely uncomfortable to watch

>third link
Holy shit I swear this guy reminds me of somebody. Parkourdude?

>sam hyde is unironic 99% of the time
>visions of sam hyde crawling over a shitty car smoking a 99cent cigar talking about its flavorful smoke and spitting on his windshield yelling HEY come to mind
ok kid