If god is all good, then he cannot be all powerful

>If god is all good, then he cannot be all powerful
>and if he is all powerful, he cannot be all good

This movie made me atheist. That's pretty deep.

But Superman isn't all powerful, so therefore, can't he be all good? This movie made no sense.

He is all powerful among men

You're either all powerful, i.e, omnipotent, or you're not, and Superman is not.

but me can just use green rocks to kill him, how is that all powerful among men

So deep that my ankles got wet

>Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?


It's an ancient argument. Typically Christians respond that the argument isn't 'necessarily' true. God could have good reason to permit the suffering in the world to bring about some greater good of which we cannot conceive.
To prove that the argument is logically true, one would also need to establish necessity.
It's also difficult to determine what a god would or would not do, given that were mere peons on this tiny marble. Would a good god permit the suffering we see? Would he banish it? I've heard it referred to as 'divine psychology'.
Interesting stuffs.

>if i stuff a movie with old questions everyone's already thought of, people will think it's deep

Next you're gonna be telling me you think a movie where they ask, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound, is deep.

It just means God is a dick for giving us the free will to commit evil.

yall need to read the bible - it says right their god is all powerful and all good

Obviously superman falls into the "all good, but not all powerful" category in this stupid movie. Fucking millennial idiots.

christian logic

to be fair, there isn't a "deep" question left to think of.

our definition of good is narrow and selfish

So there's no reason for Lex to want to kill him. Because Superman is not god, nor is he all powerful, so he CAN be all good, according to Lex's logic.

just like your dick ? you can't hear the male MCuck moan while fucking him but you can hear your balls hitting it deep coz it makes a sound.
Learn to use analogies user,don't compare apples to oranges. In this case,dicks & e-peen.

MCUck detected rambling on & on thinking it is a quip.

Really OP? That is some teenager level thinking and theology has literally centuries of thought to contest it.
I mean, if you are 13-17 and reached that yourself, it is pretty ok and you are on a good track. But if you are a grown man and just heard it in a movie and though "wow, this is so deep", you are really dumb.

Revert back to steel man where tell that to Zod's snapped neck happens. The guy who threatens to kill Lois Lane in the beginning of BvS gets super killed as it seems. So he's not all good, but he is all powerful.

>Problem of evil
are you 12?
I loved the movie but come on

Yall worse than a MCuck.
youse is a dumb cuck.
Yall saw the movie & then thought to spout that nonsense. Why not make memes while in the kinema.
Wait,yall giving handjobs to each other ?
that's deep bro


Go be a mad DCuck elsewhere.


>all good
Hahahahah!!!! The fuck? Who thinks this?

Lex had a good reason to want someone dead, but it was never Clark, at least not before Superman delivered what he asked for.

The point is that Superman is just a guy. Batman projects one thing, Lex projects another thing, all of humanity projects shit. But Superman just wants to help so he kills himself. One day he's there, one day he's gone!

The movie takes place in a 'post-Superman' era, that is so effed up in its entire concept that a post-post-Superman shift was required to reset everyones nuttiness. Everyone needed to calm down!

The "Problem of Evil" argument is as useless and childish as the "Who created God?" argument.

Yes. and at this point you have to ask yourself whether you believe Lex was asking questions he actually believed or was pulling some verbal sleight-of-hand similar to what we see him pulling in every prior scene.

>and if he is all powerful, he cannot be all good

This part isn't true. What's "good" is only a matter of opinion. Anyone could opine that any omnipotent being is all good, while any other number of people might opine that the same being is 40% good, 90% good etc.

God almost certainly still does not exist, but not because of the argument that uses this premise.

For fuck's sake, people believe Superman to be all-powerful and Lex wanted to destroy this image of his by making a monster out of him. First with the false flag at Capitol building, then by having him murder a well known superhero-vigilante. Doomsday was just an experiment that he unleashed when Batman and Superman put aside their differences and joined forces against him.
They got one thing right about this version of LL: his butthurt for Kal-El and his powers.
>Knowledge without power is paradoxical
But instead of making him a genius who wants to fight back they turned him into a crazy psycho ala Joker with no real goal other than have Superman shamed and killed.

Why would he draw up logos and have data on metahumans squirreled away on his private servers if he didn't have a use for them?

All filed under something he named the "Metahuman Initiative," by the way. I'm no corporate mogul or anything, but the word "initiative" has a distinctly governmental ring to it, at least for me. He just needed an "alien threat" to push forward with his plan. Clark as a murderous fugitive would fit the bill rather nicely.

It's sad that every 100 anons there's one user who gets it, cheers fellow patrician.

Also, LL was a crazy evil genius with hair in early incarnations.

How funny is it that the greatest films of all time can be almost unanimous on here.

And get only 1% "get" bvs. Here's a hint: its not Neon Demon, its not citizen fucking cane, its not rear view, its not anything special.

Well it's not brainless escapism, either. People keep insisting it is, though, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.

When people point it out, the excuses all come back the same:

>That wasn't made clear!
>They did a bad job of showing it!
>That's just overanalyzing!
>This is autism!

But never one solid refute. If you see a face in a partially-assembled puzzle, it's not pareidolia putting the remainder of the pieces in place.

just a stolen line from greek philosophy

[generic >not muh lex complaint]

Someone stole from the ancient Greeks?
Stop the presses.
Better arrest the ancient Romans first.

first, you have to ask yourself, what the fuck is good?
If some tribe of people kills other tribe of people(MAN,WOMEN,CHILDREN), they pillage, rape and kill=BAD?
Excessive supplies gave them oportunity to prosper and invent some shit for the benefit of whole human race.

This is how evolution of civilizations works,starving in the middle of fucking nowhere is the mother of invention.